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Subs: what are some bad habits of FemDoms?

Solace​(dom male)
9 months ago • Aug 21, 2023
Solace​(dom male) • Aug 21, 2023
Specifically to all Male subs,

It is not fair, the situation(s) you may find yourselves in. Know that you should not have to pay anyone to fulfill your desires anymore so than your lady counter parts. Especially remember you are not such a burden or challenge that this should be demanded of you, this trade for affection and paltry cure for loneliness.

As evidenced by specific lines in this thread, the world can at times be callous to the problems of men. Likely, you don't need anyone reminding you of the way things are. I implore you to ignore this, and continue carrying on. To keep trying. To recall that you, and your submission are not so cheap as to be required to pay someone to exist. It is every bit as sacred as a ladies.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I find it uniquely challenging to be a male submissive. Find your value in and through this challenge and discipline. I don't know if the world will change for you, but it might just if it is held to higher standard. I hope it does, and I hope that these irrelevant words from a stranger act as some form of encouragement.

Good luck out there, myself and others are rooting for you.
RalinSerpente​(sub male)
9 months ago • Aug 21, 2023
RalinSerpente​(sub male) • Aug 21, 2023
My Mistress has a habit of ignoring me when Her outside life becomes stressful.

While I try to stay in submission, it sucks to feel ghosted until She is wanting.
MstressWhipplash​(dom female)
8 months ago • Oct 2, 2023
Comment; "guys shouldn't pay to receive their fetish service."

In my personal view if the guy doesn't want to give his time, effort, dedication in a long term relationship but instead wants what he wants when he wants it, then yes he should pay a reputable ProDomme for her time.

To stay safe and avoid the scammer after your wallet READ ProDomme reviews of the person you have chosen. No reviews? Do not book her. Simple.

Some guys go to fetish clubs for random pick up play, but there is risks that you won't be in safe or experienced hands.

Stay safe, be risk-aware in your kink exploits.
insubordinate​(sub male)
8 months ago • Oct 3, 2023
insubordinate​(sub male) • Oct 3, 2023

I have read this thread with interest. Having had a couple of wonderful long time collars and now searching for another, it can be hard for a sub male (but who said life is easy...). Most "Dominants" that contact a male submissive all made the same demands - they don't wish to know anything about you except for the color of your money. Those are not true Dommes in my view.

When meeting a submissive for the first time, don't ask for a picture. Trust is something that is built up over time. Asking for a photo in these days of online extortion and blackmailing is not the way to start out with anyone. You would want Your sub to be honest, upfront and trustworthy - well the same thing is true of You. Like vanilla relationships, the relationship is bedrock - the kink is the delicious icing built on top. Take time to build the relationship.

Once in a collar, the hardest thing in my view is balancing submission and devotion with RT demands. Recognize that all of us have careers and other things in our life that need to be given oxygen as much as BDSM. There was a post herein of making dinner but one day the sub arrives home totally exhausted after a bad day. Anyone who cared about their companion would recognize that a bit of love and caring is called for and not to proceed to force the sub to make dinner in that situation.

Anyway these are a few of my views...

tallslenderguy​(other male)
8 months ago • Oct 3, 2023
i only have my perspective. i've experienced being a paycheck in a hetero vanilla relationship. Since accepting myself and living as a gay male, i can't count the number of times guys have wanted me to take care of them financially. i don't see it as a Dom/me trait, a gender trait, a sub trait. It seems individual to me, there are people who want to be taken care of financially. i have no problem with that if both parties want/need that. What i have a problem with is anyone who hides their true purpose.

To me, what absolutely kills any relationship is hiding and/or lying. i include "hiding" because i have experienced people who hide and then rationalize it. It is so hurtful when i find someone where we seem to get along on so many levels, then the hidden stuff inadvertently comes out. i'm not talking about the natural process of progressive self disclosure. i'm clear in all my profiles that i do not want to be sought after as someone who is going to provide for someone. Yet, in my experience that is usually a hidden agenda, and that is always rotten to find that out. i always feel tricked, lied to. i could say that about other things though too, not just money. There are things we all have that are central or foundational. It's my responsibility to communicate those things up front, but i think it's the readers responsibility to take those things at face value or at least voice any concerns or objections they may have.
Communication. Most serious people seem to understand the importance, but communication has lots of challenges. Communication with the goal of intimate connection/relationship is vulnerable business. One of the worst things i have experienced is people hiding, withholding their vulnerabilities in an intimate relationship.
8 months ago • Oct 4, 2023
Tremulous • Oct 4, 2023
Miki wrote:
@Steelover ".... Even if the dom was a steaming pile of dog shit for a man, it is not fair to "out" the prick.

Not only does it screw up his reputation, it makes it difficult for the guy to stop being a tool and try again having learned from mistakes."

I know I'm new here, and so probably don't have the right to throw in my opinion. But I disagree with this sentiment so fundamentally that I must make it known.
This is EXACTLY what should be done about anyone who significantly hurts or takes advantage of others. Social extradition is one of the most powerful forms of punishment for human beings and is totally justified. Yes you SHOULD warn others of someone's unacceptable behaviour. From my perspective it is like finding a landmine and deciding not to alert anyone because "Someone went to the effort of building it and putting it there, it would be a shame for it to go to waste."

Anyone who knowingly hurts others and is capable of understanding the consequences of their actions to themselves (let alone their victim.) Should be publicly shamed for what they have done. Lest they think that they can get away with doing it again. It is the only truly effective way of discouraging the perpetrator and any other onlookers from engaging in the same bad behaviour, in my opinion.

Sure people can change. But prevention is always better than triage.