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Accessional diary of a dyslexic dom.

Any old nonsence that comes into my head.
4 years ago. September 11, 2019 at 12:07 PM

For solitary social misfits like me special accessions can take on a rather scary and perplexing quality. I can celebrate, to about the same extent, any time I want. That is to say I can; have a meal with friends, get a massage, go for a walk, sleep in, do nothing all day and so on, any time I want. However you can not unthink a thought. Once I think what should I do on (mainly birthdays and Christmas) then I am stuck with the thought. I can no longer do nothing, I would have to DO nothing. I could not just relax on the Sofer; I would have to use a great amount of energy pinning my self down to the Sofer, and would end the day exorsted from DOING nothing, and probably in a state of miserable depression.


Then, however, whatever I do will seem irrelevant. I have had 57 birthdays. What is another one more or less? On top of all that, anything I do I have to organise. I do not like organising even simple, and if I organise it badly then it will go badly and I will end up depressed again.


On top of that I have been angry with birthdays, since my late twenties, because they are responsible for making me older. At a stretch 57 can be regarded as mid 50s. 58 is nearly 60! and there is no way in which 60 can be thought of as just over middle aged!


Do I feel old? A lot of the time I forget my age, and the rest of the time I do not know how I am supposed to behave. Actually I feel too tired to write any more. I think I will call this part 1, and maybe write some more tomorrow. 

SSG{ENM-TLP} - I'm right behind you. I understand your contemplation and reflection. Just remember though that age is merely a number by which our body's age is measured. The spirit that lives within is ageless, which is why you don't feel older on the inside. The body begins to feel the impact of gravity on it. Eventually, gravity will win and our body will cease to remain, but until that day comes, let's celebrate the agelessness of our spirit. Connect spirit to spirit with someone. When we focus on connecting body to body, then we limit ourselves. We will be most fulfilled connected by spirit. The body allows us to experience physical pleasure, which is great don't get me wrong, but spiritual pleasure is eternal. I hope you find it if you don't already have it. -ssg
4 years ago
Satindragon - I am one of the oldest members of this community. I turn 66 real soon. I refuse to slow down, give up or let up. We are retired my friend not dead! There is a whole lot of life left to live. I hope you make the choice to grab your share of happiness!
4 years ago
HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - I can understand a lot of this. Not long ago I believed one side of my family had a predisposition to a medical condition(do have on other side) and didn't know just how old I'd live to be. Seriously wondered if I would even retire. I've since found out not true so still never know. I try to live life to it's fullest but prepared for years to come. I also don't act my age fuck anyone who doesn't like it.
Now for the other part, I can get so lost in my head with wonder, contemplation, worry, fear, dread I don't get anything done. Then it's well fuck look at all the time I've waisted what's the point now. And next thing you know day is over, barely eaten, nothing accomplish except making myself miserable just in my own mind. I have to force myself to get up and do things most days if I don't have work. Work gives me a place I have to be. I know you don't so maybe set yourself a strict schedule and if you adhere to it you get a reward, I know sounds silly but if it works. Hugs, always here for you.
4 years ago

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