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Too Soon / Concern issues

rosethorn​(sub female)
6 years ago • Aug 11, 2018
rosethorn​(sub female) • Aug 11, 2018
The phone call, if its over skype with the email, I have asked this but only as a last resort due to tech issues, it is a last option but hopefully something to work towards. Its important to take things slow, at times it can be difficult to keep a lid on it after having a chat and finding out you have similar likes I usually have no contact for a few days at this point to cool off. It doesn't sound like that even happened tho :/
BDSM DOM​(dom male)
6 years ago • Aug 11, 2018
BDSM DOM​(dom male) • Aug 11, 2018
After reading all these views / opinions I want to say ty to everyone for listening to my issue. I also want to add in some thing else. Normally when some one whose interested in me, contacts me on this site via email. My first thought is to use bond, since its On-Site. But alot of people are not paid members, so that takes the Bond option out. Seeing how they dont have private chat, i normally suggest facebook, skype or google hangouts for us to text chat. But even those arent really safe out there. The whole issue is the two thing mentioned in my initial post. In closing, I want to say ty to all again for thier comments /views
CK45​(sub female)
6 years ago • Aug 12, 2018
CK45​(sub female) • Aug 12, 2018
Thank you for the post and the reciprocate responses.
Good information !
Miki​(masochist female)
6 years ago • Aug 12, 2018
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 12, 2018
While requests for phone numbers and email addresses are red flags in and of themselves, don't forget your first concern: "Too Fast"

The individual may or may not be a scammer, but that they want to move faster than a surprise wet fart can ruin your whole day-- means they might be looking for a situation better found at a club a crunch or whatever. The hunt for flings without Strings.

I do that a lot. But I never seek such adventures online. That's what clubs are for.

Oh also, caution is indicated. Not only could these sorts be scammers.. they could be that as-yet undiscovered ax murderer.

True one can meet a bad seeds in the brick-and-mortar social scene, but the net is just all the more creepy.
6 years ago • Aug 12, 2018
bighairydaddy • Aug 12, 2018
Miki wrote: "Oh also, caution is indicated. Not only could these sorts be scammers.. they could be that as-yet undiscovered ax murderer. "

Very true and this is just as important for everyone in this community. sub/Dom/switch or whatever, it doesn't matter. Meeting or contacting outside of the site too soon doesn't give you much chance to weed out potential crazies. Another reason not to give out your phone number.
FabSeverus​(dom male)
6 years ago • Aug 12, 2018
FabSeverus​(dom male) • Aug 12, 2018
Fudbar wrote:
FabSeverus wrote:
you mention email? why did you give your email address?

He meant site email...and it's much easier and safer to create a separate email address for Kink than to risk a phone number.

If you give someone your phone number, you will show up in their 'people you may know' feed on Facebook. It's a nasty intrusive algorithm that crawls the deepest of deep web stuff.

Email commonly use an email address so maybe the op should have said private Message as it’s an inside server communication.
Miki​(masochist female)
6 years ago • Aug 13, 2018
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 13, 2018
boundngagged74 wrote:
Miki wrote: "Oh also, caution is indicated. Not only could these sorts be scammers.. they could be that as-yet undiscovered ax murderer. "

Very true and this is just as important for everyone in this community. sub/Dom/switch or whatever, it doesn't matter. Meeting or contacting outside of the site too soon doesn't give you much chance to weed out potential crazies. Another reason not to give out your phone number.

Thanks for stressing the phone number part. Any info that can lead a person of unknown intentions to your doorstep -- online-- just isn't a swell idea. I also should have added, given our choice of sexual activities, especially for subs and masochists such as myself, "getting it on" puts us in a particularly dangerous situation if the other half has dangerous, if not deadly intentions. One simply can never be "too careful".
6 years ago • Aug 13, 2018
bighairydaddy • Aug 13, 2018
No problem Miki, and another worry is that if you’re number is connected to you facebook account and you’ve allowed it to be searched, there’s a the chance of someone turning up on you virtual doorstep.
FabSeverus​(dom male)
6 years ago • Aug 13, 2018
FabSeverus​(dom male) • Aug 13, 2018
One have to be stupid to give
his number to anybody on here or other kink site
to have his number linked to facebook ??
and to think ax murder registered to kinky site? which have your ip address recorded and also your computer data login. Unless you are savvylike me and hide everything but then again I am not an ax murderer....
Miki​(masochist female)
6 years ago • Aug 14, 2018
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 14, 2018
As for IP addresses, well, ever heard of public wifi? They get the location of the library, bus terminal or shopping mall anyone uses. And while ax murderer reference was a bit of a stretch, it is only a bit of a stretch.

Kink site,. Facebook any of a variety of 'social media" sites are nowhere to be posting personal information.

One never knows who is on the other end of the line and one would be surprised how many people are stupid enough to leave a trail of email messages, cell phone data and the like as they plot and carry out their crimes.

Anyone ever heard of Philip Haynes Markoff? The "Craigslist Killer"?
He was a medical student. One would think he was way too smart to let himself get caught.

Apparently "smart"is a relative term.