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Posts by Miki(masochist female)
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.. I like that.. 2 week probationary period .. If during that time one or the other decides the situation won't fly they can notify the other, have a discussion , and part as adults.

I also con ...
Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:05 am • 20 Replies • 8386 Views
Yes, "needy" carries an unsavory connotation in general. "A needy baby" is one that cries a lot, cannot be set down for a minute, it seems and so-forth. This is often in the context of a mother wh ...
Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:23 am • 20 Replies • 8386 Views
Me neither. To be perfectly honest here and no diss to anyone but I'm not going to try something I know will not work for me. I have seen it described and following orders issued by KIK or whatever e ...
Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:51 pm • 20 Replies • 11063 Views
Love per se is not delusional unless one or both assume it is an unchanging feeling. From time to time I have read about nice old folks wed for more than 50 years.. Were they infatuated all that time ...
Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:48 am • 24 Replies • 10481 Views
Meh. I have my moments.. and my hard line approach probably doesn't fly many people's kites but it is upsetting to see that for some reason there are those who regard The Lifestyle as something "le ...
Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:01 am • 24 Replies • 10481 Views