It's a pretty simple question, yet it appears to be virtually unanswerable. The initial flirting and pursuit seems to be worth it to a broad spectrum. However, once the posers, the ones who have yet to read the profile, the ones who are seeking the opposite of what I seek, once they have all be eliminated, the choices are virtually nonexistent. Still, there are choices. That is, there are choices until they get to know me. Suddenly, those choices evaporated like an ice cube on a sunny summer afternoon in the South. These same predators (which I gladly welcome) deem me incompatible. They disappear. They attempt to convince me that my views, my morals, my faith, my standards are inconsequential. Everything that makes me who I am is comedic to the point of being ridiculous to them. They emphasize the worthlessness of these aspects. Even more important, they emphasize the worthlessness of me.
I'm a people-pleaser. It's quite literally who I am. It's what helps me to be the sub, even the slave I yearn to be. Yet, these are the very traits that cause me to be undesirable, unattractive, unlovable, unwanted. Someone please help me to understand this situation. I've evolved since discovering my role in a proper dynamic. I don't want (more importantly, don't need) sexual encounters. I seek the relationship to accompany the dynamic. Within that relationship, I crave to serve my man to the best of my ability and remind him of his power over me.
So, I ask all of the Doms reading this blog, am I worth it?