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Consensual Blackmail

TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
5 months ago • Sep 4, 2024

Consensual Blackmail

TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Sep 4, 2024
So here is a question for you all this morning:

Does such a thing as Consensual Blackmail play exist?

Is it really possible to be blackmailed into a situation when you give your ok to engage in such play? How do you feel about it?

Have you ever done such play, and if so, how did it work for you and the other(s) involved?

    The most loved post in topic
CruelPuppetMaster​(dom male)
5 months ago • Sep 4, 2024
"Does such a thing as Consensual Blackmail play exist? "

Of course. It's a great way to establish a sexual D/s tone or mindset, especially if the way you like to play is for the sub to resist initially, but eventually give in to coercion. No whips or chains required, no marks left on the sub, and think about what it can do to amp up humiliation in your play.

SexPuppet and I have a long running blackmail roleplay that has evolved over time. She is Miss Cox, a woman out on parole whose fate is in the hands of her unscrupulous and perverted parole officer, me. 8^) In this role, she is not respectful and subservient and eager to please: she is angry and resentful and resists any demands. She gets to act out, tell me no, call me names, fight back: her resistance is ultimately useless, so every time I get the pleasure of "conquering" her.

As SexPuppet, she is never humiliated to have her Master touch her, but it's quite different when PO Pervert tells Miss Cox he is going to perform a body cavity search...

Mistress Kassandra​(dom female)
5 months ago • Sep 5, 2024
I believe you are specifically referring to monetary blackmail rather than the type described by CruelPupetMaster which would apply to any power exchange roleplay from a simple boss/worker roleplay to officer/suspect (or in CPMs case parolee) to Nazi/concentration camp inmate and planty of other roleplays.

While I have not personally done consensual monetary blackmail, I am occasionally offered the opportunity to do so as I do not Domme professionally. The two pro Dommes that got me interested in this lifestyle have done that and it does work in the context of a pro Domme/money slave dynamic (which is a TOS violation here and I am NOT promoting to be clear). I don't see how that would be workable in a non pro situation.
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
5 months ago • Sep 5, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Sep 5, 2024
Mistress Kassandra wrote:
I believe you are specifically referring to monetary blackmail

oh hell no.

The main concept is sexual favors and or services rendered.
Knightsundere​(sub male)
5 months ago • Sep 5, 2024
Knightsundere​(sub male) • Sep 5, 2024
Yeah, totally. I've got plans for setting it up in tandem with hypnosis so one could provide the blackmail information, then be forced to forget having done so, then blackmailed with that information. Haven't had anyone to try it out with yet, that's not something you offer up as an option until after a couple years in my opinion, but it's in the itinerary.
5 months ago • Sep 8, 2024

Re: Consensual Blackmail

I'mME • Sep 8, 2024
TopekaDom wrote:
So here is a question for you all this morning:

Does such a thing as Consensual Blackmail play exist?

Is it really possible to be blackmailed into a situation when you give your ok to engage in such play? How do you feel about it?

Have you ever done such play, and if so, how did it work for you and the other(s) involved?


By blackmail, do you mean like being presented a choice of a or b and sub likes neither one?

Or like a Dom will only quit an activity such as forced orgasms if the sub agrees to ?

Is that what you're talking about, Topeka?
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
5 months ago • Sep 8, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Sep 8, 2024
Let's take a look at what the definition of what Blackmail is:


Involves threatening to reveal embarrassing, damaging, or incriminating information about someone unless they comply with a demand.

Now within the lifestyle, it can be used as role playing, such as it has been stated in above posts. I view it as a form of CNC, much like rape play. Here the demand would be something as service or sexual favors of a certain kind.

For this kind of blackmail to work, it would have to be something the s type may or may not like.
CruelPuppetMaster​(dom male)
5 months ago • Sep 8, 2024
"a form of CNC, much like rape play"

Exactly: the appeal is the sub *resists* instead of submits. An order is not greeted with "Yes, Master," and enthusiastic compliance, but with angry refusal, with arguing, with pleading. She is "forced," not physically, but verbally and mentally: she is dominated, coerced into obedience. Even after she "breaks" and performs whatever sexual service you are demanding, her attitude continues: the more she shows how much she doesn't like it, how she is being forced against her will, the greater the Dom rush for me.

SexPuppet has fun playing Miss Cox, also. She is very smart and quick witted and she enjoys the verbal and mental clash and altercation. She enjoys putting up an angry resistance, and giving her Master the thrill of overcoming it.

And she positively relishes the chance to say all sorts of mean and nasty things to me and get away with it, lol.

5 months ago • Sep 9, 2024
I'mME • Sep 9, 2024
TopekaDom wrote:
Let's take a look at what the definition of what Blackmail is:


Involves threatening to reveal embarrassing, damaging, or incriminating information about someone unless they comply with a demand.

Now within the lifestyle, it can be used as role playing, such as it has been stated in above posts. I view it as a form of CNC, much like rape play. Here the demand would be something as service or sexual favors of a certain kind.

For this kind of blackmail to work, it would have to be something the s type may or may not like.

GM Topeka,
Gotcha. Are you/the blackmailer going to follow through? I mean the sub would know somewhere inside their head that the blackmailer would not ?

(I'm assuming an established dynamic, but of course that's not set in stone. I'd view this as upper level edge play.)

Now my head swirly.