SirsBabyDoll wrote:
I'mME wrote:
I am tired of you assuming you know what I am thinking, quit coming out and pointing out what I write, I know because I wrote it.
I find that and interesting statement since every comment you make includes a quote from someone else. And you are now angry because I quoted you? If you can quote someone, so can I.
I'mME wrote:
If you want to go around assuming the worst of people when in fact you do not know the person, we'll go right ahead. But I will not be sitting down and being quiet when it concerns me.
I would say that you know what you FELT and what you intended to say, however, how it READS is vastly different.
I'mME wrote:
Like your last post to ME on here.
That post was where you assumed I was kink shaming and telling someone it was wrong that they felt rejected.
This is an example of what mean. You may have INTENDED to ask a clarifying question, however, how it READ was different. There was no curiously conveyed but only ridicule and disgust. You came off angry and defensive, just as you do in this whole reply.
I'mME wrote:
See, that's what people used to do our here in the world.
This statement, how it's worded, conveys arrogance. It may not be how it was intended, but it's how it reads.
I'mME wrote:
Now people go around assuming things and then put that down.
Isn't that what YOU did when you addressed ballon? You assumed he meant one thing without any room for autocorrect, exhaustion, or hurried typing? YOU assumed the worst of his words.
I'mME wrote:
I can guarantee you and anyone else reading this, you will never get to someplace in my head before I do. I am not sure where you and/or Dom Pinnacle got the idea that I would just let people write inaccurate things about me and to me. I will not be quiet and sit down in the back. I am not intimidated in the least, it seems to be a thing out here now, doe people to just rewrite what others put down or to summarize it inaccurately.
This clearly reads you are angry. Notice I said "reads". I'm making no assumptions about what you ACTUALLY feel but even allowing for the limitations of the written word, the tone and use of words suggests that you feel attacked and feel the need to defend yourself.
I'mME wrote:
Anything else you would like to say? Perhaps you want to tell me more about me? Or so you have some descriptive terms for my post like Dom Pinnacle, that you would like to share?
This right here are words I would expect from a teenager, not an adult. They are snide and frankly, beneath your level of intelligence.
Hate me all you want because that's your right. I'm not trying to say that I'm right and your wrong. All I'm trying to point out is that when you debate about a topic, you do not seem to debate from a place of respecting the right of someone else having a different opinion. You come off as sounding arrogant, judgemental, and entitled. If that is really how you are feeling, then so be it. Other people are going to object.
If that is NOT how you mean it, then it's a good thing to receive feedback on how you are being heard so that you can adjust it to more accurately convey your intent.
For.myself, I apologize for using your quote about "for you" to imply that I was speaking solely to was a reminder, TO US ALL, that we HAVE to allow people to hold their own opinions about what it right for them. We cannot impose OUR values and will upon another but we CAN share if that opinion, value, or kink is appropriate for US and our dynamics.
No one owns BDSM so no one can really state that a kink is right or wrong, especially for someone else.[/quote]
Let's get so etching straight, I am not angry, but when and if I am I will let you know.
What you are reading is frustration at these games you want to play. I give zero fucks about how you perceive me.
Between you coming out and telling me what another person meant in their writing and me answering you , then a switch flipped in your head somewhere.
Your next post to me was completely off kilter. Those are the facts.
This question was not a debate [I don't know why you are confused]
Not that I have to explain myself to you, matter of fact I'm not.
Did I judge you? No I did not.
What Dom Pinnacle has to say was a load of horse dooky.
He doesn't know the first thing about me, we have never had a personal conversation. Neither had you and I. You are in no place to judge where I am coming from on something I write to someone else. You think you are cute?
Do you? As stated above, what you think is so far down the line of what I care about, I don't think it will come up in my lifetime.
Do me a favor and get another psych patient.
Corrections Again
You done what curious, that this is the format they use?
I find it ridiculous, reposting something someone wrote . A phrase maybe but I am not clear on whether one can italicize on this platform or not and whether one can do it from a phone.
You are entitled to your opinion. When you think you are in a position to tell me what I meant and who I am, you better be prepared to have blowback. I don't know you and you have jumped on Dom Pinnacle's wagon. I don't take shit from anybody, that includes you and Dom Pinnacle and a couple others around here who seemed to think it's their right and job to tell me about myself. Y'all have long long way to go before yall would ever be in a position, actually I don't think either one of you will ever be someone I listen to. Matter of fact I'm positive.
Once again I see from your words toh are throwing around describing me. Reread my first words.
Nobody died and left you a throne.
Yes, are you picking up on my sarcastic tone? [Rhetoric, once again]
Someone call the writing police.
There is lot more I could write , but I have other things to do.
like watch the weeds grow.
Scratch a mosquito bite.
Ps, I don't need you to correct my knowledge about kink, PE, .
I can come out and dislike a kink, it still does not mean kink shaming.
I been at this a little while, actually I been at life a long while.
You consider yourself noble, doing a good thing.
Just like Pinnacle.
I see right through y'all, I see everything.
There is nothing noble about what he had to comment to me
And there is nothing noble about your antics either.