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Being a feminist and a submissive female

Fyglia Wicked​(dom female)
5 years ago • Feb 6, 2019
This is a legitimate question much like the question I get as a Domme from strong intelligent manly men who are submissive but unfortunately run across the man hating nilla cunts claiming to be Dommes in the lifestyle. Gender biased has no place in the lifestyle why fear human equality unless you are nothing more than a weak misogynist/misandry.
CallmeCJ​(switch male)
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019
CallmeCJ​(switch male) • Feb 7, 2019
Let me preface this response with this. I have the utmost respect for women as a whole. Women deserve dignity, kindness, and equal or even preferential treatment among other things, especially from men. I have studied feminist literature. You are not a feminist. Although you have been indoctrinated to identify with the definition of feminism. The definition of feminism is "equal rights for women." The etymology of the word 'feminism' sheds more truth on the word than the definition does. 'Femin'=female, 'ism' is ideology. Feminism literally is 'female ideology'. Female ideology at its core would and should be the natural ideals of the average woman. Politics in the modern era has distorted the natural ideals of women in general and has bastardized what feminism is and should be. I'll call this bastardization 'Political feminism'. Political feminism demands a hatred of men, it demands an us vs them mentality, an oppressor vs the oppressed state of being. Political feminism demands physical labor from women, over child and motherly labor when statistically a childless woman with a successful career are on average less happy than a stay at home or even working mother with a family justvover the poverty level. Ideally feminism should promote the ideals that lead most successfully to womens happiness. However modern feminism promotes the idea that abortion is necessary and essential in saving women's future and their careers even though statistically they will be happier had they ditched the career, rather than ditching the baby and possible family. The leading feminist literature from the 1950's and beyond demonstrates a vitriolic hatred towards men and demands a rebellious rather than a cooperative attitude towards each other and hetero relationships. You rightly stated, "If a man expects me on my knees because I am a female and that's all I'm good for, then fuck you. But if he was a man of respect, pride and confidence....treated me as a person in life and protected, guided and honored me......I give him permission..." This mature attitude you have demonstrates a cooperative outlook towards men and relationships whereas politicized feminism has become the polar opposite promoting a rebellious attitude towards them. Politisized Feminism attempts to shame those who do not identify as feminists by insinuating and claiming they see women as inferior and subservient to men, which I believe to be wholly false. I do not and will never identify as a feminist but that does not mean I see you as inferior beings. Marriage and relationships are essentially cooperative business endeavors and the responsibilities of these endeavors must be divided in some manner for success. It's basically impossible for one person to do all the work. Traditionally men ideally are expected to provide food, shelter, clothing, protection love and fidelity to his family and partner. Women traditionally are ideally expected to raise and nurture children, maintain the household, cook, and provide love and fidelity to her family and partner. There is nothing degrading about a woman cooking and cleaning for her man/husband, presuming the man is upholding his end of the cooperative. Successful relationships are all built on mutual submission, not mutual domination, one sided domination, or one sided submission. These models all fail. Most feminists dont truly actually believe in equal rights. In law, the word 'right' as in 'human right' has a correlative. Correlative meaning "one cannot exist without the other." The correlative of 'right', in law, is 'duty'. Every 'right' has a corresponding 'duty', in law. It used to be that the right to vote came from the duty to enter the draft and to serve in the military in times of crisis and war. If You truly believe in equal rights, you have to believe in equal duties. Women, however, were granted the right to vote but were not charged with the duty to serve in war and enter the military draft. Can you see how this creates a disparity? Women now have a vote on whether or not to enter war with no duty or responsibility to fight in that war. Some feminists and high ranking politicians are actually considering passing legislation which would mandate females be entered into a military draft. I personally find this abhorrent. Im fine with a womens right to vote. I will never support legislation demanding women entering a military draft. I kind of glossed over a certain point I wanted to make about men and womens traditional roles in relationships. If a woman stays at home while a man works to pay the mortgage, groceries, clothing, is faithful to her and all she does is give him sex while taking birth control and hanging out in or letting the living space get dirty, the woman is not doing her due diligence to the relationship. She is essentially abandoning the relationship. Same goes for a man. If a woman cooks for and cleans up after him, gives him sex, pays half the bills, perhaps even bearing him children, while he does the bear minimum and hangs out with his friends all day then now he is guilty of a form of abandonment. Forgive my rant but my overall point and belief is that modern feminism (what some call 3rd wave feminism) is the promotion of female ideology and female ideals as superior to that of mens and therefor I cant subscribe to such a belief. I believe men and womens ideals by vast majority are intertwined and go hand in hand. On a final note, except in cases of rape, it takes two consenting people (man and woman) to create a child. Politisized feminism ignores this fact of life and demands that the woman be the sole proprietor on the decision whether or not to abort the child. This example perfectly demonstrates the bias and superiority 'feminism' grants female ideals over mens ideals. In my belief abortion is wrong, but if our laws are going to allow abortion, it took two consenting people to create the fetus, than it should take the same two consenting people to destroy it. To give the woman sole discretion in this regard is to supplant the mans ideals because ideally the man has a 50% stake in hia creation. Rant over.
Kara​(sub female){Dark Roast}
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019
CallmeCJ wrote:
Politisized feminism ignores this fact of life and demands that the woman be the sole proprietor on the decision whether or not to abort the child. This example perfectly demonstrates the bias and superiority 'feminism' grants female ideals over mens ideals. In my belief abortion is wrong, but if our laws are going to allow abortion, it took two consenting people to create the fetus, than it should take the same two consenting people to destroy it. To give the woman sole discretion in this regard is to supplant the mans ideals because ideally the man has a 50% stake in hia creation. Rant over.

Creation, yes. However, only women carry the results to term. Their minds and bodies go through massive changes to allow that to happen. If something goes wrong with the delivery, the male partner isn’t the one who could die. Actually, a man could walk away from any responsibilities except court ordered visitation and minor child support. Men are entitled to do with their bodies as they choose; why shouldn’t women ?

Oh, and I pay taxes with my own money. Are you telling me that because I do not belong to the military that I should have no say in electing the officials who spend my money ?
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019
Hawkeye • Feb 7, 2019
@ Kara

The answer to your question is quite simple and also a indisputable (at least with common sense and logic) one.

It’s not the woman’s body that is in question. It is the body of a child. Abortion is murder. No ifs ands or buts about it.

That doesn’t mean that it’s not a wise thing to do say if the mothers life is in jeopardy but it doesn’t change what it is. And every honest doctor will tell you that in the third trimester ( thanks to medical advancements)there is no medical reason the baby can not be delivered without danger to the mother. As to the walking away part. Women do it every day the same as men.
the elf
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019
the elf • Feb 7, 2019
I have never seen any woman who could "walk away" from her pregnancy without serious consequences Hawkeye. While I have seen many men escaping from the responsibility of a child.

If men could be pregnant abortion pills were available at every corner. For free.
curiouskittyy​(sub female){GentlemanX}
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019

I think Kara was saying that it’s the woman who carries and delivers the baby and thus the decision is hers to make. Yes, it takes a man and a woman to create a child and both equally can walk away once the child is born. However, the man is able to walk away before the child even comes into the word. Whilst the woman still has to go through significant changes to her body and then a painful delivery. I personally don’t think you can even compare and I doubt the views would be the same if a man wanted the woman to abort a child (if the woman wanted to keep it). In fact, if that were the case, no one would be arguing that a man had a say. It’s the women’s choice simply because it’s her body.

As for referring to abortion as murder? I think you should be careful with using that term as it is actually rather offensive to many. It’s a very sensitive topic and there are always going to be very strong opinions. But technically a fetus is not a fully developed human being and so it’s killing is not murder. This doesn’t mean I agree with it. I’m simply stating facts here.

As for no medical reasons that a mother could be in danger giving birth? I think you are a bit naive here if you think that. There are several conditions that can lead to a life threatening emergency for women during or shortly after childbirth. Some of these conditions can be diagnosed during pregnancy, for example, pre-eclampsia (a blood pressure problem) or some problems with the placenta. Yes, they are more rare now (I think affecting 1 in 100 women). But they still exist.

Edited: Anyway, this topic was about feminism - not abortion. If you have other views regarding a different topic then maybe you should start a new thread.
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019
Hawkeye • Feb 7, 2019
I have never seen any man walk away from pregnancy either. They walk away from their child. Playing semantics won’t help your position.

Also I don’t know what country your in but in the United States birth control is available and free of charge.
the elf
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019
the elf • Feb 7, 2019
I can assure you that birth control is an expensive thing. The world is not your country. The fetus is not a 100% human being.
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019
Hawkeye • Feb 7, 2019
Sorry ck but your the one with no facts. You are using your opinions. I’m glad you find the term murder offensive. It should be. Abortion is murder and the whole world should be offended by it.

As for the changes to women’s bodies does that mean if women never have children their body will not change? Obesity will disappear? No more wrinkles? Or whatever else you wish to try and blame on someone else?
curiouskittyy​(sub female){GentlemanX}
5 years ago • Feb 7, 2019
You’ve never known a man walk away from a pregnant woman?

This is a paragraph I copied form national fatherhood initiative.

“There is a father absence crisis in America.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Consequently, there is a father factor in nearly all social ills facing America today”

I’m from England and yes, birth control is free here too. But accidents happen .. also rape.

Also it’s not listed as murder because scientificly that is the case and how it has been justified. I haven’t given my personal opinion on the subject and don’t wish too.

Last edited by * on Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total