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Would you ever tell them?

4 years ago • Oct 26, 2019

Would you ever tell them?

justwatching • Oct 26, 2019
Would you/have you ever told your family, close friends, etc about the D/s lifestyle that you live? Why or why not?
Is it a “secret” to you that you wouldn’t want to share?
4 years ago • Oct 26, 2019
ThirtyFourPointFive • Oct 26, 2019
My Niece and I talk about it. She is a Domme (Sp?) but no others in the family or friend circles are aware or would understand.
Manda Panda​(sub female)
4 years ago • Oct 26, 2019
Manda Panda​(sub female) • Oct 26, 2019
I told my sister and she was like "duh". 😂
I told my niece. They both are very accepting of it. My oldest daughter knows I'm a middle. She is a little herself, though not sexually. She uses it as a coping mechanism for her anxiety and depression. ❤️
TheLittlePrincess​(sub female){SSG}
4 years ago • Oct 26, 2019
My close friends all know I'm a sub and know of my Domme but they don't know details. My sister was just recently told about it. Nobody seemed to care. They were all just like well whatever makes you happy. Only four people know that I am a little, and that includes my Domme. I can more easily talk about being a sub than a little, but I don't tell any of them the things that I do. For me, I don't want them to look at me differently, although my friends probably wouldn't, but also that's personal between me and my Domme.
4 years ago • Oct 27, 2019
rickeyboy • Oct 27, 2019
I never told my family, saw no reason to. But if they ever asked I'd tell them.
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni}
4 years ago • Oct 27, 2019
My family definitely doesn't know. First of all, we don't talk about s-e-x, lol. Secondly, I think they'd have an issue with me being submissive. I wasn't raised to be what they believe a submissive woman to be (the stereotypical "doormat") so I think they'd be disappointed that I'm not a dominant, lol. They've met partners with whom I was in a D/s relationship, but they didn't need to know that. We just practiced discrete protocols.

A couple of my best friends do know about all this and my relationships. Outside of those close friendships I'm pretty closeted. My career requires some discretion, so if I don't know you well I don't share.