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Allie's Woofs

Just me bein weird. If you wanna know whatever is going on with me, talk about and see some trans shit and get the occasional spicey post, feel free to follow.

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5 years ago. January 10, 2019 at 11:45 AM

I find that this best describes the land in which the human mind prefers to live in. 


Seeing all the descrimination, judgement and hatred out there, being given to others and that i have and do experience; i have been thinking about this recently. I was asking myself, why hate at all? What is the compulsion that causes people to tear each other down? Every concept we have is dictaded by the group. Everything such as morality, gender roles, marriage traditions, sexuality and so on. Everything we consider to be "right" "good" "wrong" and "bad" are products of societal interactions. If that is true, then why do we judge and tear down others? I believe the answer to this is 3 parts.


The first part is "because it's easy, it feels good, and it's addictive." It's easy to say "You're wearing a collar? That's weird." This is a very mild example right? But it would be too easy to use a big one. This kind of statement is the most common form of persecution today i think. Not saying it's the most dangerous, but it is the most relatable. Most of us have been on both sides of this. It's so easy to act like this, it is almost impulsive! Plus, if they don't respond, or they recieve your statement well, or if others agree with you, it all somehow feels like "winning" like you are "right"; and that feels good. Whether you actually care or not, people (including myself) will still do this, because it's easy and it feels good. Usually the high wears off quicker and quicker so people will become more and more critical and more and more extreme, seeking to replace that high. Just like any addict they will ignore the harm they are causeing to themselves and others just to get that next high, that next feeling of "being right". For a split moment of feeling significant, a second of feeling important, a moment of feeling better than someone else... pride, that same old most dangerous of vices.

The second part is that it's actually part of natural selection. Did you know that you and the entire human species are hard-wired to survive? Humans and orher animals play an /active/ part in natural selection. It is actually part of our nature to detect weakness and inferiority in the herd and attempt to eliminate it. This can be done by removing the "different" one, or by improving them. The problem comes in the interpretation of weakness and inferiority. Natural selection proves that this can change. Something that once was a /desired/ trait, can become undesireable! The opposite is also true. However, most people don't want to accept that their once proud desireability which they built their entire identity around could suddenly now be bad, so they resist. Fights break out, a fight for survival. 

The third part is humanity. We desire to be accepted, we desire to be loved. The easiest way to do that is to be in a group that all looks, acts and believes the same. For even one person to not love us, is hard for us to accept. We would rather be surrounded by a hall of mirrors than accept that someone may actually not love us. This is to varying degrees based each person's circumstances, but this is what drives us to swing from one extreme to the next in order to be accepted (im the most in support of this!) As well as trying to make everyone exaclty like us.


In essence, it is us not having control of our humanity, not understanding out nature and being too self absorbed that makes us judge others. I feel like focusing on loving others and javing the confidence to not need the approval of others is how we overcome these impulses. But these are just my thoughts in exploring what causes people to be mean, judgemental and/or hateful. Maybe understanding it will help me to be less effected and try to avoid doing it myself. Hopefully this was interesting for anyone reading :)

Thecharmedmuse​(switch female){My Wildman} - You speak a lot of wisdom. A lot of truth here. It takes a lot of work to train yourself not to judge others but that is the best way to eliminate hatred, at least on a personal level. It’s all how you say things. Take a lemon, for example. I don’t eat lemons straight. If I were to talk about a lemon judgmentally ... I might say that a lemon tastes nasty and it’s disgusting. Now... if I stick to a language that is not judgmental instead I would say that lemon is sour and I don’t want to eat it. One way brings about negative feelings... the other is very innocuous and sticks to facts. The lemon is just practice.
5 years ago
Allie Kat​(sub trans woman){DarkFox} - I really enjoyed your reply! Thank you! That was a very well put point :) i have been trying to focus on more objective and/or positive ways to express myself lately, so this really touches me :)
5 years ago
Satindragon - You are a very smart young man and this is very well written. Unfortunately the world is a cruel place. If we each do our part we can improve those who are around us in hopes that it will spread.
5 years ago
iamsubandlovefeet - I want to go out in public with my toes done but are afraid of others seeing and what would be said or I would show my painted toes 24/7
3 years ago

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