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How To Take Care Of A Dom....

KittySunflower​(sub female)
5 years ago • Dec 17, 2018

How To Take Care Of A Dom....

I know a Dom needs to take care of his Sub/Slave/Other, but what about a Dom/Sir/Master/Daddy/Other.
Besides just "getting on your knees and obeying".. not saying that is all but what I am asking it what are ways a Dom/Sir/Daddy/Master/... seeks to or needs to be taken care of by his Sub/Slave/Other?
KittySunflower​(sub female)
5 years ago • Dec 17, 2018

Thank you. A Lot of articles and post are all about the Sub and I am sure a Dom's feelings must run as deeply as his precious gift given to him. I would like to know how everyone feels.
Fudbar​(dom male){❤️❤️❤️}
5 years ago • Dec 17, 2018
For me, simple devotion and support is key. So many think they need to 'do something' but just being you and being there makes all the difference in the world.

When the bond and connection is real and strong, just hearing their voice and feeling their presence, even online is enough to lift my spirits.

Thanks to all of you, friends and lovers that have done that for me. It's been a crazy and rough year, but I couldn't have made it this far without you. All of you. ❤
Bishop​(dom male)
5 years ago • Dec 17, 2018
Bishop​(dom male) • Dec 17, 2018
I wholeheartedly agree with @Fud on this. Hearing her voice or reading a text can do so much for me. Knowing that she puts our relationship first and will fight to protect it fulfills a lot of my needs and helps to make me feel secure and assured. It also helps when I’m having issues, that she is so willing to just be there and help me work through them...just by listening, asking questions, and not condemning. I would also have to add, for me, the honesty and openness in our communication also helps to meet my needs.
MasterBear​(other butch)
5 years ago • Dec 17, 2018
MasterBear​(other butch) • Dec 17, 2018
For me, it is about being seen as a whole person. I was talking to this very distinguished Master a few years back and her take on it was always so beautiful to me. You're serving me the whole person All of Me

So, spending time with me in bed when I am sad or unable to cope with the world.

Listening to my crazy ideas inside and outside of BDSM

Supporting me when what I do has nothing to do with BDSM. And supporting me when what I do is outside of our relationship.

Holding me accountable

Letting me see all parts of you. Not just your service parts, but your emotional parts. In all of their glory and pain.

You being a three-dimensional person, not a Mindless doer of tasks. Allows me to be a three-dimensional person and not just an instructor of tasks

Letting me support you in your endeavors outside of BDSM and outside of our relationship

Letting me fall, and not viewing me any less capable of mastery

Knowing that I will always leave my clothes in the sink. I don't know why. And loving me anyway

As I write this I think about the ways that my love shares herself with me. Ways that are complicated for her. Ways that require risk. And what can I say? I'm so so very grateful
    The most loved post in topic
KittySunflower​(sub female)
5 years ago • Dec 17, 2018
@MasterBear... Wow, what you said was beautiful and shows how we need to share so much of us and truly count on each other for everything.
What a gift to find something and someone so precious and special. What you said really touched me.
Shiro​(sub female)
5 years ago • Dec 17, 2018
Shiro​(sub female) • Dec 17, 2018
For me, it's loving him and wanting him to have the most comfortable time. Like making sure everything I can do is done so he can protect and provide for us without having to feel overwhelmed by it all. Making him feel like the alpha of my life and in control of his surroundings rubs off in other areas of his life too. It means letting him fail, and reset, because that is the nature of life and learning, and no one is perfect; because that is what he allows me to do and loves me through it all.
SirHanz​(dom male){Minx}
5 years ago • Dec 17, 2018
SirHanz​(dom male){Minx} • Dec 17, 2018
I actually prefer a sub that knows me well enough to anticipate my wants and needs.
That kind of relationship takes time to build. Many doms put up a strong front and hate to show weakness to anyone, especially someone they care about. But there are always clues. Watch, learn, find not only what he/she wants but what they need and dont know they want. For me at least sometimes it is the little things, the simple things, that often bring the most joy.