Sir desired me to post my writing here.
Ever since i was potty trained, the mere thought of urinating on myself or (even worse) someone else urinating on me has been revolting and disgusting. Urine is human waste. There's NOTHING sexy about it! The Doms Who required that of Their submissive partners were beyond sick in my book. And, the submissive women who were actually willing to ALLOW anyone to do that them were obviously mentally deranged.
Yesterday, i spent over eight wonderful hours with Sir. i knew that He desired for me to not only pee on myself, but to do it while still fully clothed. The closer i got to the room, the more my nerves took control. i had agreed IN WRITING to step into the shower (fully clothed) and pee all over myself. Watersports is a hard limit! Why on earth did i agree to such a thing? Still, i gave Sir my word that i would perform the task as soon as i walked into the room.
Being the caring Sir that He is, He eased my nerves by kissing and fondling me upon entering into the room. He even had me remove my top to ease me into the submission. He guided me to the bathroom, and i dutifully obeyed His wishes by stepping into the tub, still wearing my pants. He demanded my urine. There was no gentle request. There was no encouragement. There was His Master controlling His slave demand. i realized i could no longer hold it as the stream began to flow. No, make that as the waterfall began to roar down my legs. i could feel my emotions begin to flow with the urine. i was so close to tears, but i didn't want to disappoint Sir.
Suddenly, i realized i was no longer peeing, but i was now squirting in my pants. The degrading, embarrassing, humiliating ordeal had caused me to orgasm! How the hell could something so very wrong cause me to orgasm to the point of squirting? i couldn't stop! my pants were completely soaked. Sir appeared to be quite pleased with the performance, and i knew i still had two more activities to endure that i was dreading. Yet, the thought of accepting Sir's urine on my tits started feeling less like a task to endure and more like a new adventure! Even being forced to keep the bathroom door open while using the toilet was easier to endure as my mind began to accept the Rules Sir is enforcing upon me and the fact that i no longer suffer with the mere thought of enduring the dreaded watersports. Now, i eagerly accept it as part of O/our dynamic and i willingly surrender the pride in lieu of the humiliation i had the privilege of displaying to Sir.