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Kinky Christian?

Daddyjohn1​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jun 24, 2019
Daddyjohn1​(dom male) • Jun 24, 2019
I am a Christian.
In the case of m/f Dom/sub relationships, within marriage, I think it is 100% Biblical. In fact, I am convinced that D/s principles of submission & leadership and consensual submissive sex is the ultimate interpretation of the descriptions of marriage.
"Wives, your bodies belong not to you, but to your husband."
"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church."
I think this is TOTALLY D/s in it's nature!
BrunettePrincess​(sub female)
4 years ago • Jun 24, 2019
I’m. Christian and I would hope my God wouldn’t judge me for being with who I love (whether male or female). Not everything in the good book is meant to be taken literally. In my opinion (meaning it may help you or it may not) U see my religion in a way where it lifts me up and gives me hope, safety, someone to talk to. It does not nor would my God ever tear me down for loving someone or giving myself in a way I choose to express that love (whatever that kink is).

I’m sure you’re a good person and have good intentions. If you are then you’re God can see that.
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 29, 2020
If the personal relationship comes first, with love, respect, and the fruits of the spirit are there there is no issue. If it is jsut about band-aids for issues, something needs to change.

When it comes to the "man shall rule over the woman" that is more a sarcastic groan, since Adam had just failed to rule over himself, and was blaming everyone, but himself. I see that frequently used as justification, with out noting what had just happen, Adam, falling flat on his face in failure, (sin can translate as failure in English, the original word meant to miss the mark in a contest, and contests can have both accidental and deliberate mistakes). Woman do take the lead more than once in the Bible, Deborah was a Judge, the leader of Israel. You are supposed to follow divine wisdom's lead, and listen to her, also defined as female. There is neither male nor female in haven making it an in eternity a none issue.

Safe, sane, and consensual. This first two are a bit hard to tack down. I think many could learn from that phrase. I have read of church doctrine, that totally violated consensual. He is a God of boundaries, it says he set the limits of the sea. You are supposed to explore and probe boundaries, and find what you can and can not break, and learn to tell the difference, this difference between improving your mile run time, and stealing from someone.

Remember this is a book where God hangs out with everyone. Jesus' blood line had prostitutes, murders, and many other criminals back there, all loved.

Circumcise your hearts, to remove what it not needed. Sometimes we do harm ourselves for our own good. Having a cancer tumor removed, removing gallbladders, removing the appendix that is infected, hip replacements, all do harm, but the end goal is healing.

Some are natural followers and some leaders, just the way things are. Not biblical, but yin and yang can represent this, both the aggressive and relaxed, not a an Eastern culture expert this is a rather rough summery at best, and their need to be balanced.

I have listed examples, by no means are these exhaustive lists.

We each have our own callings, personalities, and needs, it is just the way it is. God love all of us just the same.

Many just need that physical reinforcement, like bondage, to feel safe and know they are not going to be let go of, to be pardon the pun, tied to the other person. Or pain to feel the other person is there.

At least there are a few thoughts on it.
Erick​(sub male)
4 years ago • Jan 29, 2020
Erick​(sub male) • Jan 29, 2020
This is one of the most interesting questions--to me, anyway--that I've seen on here.

I've never been religious, but that's mostly because I've never been social enough to be a "joiner" of anything.

But I'm not an atheist. And I admire Christians and other religious people for understanding that the big questions about consciousness and conscience and existence, etc. etc. are very important and should not be ignored by anyone.

And secretly, I have always thought that Christian women are the sexiest women alive.

But the problem in my case is that I want the lady in my life to privately spank me when I'm a bad boy, and lock up my penis, and make me stand in the corner, and then kiss her feet and thank her for punishing me, etc. etc. etc.

And although I've heard plenty of Christians over the years talk about the hermeneutical justifications for male dom / female sub Christian relationships, I never hear about the F/m kind. Just look at the other answers on this thread, and you will see what I mean.

And I think FEM-DOM Christianity is the crux of this issue. I wish there were more people here addressing that part of it. Because if I could find a Christian lady who would take charge in the bedroom and keep me on a tight rein, I would be so smitten that she might even get me to attend CHURCH with her.
Dunimos​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 2, 2020
Dunimos​(dom male) • Feb 2, 2020
I learned early in my college experience that there are many kinky Christian's. In fact, my first full out kinky experiences occurred with a group of Christian women in a bible college where I also studied theology... long story, I'm wierd that way.

I dont view it as a conflict with religion or christianity. From a Christian perspective, God created all things including natural impulses and a desire to submit or to dominate are natural laws we should understand and follow. Certainly we should carefully mind these activities but to say bdsm is evil or bad does not line up.

But I have very different views on the scripture and many would consider me a heretic or apostate so... there's that.
JD Dom​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 3, 2020

Kinky Minister

JD Dom​(dom male) • Feb 3, 2020
I am an ordained Christian Minister, missionary and Bible teacher. I didn't receive my ordination from some on-line, anyone-can-be-a-licensed-minister-just send $50 kind of deal. I received mine by studying the Bible with some amazing teachers and scholars for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for 2 1/2 years. The Bible is Totally Silent on anything kink related. The Bible is silent on the subject of polygamy and believe it or not, slavery (real slavery) is not a sin. There are rules that God gives regarding the treatment of slaves, but the practice isn't forbidden.
I'm tired so don't feel like writing extensively right now, but I can assure you... 99% of our sexual guilt and hang-ups come from a puritanical, church-mandated idea of what is a sin or not. I'm not about church, I'm about the Bible. And the Bible does NOT address many of the things we assume it does.
Srbearcat​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 3, 2020
Srbearcat​(dom male) • Feb 3, 2020
I am as well. There are inconsistancies with christianity and bdsm and many correlations.

Good not to be alone in this.

My belief is the right mate with similiar beliefs corrects this incongruity.
space force​(sub male)
4 years ago • Feb 8, 2020
space force​(sub male) • Feb 8, 2020
I too am a Christian and am caught in the web of bdsm>cbt>ct (Cock torture. I have been in out of it for many many years. I leave for awhile but am always lead back by my incredible need to torture my penis!
But, I incredibly miss a dominant female having a go on abusing my penis as I love it much more! My sensations are greater. I now use home types of devices like milking myself via a strong suction vacuum cleaner, use the very fast moving blades of an electric fan without out the protective screen of course. The continued abrasions are great and hurt at the same time. 2. I go into the bathroom, take the shower head off sit down in the tub on a short stool and grab the shower hose, turn the hot water till it's hottest and aim it straight at the head of my cock. It's a good pain! It's not scalding hot though! 3. I love pouring Hot wax over all my cock!
Problem is again, I need a woman touch and control to torture my needing penis, SSC of course!
That is it for now. I would love to hear your comments.
Sir Richard​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 8, 2020
Sir Richard​(dom male) • Feb 8, 2020
I too am a Christian and at first I struggled with my desires, but I came to believe that as long as we are consenting adults, we are submitting to each other and bringing pleasure to each other in a committed relationship. I was submissive when younger but have become much more dominant as I have matured and now I identify as a Dom and as a Christian. I do not believe this lifestyle is in opposition to the Bible.