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The difference between a blog and a forum

L a r s​(dom male)
2 years ago • Apr 25, 2021
L a r s​(dom male) • Apr 25, 2021
Forums are open discussions on topics, while blogs are more of a snapshot if a particular member.
For instance, a forum post is usually going to be more open ended, and discussion oriented. Blig may be more focused on someone sharing their perspective and experience (often in a more stylized way.)

Many, many blog posts could be forum posts, and vice versa. I believe that the biggest difference is the mindset of the poster, and what they hope to get.
Personally, my blog could arguably all be better suited as forum posts inviting discussion, but I don't like making it feel so...detached. My blog will always feel like mine. A forum post is less personal.
2 years ago • Apr 25, 2021
Miki • Apr 25, 2021
Not sure about now, and how such things evolved but originally (as in where they got the name from initially); a blog was one person, the blogger, rattling on an on about various topics of interest and followers with like interests would read them.

For those with a lot of time on their hands a brief (all things being relative) history of blogs is at the other end of this link, but essentially they started in the 1990s as personal journals, then the word "weblog" was introduced in '98, then shortened to "blog" was coined in '99. Shortened for convenience, less wear and tear upon keyboards and fewer digital trees "cut down" for electronic paper.


A forum to me is an interchange started by an "O. P.", but contributed to and pretty much shaped by the various people who comment on it, often with little or no input from the O. P. except to thank contributors for their cumalative 2 cents, or to set a straying thread back on topic.


Yeah slow day for me too, that I reply to topics such as this.
2 years ago • Apr 26, 2021
Bunnie • Apr 26, 2021
I see a blog as your own personal space to share thoughts, expression, experiences, opinions, beliefs... and a forum as a public space for discussion of specific topics.
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TheAnt​(dom male)
2 years ago • Apr 26, 2021
TheAnt​(dom male) • Apr 26, 2021
A public forum is a place to have an open discussion about a concern or to seek clarification on something the original poster may have. While there could be an opinion by the original poster expressed in the forum topic, there are no restrictions in place as to who may comment or add to the forum post.
A blog, however is an owned thought or expression of the original poster. It is usually a formed statement of opinion or an expression of a feeling by its poster.
Since the blog poster owns his or her expression of idea or feeling, there are tools available for the poster of a blog which include the ability to block some users from posting comments as well as the ability to hide or delete their blog at will. Comments made on the blog can be freely deleted by the owner of the blog post as well.
SageFlame​(sub female)
2 years ago • Apr 27, 2021
SageFlame​(sub female) • Apr 27, 2021
Forum - starting a topic of discussion or asking a question to invite a wide audience to join in. Offers broad traffic. More chances for critical feedback.

Blog - your private space you make your own. You can put personal touches into the creation. Often a more narrow audience with greater intimacy to forge friendships. Less chance of critical responses. Additionally, a place one can develop their voice in writing.
FullCanadian​(switch male){MissB}
2 years ago • Apr 27, 2021
DaddyAnt wrote:
there are tools available for the poster of a blog which include the ability to block some users from posting comments as well as the ability to hide or delete their blog at will. Comments made on the blog can be freely deleted by the owner of the blog post as well.

Good point. You've made a wonderful argument for not taking any discussions or blogs seriously. If one holds general opinions but uses blogging to express them, it's very easy to silence any and all critical thought or debate while pretending to maintain an open mind.

In short, blogging is where some people go when they don't want their thoughts or opinions discussed or challenged in an open forum post they can't tightly control.
Slpnot​(switch male){Haven't be}
2 years ago • Apr 27, 2021
I want to thank everybody that has given me the information that I need .
I appreciate the cage the administration and all the members thank you . Believe it or not the cage has given me the reason to live . I know that sounds kind of deep but true. Words cannot express the gratitude I have . thanks to everybody