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What's your dynamic

Heero​(dom male)
5 months ago • Aug 22, 2024
Heero​(dom male) • Aug 22, 2024
intenseoldman wrote:
LMFAO.... okay, you asked for it icon_smile.gif
And I'm glad I did.

This does add more dimension to the discussion.

But yeah, I like this thread, because it did give me an epiphany of sorts. Like I've never articulated to myself that I'm in a "24/7 dynamic", but my gut clearly feels that I am. And back when I was a little heero, such a thing seemed so far away, if possible at all. Yet, here we are.

Don't give up on your dreams, kidz. You never know how life will turn out.
Steellover​(sub male)
5 months ago • Aug 22, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • Aug 22, 2024
My "Dream domme" relationship would mix romance with kink, and intimacy with total power exchange. It would, in many cases be like a vanilla romantic relationship. We would be best friends, share laughter, go out and have fun or stay in and cuddle on the couch under a blanket and watch movies, go out on moonlit walks, snuggle in bed, and so on.

But in many cases it would be quite different- it would be a female led relationship, so of course I would always defer to her ideas. It wouldn't necessarily be strict protocal 24/7 but when we are together in private, she definitely lets me know whose boss. To place myself in a compromising position with a woman who is my best friend and romantic partner is, to me, far more powerful and intimate than any vanilla sex play could ever be. There would be physical corporal punishment (for times I inadvertently displeased her), chastity play, and yes, plenty of kink at work. It could still be an "Open" relationship, in that She would be able to take on as many lovers as She needs to satisfy whatever physical desires She may have. But of course I would be loyal, monogomous and faithful to her- because what we would have, our connection, would be far deeper, more intimate and powerful than any quick sexual fling.

I would complete her, She would complete me. Best friends, companions, and lovers. That is my dream relationship. And if She wants to be my superior, my dominant, my BDSM goddess, then so much the better. And for those who have found that, cherish it. You don't know how precious it is until you don't have it.
    The most loved post in topic
intenseoldman​(dom male)
5 months ago • Aug 23, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Aug 23, 2024
Steellover wrote:

I would complete her, She would complete me. Best friends, companions, and lovers. That is my dream relationship.

I think that's the ideal I've been looking for all of my life, but I've realized, lately, is all around me. I have some very intimate friendships. My roommate and I are closer than anyone I've ever been with, and we wouldn't be if our relationship weren't asexual. I just don't feel bad anymore or pine for "that" because I actually do have "that", it's just not in one person, and I'm willing to take what the Universe offers.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
5 months ago • Aug 23, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Aug 23, 2024
Steellover wrote:
My "Dream domme" relationship would mix romance with kink, and intimacy with total power exchange. It would, in many cases be like a vanilla romantic relationship. We would be best friends, share laughter, go out and have fun or stay in and cuddle on the couch under a blanket and watch movies, go out on moonlit walks, snuggle in bed, and so on.

But in many cases it would be quite different- it would be a female led relationship, so of course I would always defer to her ideas. It wouldn't necessarily be strict protocal 24/7 but when we are together in private, she definitely lets me know whose boss. To place myself in a compromising position with a woman who is my best friend and romantic partner is, to me, far more powerful and intimate than any vanilla sex play could ever be. There would be physical corporal punishment (for times I inadvertently displeased her), chastity play, and yes, plenty of kink at work. It could still be an "Open" relationship, in that She would be able to take on as many lovers as She needs to satisfy whatever physical desires She may have. But of course I would be loyal, monogomous and faithful to her- because what we would have, our connection, would be far deeper, more intimate and powerful than any quick sexual fling.

I would complete her, She would complete me. Best friends, companions, and lovers. That is my dream relationship. And if She wants to be my superior, my dominant, my BDSM goddess, then so much the better. And for those who have found that, cherish it. You don't know how precious it is until you don't have it.

How beautifully expressed ❤️❤️❤️ X
Heero​(dom male)
5 months ago • Aug 23, 2024
Heero​(dom male) • Aug 23, 2024
Sincorrigible wrote:
Steellover wrote:
My "Dream domme" relationship would mix romance with kink, and intimacy with total power exchange. It would, in many cases be like a vanilla romantic relationship. We would be best friends, share laughter, go out and have fun or stay in and cuddle on the couch under a blanket and watch movies, go out on moonlit walks, snuggle in bed, and so on.

But in many cases it would be quite different- it would be a female led relationship, so of course I would always defer to her ideas. It wouldn't necessarily be strict protocal 24/7 but when we are together in private, she definitely lets me know whose boss. To place myself in a compromising position with a woman who is my best friend and romantic partner is, to me, far more powerful and intimate than any vanilla sex play could ever be. There would be physical corporal punishment (for times I inadvertently displeased her), chastity play, and yes, plenty of kink at work. It could still be an "Open" relationship, in that She would be able to take on as many lovers as She needs to satisfy whatever physical desires She may have. But of course I would be loyal, monogomous and faithful to her- because what we would have, our connection, would be far deeper, more intimate and powerful than any quick sexual fling.

I would complete her, She would complete me. Best friends, companions, and lovers. That is my dream relationship. And if She wants to be my superior, my dominant, my BDSM goddess, then so much the better. And for those who have found that, cherish it. You don't know how precious it is until you don't have it.

How beautifully expressed ❤️❤️❤️ X
Agreed. Beautifully articulated.
intenseoldman​(dom male)
5 months ago • Aug 23, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Aug 23, 2024
Heero wrote:
Sincorrigible wrote:
Steellover wrote:
My "Dream domme" relationship would mix romance with kink, and intimacy with total power exchange. It would, in many cases be like a vanilla romantic relationship. We would be best friends, share laughter, go out and have fun or stay in and cuddle on the couch under a blanket and watch movies, go out on moonlit walks, snuggle in bed, and so on.

But in many cases it would be quite different- it would be a female led relationship, so of course I would always defer to her ideas. It wouldn't necessarily be strict protocal 24/7 but when we are together in private, she definitely lets me know whose boss. To place myself in a compromising position with a woman who is my best friend and romantic partner is, to me, far more powerful and intimate than any vanilla sex play could ever be. There would be physical corporal punishment (for times I inadvertently displeased her), chastity play, and yes, plenty of kink at work. It could still be an "Open" relationship, in that She would be able to take on as many lovers as She needs to satisfy whatever physical desires She may have. But of course I would be loyal, monogomous and faithful to her- because what we would have, our connection, would be far deeper, more intimate and powerful than any quick sexual fling.

I would complete her, She would complete me. Best friends, companions, and lovers. That is my dream relationship. And if She wants to be my superior, my dominant, my BDSM goddess, then so much the better. And for those who have found that, cherish it. You don't know how precious it is until you don't have it.

How beautifully expressed ❤️❤️❤️ X
Agreed. Beautifully articulated.
Make that three who agree. I neglected to mention that in my reply, but, yeah... it's eloquent and beautiful, SL.
ABob​(dom male)Verified Account
ABob​(dom male)Verified Account
5 months ago • Sep 1, 2024
ABob​(dom male)Verified Account • Sep 1, 2024
We found each other first, got married and discovered BDSM, at first quite tame tying-to-the-bed stuff but moving beyond over the years to DD/BG D/s, with punishment, tasks, service. Originally the idea was 'just in the bedroom' but it creeps out and pervades other areas, except professional lives. Difficult to meet others in our community but actively looking for a third mff hopefully for something more fulfilling than a one night stand, butt hat would also be on the cards.

We.dont know where it's going, but it's going.
Six Foot Four
5 months ago • Sep 3, 2024
Six Foot Four • Sep 3, 2024
I had...something a lot like what Steellover beautifully described. Different flavor of course, but we chose to co-mingle all aspects of our lives, starting off as Master and slave and eventually becoming confidants and best friends and falling in love. In roughly that order, for me. If you were to ask her, she'd probably say...friends first, second entering into a M/s relationship, then falling in love, then confidants and best friends.

To me 24/7 refers to the nature of the relationship, not the quantity of time you spend together. Wherever she goes, whatever she's doing, she's my slave. Wherever I go, whatever I'm doing, I'm her Master. Life happens. Being physically together 24/7 would...require a certain amount of wealth and lack of other responsibilities for both parties. I don't actually know if I could do an in-person 24/7 thing. I have an urge to be pedantic about this, so I would point out that if you're out in a public space and she goes to the bathroom while you wait or you go to the men's and she goes to the ladies,' then you're not physically together 24/7.

We were a 24/7 TPE M/s relationship, which due to her health has morphed into an immensely unfulfilling caregiver/sick girl situation. Nobody's happy with this.

I've always been monogamous, though given my situation right now, I can see the appeal of the poly lifestyle. I don't think I'd go for it, but having a diversified relationship portfolio does make some sense to me in this moment.

IOM, I'm also quite glad Heero prompted you to share the omitted portion which was the last comment on page one, because the relationship that's lasted me most of my adult life was as you described as your first sub. There wasn't any interruption or deception; we both were who we were and things just...flowed.

Grats on your ephiphany Heero, and welcome to the 24/7 club! icon_razz.gif
bdsamworld​(sub female)​{collared}
5 months ago • Sep 8, 2024
I've had some interesting variety in my previous dynamics. Most have been as close as possible to 24/7 TPE as we could get. I enjoy handing over as much control as my partner wishes to take, but it has to be built gradually especially the trust that goes behind it. Majority of my dynamics have been online/long-distance. I think because 24/7 doesn't always mean exactly 24/7, it could be 24 hours for 3 or 4 days or maybe you're working and naturally can't respond for 8 hours. So it's really 16/5 and 24/2. Every dynamic looks differently because everyone has different needs, wants, desires, hopes, and dreams. Not to mention all the curveballs life can throw, good and bad ones.

I try to look for dynamics that we can both learn and grow together. I haven't been successful as much in the past, but even the bad ones have taught me so much. I'm still a work in progress.