“Perfectly content” nope. I am usually 90% discontented 😂 Until we are living together I won’t be. It’s the strain of being in a long distance relationship for almost 3 years. My patience is worn thin.
As said often: "It's strictly up to the "master" and the "slave" in such a scenario.
There's no Official Rule Book that dictates a list of "Officially Sanctioned Do's and Don'ts" for M/s relationships, Rather, each individual situation is like a blob of clay or a blank canvas: To be crafted by the couple involved.
As for the blog dudes: Giving advice is cool, if they remember to keep comments in the spirit of Ideas and Suggesions, not going one cheek off the Porcelain Throne and talking out of their asses...
...And as always, , it's the job of the reader to keep what he or she needs and leave the rest... Kind of like the "Salad Bar of Life".
Personally, as many might already know, I never, ever, did dynamics. But if I weren't such a hard headed Independent type as well as an unapologetic smart ass and unrepentant Brat, the role I would immediately choose would be as a sex slave, an object, with a duty to give pleasure to an owner and "his designees". (but don't ask me to cook. I know how to drool into pots and pans) ----- so unfortunately I ain't cut out for that shit.
But I can fantasize and wear out my toys instead, so there's that.
Slave is in the heart of the submissive that desires it. It is up to the Dom, the Master to seek to satisfy the slaves desires and longings. To me, it is always a partnership. It only works if both parties are working together for the same goal, the same good.
You can both be very, very good, honest people and care for each other, support each other, and love each other, but if your goals are not the same in the relationship, it's probably not gonna last or work.
it only works when both people are desiring the same thing I have never desired a pure sexual object ... that's part of what I enjoy, but what gives me the most pleasure is to fulfill the other person's desires, and needs
I don't know if this helps. These are just random thoughts, but I do love the topic and I have always admired your profile page even though I have not always reached out to say so. God richest Blessings to you, my friend
Here is another thought for you. I know that you are very committed Christian and Well read. I like to think of myself that way as well, but God knows our hearts. We as free people are to be slaves to Jesus. Jesus is our master. He loves us and cares for us and treats us so well, even though we don't deserve it. He takes care of us even when we can't take care of ourselves. That is our model.
We are to love, honor, and cherish each other, no matter what our roles are. we need to treat each other with love dignity and respect. I am not saying that I am perfect with this. I am not. I fail more often than I succeed… But I'm saying that is our example.
As for slaves, as with our relationship with Jesus, we willingly give ourselves to him because we sense his love and generous care for us. Hopefully that is what a slave would do in this lifestyle for her master because she senses that in him
Thank you for your words of encouragement. And your second post is right on the money concerning our relationship to Christ. It gives me joy to hear someone else say it so succinctly.
Yep I'm finding that out in my research. I think I had the misconception that training was the same for everyone, but even though there are some commonalities at the base level, everything else is unique to the partners in the relationships. That settles some mysteries for me.
I was reading a blog recently written by a self-proclaimed supposedly experienced Slave Master. (I have no way to verify his qualifications so .... please don't rush to the conclusion that he is a fake.)
The intent of the blog was to be helpful and give ideas to other Masters/Mistresses on how to train their slaves to be what they want them to be, but admits that the ideas would have to be fitted or adapted to the individual dynamic. So thus they are starting points where no training has happened, or continuing points where some training has already happened.
As I read several of this Master's blog ideas, I began to get the impression that most of it was training a Slave to be little more than a sex object, learning to serve him in the way he seeks. Indeed he even mentions that he wants his Slave to think of being a sex object. I find this personally exciting but also limiting to the slave's personality and creativity in serving a Master/Mistress.
So I'd like to play devil's advocate and throw questions out there for discussion as to the intent of Slave training and what the final outcome of training is.
Are slaves merely to be sex objects and have their minds only on pleasing in a sexual manner? Is this goal for a Master/Mistress a limited or unlimited goal? Will it truly develop all parts of a Slave or does a Master/Mistress even care about other aspects of a Slave worthy of developing? To be sure it would depend on the type of dynamic and agreement they would have together. This goes without saying.
Any thoughts/input about Slave training and it's outcome? Doesn't have to be specifically about what I've asked. What does your dynamic look like?
I don’t believe that a slave is only to be a sex object for her Master (unless that is what they have agreed upon in their dynamic throughly many negotiations ) I see being a slave as a submissive but a stepped up version. I believe that there needs to be training of a slave as she wants to meet her masters needs fully so she needs to know how to do that and what exactly he wants and I mean having it detailed out to the T. , jumping to conclusions on how to do something and really mess things up. When he trains her I believe that he does so from a loving caring place and also a place where he is fed . This does not make her mindless in anyway. If there are certain tasks that he wishes her to do. She needs his guidance and his hand to guide her. Also the Master should take into account who she is as a person- is she gung ho and never needs really any guidance. Or is she more of the wallflower type who wants to do all these great things for her master but she chokes and trips over the starting line. It’s a Master who wants his slave to succeed in her servitude. And a Slave that wants her Master to succeed also. A slave cares greatly for her master and only wants to please him. That’s just how I see it.
This is an interesting topic. And one that I thought about before. Through hypnosis, through trance, when someone is in deep trance, and their mind is very open and blank. I will sometimes call them my slave, but I don’t think it’s really the same kind of slavery that is defined in the BDSM playbook.. I think in my case it’s more fantasy slavery. I only do that with people that desire that. In other words, a person‘s mind is “Blank“because they enjoy that feeling, that surrender, but I also don’t like to take advantage of that, because that doesn’t work anyway.
What I prefer to be is a daddy Dom type. I like to take care of the individual and nurture and support them in whatever their endeavors are during their day-to-day lives. For instance, let’s say they have a really hard job and are having a hard time at work, through trance. I will help them to feel better while they’re at work and give them a lot of love and energy and peace to make their workday go better… That kind of thing
I think in a lot of ways I become their slave as much as they become mine because I try to cater to their needs, desires, and wants. I try to take care of them like a daddy would.
Again, I know I don’t really follow a playbook very closely. Hopefully this wasn’t too confusing of an answer.
I get sad when I read some of the dominant profiles here when they only state what they want from a sub or slave and nothing of what they will give to who they own. There's such richness that can be had when people do relationships in a balanced manner.
But I can also understand that some don't want that type of intimacy in their relationships. And they have their reasons.
I just happen to gravitate more towards a nurturing environment and a caring Dominant/Master To me the type of example they set, frees me to not only emulate it in return but stimulates my creativity in serving them. And that in turn creates unimaginable richness between the partners involved.