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Thoughts and feelings of the moment or revelations I have had and want to share with others that I hope may be useful to perhaps maybe at least one other person in making their day, or at least making them smile or connect a missing dot somewhere
5 years ago. October 26, 2018 at 6:57 PM

The ground where you once found yourself to be standing was stable, concrete and flat. You now find it is round, twisting and ever changing! It is not what you had thought it was and nothing is as you once thought it was before!


My point is that life is like this ground, or supposeded box you are standing on. Society builds the box for us. Expects us to believe everything we are taught and never step outside the lines and limits that have been set. What happens to those of us who do, who find the box isn't a box but a sphere that changes and evolve around and under us as we learn there is more to the world than just what we are told by the people around us?


Life is not lineas and can change in an instant when you are least expecting it to do so. The best wat to handle this is to be open, honest with yourself and accept the changes. Don't see things in black and white, as if they can only be one way or the other. Changes can have fun and unique side effects that make your life turn out even better than it was previously.


Let things happen and enjoy the journey that comes to you. Stress comes from trying to fit into the box others think you need to fit, so stop trying to fit that box and be yourself, be happy and learn something new and different everyday you can, even if it might be frightening at first. You never know where you might end up going, learning or who you might end up meeting

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