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This one is NOT about food

*Ahem* Okay, so let's all take a deep breath and a small moment. I made this blog with the intention of making a post. Instead of creating a blog about ME, I made it with the sole intention of telling people about a small victory I achieved in an average everyday life experience.

So I'm here once again to say "Let's get this RIGHT". If you couldn't tell I enjoy food, so there will be moments where I share a mistake I made in the kitchen or a success. But that's not all I'm about.

I'm not a social media guy, I got rid of Facebook, didn't want instagram, said screw it to snapchat, refused tik tok and don't get me started on dating apps.... But I wanted to reach out and create something for myself and those around me who might gain some knowledge or better themselves from an experience I've had. (Yes, I still plan on talking about food. Just not the whole time.)

So Round 2, FIGHT!!!!
2 years ago. August 24, 2021 at 5:43 AM

Hello Cage friends, 


Lately I have found myself choosing to take time for myself. I have not been desiring bringing my walk into the public life. I have been stepping away choosing not to actively read blogs (with a few exceptions) and spend my time focused on what needs to be resolved and worked towards in my life. 


Good things abound. 


Life has radically shifted. It has been very good to understand parts of who I am and being able to share that with someone tangible in my life. Not only to be able to sit down and spend 1 on 1 time with someone who was not a part of my life for multiple years, but beyond Covid to get close to being back with those who matter in our world. 


The part that made me especially proud was being able to express my interests and ideals to someone in my family. Not only that I could explain my path and reach into the different mindsets that I have developed into my style of D/s and M/s. I could simply explain my long term goals, my Will in regards to where Im walking and how I choose to get there. 


Part of this weekend (technically apart of my vacation) really for the first time in my relationship I left my home and travelled to visit my sister to help my family build a deck for her property. We've been working for 2 days and should have it taken care of tomorrow before we head home. While I'm away I havent had the same opportunities and it has been difficult to follow through with an intention that I set with my slave. Although I have managed to keep it thus far, there has been some tough moments to exist in. Its not easy when the P/person that makes life comfortable and relaxing and better in everyway isnt really around. So its been challenging for my slave. But even this bit of distance helps foster trust and gives some freedom to creation and inspiration for O/our journey forward. I have been blessed with good fortune that I would be able to learn and grow. To create more concrete ideas of how I want to experience life, and how I want my girl to experience life. 


It is time to share the fact that W/we have concrete plans to meet in person. W/we have set a date, a time, a location, and while W/we still have months away before W/we will connect for the first time. The countdown is on, its real, it exists and one day shortly there will be a moment where I can experience a scene beyond a camera screen. 


So to those ends, I do desire to bring up the point about goals. Making short term, medium term, and long term goals. 


I have goals I try to accomplish daily. This is the simple but sometimes exhausting everyday cycle. For me that exists with attempting to keep up with my animals, my housework, being hygienic, taking care of dishes and laundry. Exercising my mind and body. Speaking with my girl and having fantastic conversations that can distort time and vanish hours without realizing it. Its about following the daily routines that matter to U/us. I have things that I have created as medium and long term goals and I set daily tasks around accomplishing those goals which have longer completion times. 


For instance, setting a goal about building strength such that I may be able to lift my girl. To those ends, setting a specific goal of achieving a free standing hand stand push up. So each day I exercise, I focus on calisthenics routines that are working towards achieving that. Its about building a mastery in the areas of my life that are important to me. Whether someone else sees value in them is kind of secondary because these are things that I am passionate about. I get excited when I try to share and explain what my understanding of these things are. But I'm still learning little by little. Which is why I've adopted the mantra of " Failure today, leads to success tomorrow". It is about the parts of who we are that take patience to grow. Its about the respect for a craft that takes time to become a Master. Its the idea that what I accomplish today will be the stepping stone for my progress tomorrow. If I dont level everything out, if the proper care isnt taken to ensure everything is square, the next step of the project becomes more difficult because you are fighting with the mistakes of yesterday. Going slowly, ensuring you do the best you can on each step, so that you are most adequately prepared for the next stage, the next rebirth, the next iteration of what needs to happen. That is the essence of what it means for me "Failure today, leads to success tomorrow". 


Now there are concrete plans to meet and I finally have a chance to plan, orchestrate, organize and form my scenes that I want to begin walking and first experience next to my girl. The question of what do I want her to experience resounds so much louder in my head because I can see a time and space and place where this will actually happen. So what items and equipment will I require? What skills should I focus on with the remaining time I have to gain competency in the areas I need to play in? What is essential information? Where should I focus my learning such that I am capable of delivering on each promise and intention Ive made to her? Where is it that I am led to show her experience beyond trauma? How will I work to move through different phases of life and turn triggers into moments that simply take silent acceptance rather than explosive reactivity? Which triggers will I focus on? How will I approach each tender and sensitive area? What methods and means will I require and how will I choose to navigate these spaces and yet create the essence of safety underlying it all? What ways can I reinforce her security? What ways will build trust? How do we take this opportunity to deepen our bond and move into a much more real and serious place? 


I dont have the answers to these questions but I'm working through them. I'm finding answers in different spaces. I'm experiencing new things and taking those lessons to heart to better understand where I may ask my slave to walk for me. The fun part is when days of working on different aspects of life suddenly collapse into a single point where it all lines up with the concept youve been developing, the experience you just received, the daily work youve been doing, and you take an already amazing concept and add a layer to help create something more intricate, more intentional and very hopefully more rewarding in both short and long term. Although its all still a work in progress and will be until the day of the scene. After that it becomes a chapter in the book of O/our experience. Next time W/we pick up that particular book we can take the next chapter which may evolve given our past experience.  Or I may choose to open a new book and develop a different narrative based on different characters to focus on a different part of the soul. But once W/we write a chapter then W/we simply learn from that experience and expand and evolve the next segment to reflect what W/we've learned and how W/we have developed O/our skillsets. Taking each story a little farther once W/we have gained essential experience to truly level up O/our understanding and execution. 


Needless to say life is good, and there is so much hope and excitement for the future. It will all take time but I'm going to do my work on who I am. I'm going to do my best everyday to work hard at what matters to me. Thats all I am capable of doing, but I will excel. I will Master all of that which I set in front of me. 


Thank you for choosing to read my words tonight, I hope that looking into my journey you find insight into your own way forward. 

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - *sqeeeeeee* I'm so happy for you both! Thank you (both) for allowing us to watch your journey together. I personally am thankful for TVS's friendship and trust. You are both such wonderful people and I can't WAIT to hear it all! 💗💗

Oh, and put bandaids on those
2 years ago
MstrJ​(switch male){~ENM~} - SBD, thank you for your time and continued support. It does mean a lot to have you rooting and cheering and getting excited about all the things. Yes W/we are both damn excited and I am very much ready (or mostly ready) to put a few of my concepts into action. Its going to be a massive step forward for both of U/us I believe.

I hope you are well and smiling daily.
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Esv, yes, I'm doing well. I give permission to Faith to answer any other questions that you may have about me in regards to my "not for public consumption" life. Maybe it'll give you something else to talk about beside your eyes that she happens to be in possession of. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
2 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - XD He does have AMAZING eyes! The pictures do Him NO justice. But there are oh soooooo many glorious things on that man, His eyes are but one ;)

Oooohhhhh heyyyyy Master of mine! Please please please can You pack the apron of awesome so I can add the stitch to the back? Plus I'd love to have it with U/us for O/our shokugeki ^_^.

*nods* will fill Him in, *nods*

Though the girl will quietly note that He is very much still ENM, ♡ and I know of a certain other dear lady who has a place in His heart, and mine as well. ^_^ no no triads or anything. She is a friend to U/us both, so long as she desires.
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - You ninny! I was talking about YOUR eyes....
2 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - HAHA! ahhhh, Yes... that He has. Yes... Yes He very much has. <3 damn I'm in deep *sweatdrop*
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - It's ok...while I know how to save someone from drowning, I think you'd hit me if I even tried! Lol!

Mermaid, mermaid, don't you cry. The waves crash over but you won't die.

Sailor, sailor, oh so true. Mermaid or siren, it doesn't matter for you.

(Yes, I DID just make that up...*bows*)
2 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - Holy shit.... that was well done! <3 <3 <3
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Let's just say that I just got back from having a touch of inspiration (no, not THAT kind....grrrr!. Incoming email).
2 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - *wraps arms around You and doesn't let go!*
"Where should I focus my learning such that I am capable of delivering on each promise and intention Ive made to her? "
^ This. Remember the flubbed request? This. This this this this this this this this this. You have no idea how much I was grinning all the way through reading this.
Now to put my own money where my mouth is, and relax into letting go.
I am beyond excited to see where things go from here in the short, mid, and long term. I'm excited to see what comes of family talks on both sides. I'm excited to see what areas of Yourself You decide to focus on. I'm excited to plan things. I'm excited to know what areas of ME and things You will direct me to work on. (Yes, I've begun working on learning golf clubs xD )
I'm excited to wrap my two arms around You, and to know what that feels like. I'm excited to see how W/we translate into reality. I'm excited to go swimming with You, and take You to Disney and Universal, I'm excited to see you sqwee just a bit at playing a round at our home course, and the Disney one. I'm excited to just *know* You. I'm also anticipating being allowed to actually exist in spaces and ways that W/we have enjoyed.
I'm hopeful for things going well with my mom and my son. I am grateful that You WANT to meet them, that You actively support my relationship with my family.
"Where is it that I am led to show her experience beyond trauma? How will I work to move through different phases of life and turn triggers into moments that simply take silent acceptance rather than explosive reactivity?" *Grins* ... You do this on such a consistent basis I really wonder if You are aware of it. I know there is so much potential space for You to decide to step into in the time we will have, which is not really possible over distance.

Thank You for the gift of time. Thank You for Your effort. Thank You for Your energy. Thank You for accepting all of me, even the hard parts. Thank You for excitement, joy, anticipation, and something to look forward to! Thank You for all the hard work You have and are doing to make this a reality.

164 days, 6 hours, 2 minutes ^_^ give or take...

~Your Faith
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - "Where is it that I am led to show her experience beyond trauma? How will I work to move through different phases of life and turn triggers into moments that simply take silent acceptance rather than explosive reactivity?" *Grins* ... You do this on such a consistent basis I really wonder if You are aware of it.

*Looks at Faith* he really has NO CLUE, does he? He has no clue as to how much you have grown because of his stable leadership and steadfast guidance. Boy! Is HE in for the shock of his life! Try not to give him a heart attack please. Trust me when I say, sneaking into a hospital afterhours dressed like a CNA isn't as easy as you might think....but let me know if you need tips! 🤣🤣

Btw, per our email discussion, I'm laying bets on "we see each other and right there, in front of the world and everybody, I drop into Nadu!"

Bring knee pads is all I'm saying!
2 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - Haha! Welllllllll I've a funny story on that one, but He might skin me alive if I told it. Someday when all is past and we actually KNOW what those first crucial moments look like, then I'll tell you about the most EPIC funny fail of communicating a mental idea into words, and decoding it into other person's mental image and how 2 dars after booking tickets for exactly 5 minutes I was a bit skeered. Lol! Short version, THANK YOU Master Arach for teaching me the most crucial question is: " what did you mean by that?" And then following it up by reiterating what *i* understood. ..... yeah, it ended in peals of laughter with Him saying: Well, YEAH that WOULD be a terrifying mental image now WOULDN'T IT!

Suffice, we both agree that subtlety and discretion are really important to U/us both. I'm southern, so I can EASILY get away with Sir in public. My mom already knows to expect it. Everything else, while W/we certainly exist in O/our dynamic in public, no one else would know. So, no, no nadu in an airport :p. But I've got my fingers crossed for some .... subtle but ffffffff yes please hand placement ^_^.

Now when W/we finally make it to Japan there are plans for some public space APPROPRIATE things. I'm also trying to convince Him to go with me to The Woodshed or another space I found.
2 years ago

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