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Grossed out gagging?

MonsterMat​(dom male)
1 month ago • Dec 16, 2024

Grossed out gagging?

MonsterMat​(dom male) • Dec 16, 2024
So I'm pleasure/primal dom. Been in the lifestyle for about 7ish years now. Normally any relationship I'm in that's also kink related, the sub has little to no issues and isn't new to the community and world of BDSM. She informed me of this "I've never lasted that long but I know pre cum has made me gag pretty fierce. And just the taste a d texture and slobber. I'd probably spit", and yes of course I asked permission to post. She wants to figure out how to do so without gagging. Are there any tips for anyone in the community on how she do so with minimal to no gagging?
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
1 month ago • Dec 16, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Dec 16, 2024
If it is a taste/texture thing, then there is probably nothing that can be done short of therapy. Now some guys can alter the taste of their seamen somewhat by diet. A good deal of time back, my seamen changed taste when I ate a good deal of onions. Even affected the smell, for some reason.

Some people just don't like/can't stand the taste at all. Just the way life is. Some others can't do it due to some trama in their lives.

The real question is whether it is worth the work the two of you will have to do to overcome this. Or is it simpler to carry on with other things.
MonsterMat​(dom male)
1 month ago • Dec 16, 2024
MonsterMat​(dom male) • Dec 16, 2024
She wants to learn to do so and overcome it. I just figured there may be a way some how to help other than flavored lube. I myself could do without. But she wants to please me in the ways I do so for her (which is beyond sweet and adorable). So I figured it's worth a shot to ask for advice. Thank you for your input.
bdsamworld​(sub female)​{collared}
1 month ago • Dec 16, 2024
Fellow gagger here! 🤣

I have that issue with anything pre-cum or even cum textured (makes for eating certain things fun). It's just a reflex I have. I have tried to eat foods with similar textures to try to get used to it, but in 20 years I haven't found anything that works other than the person I'm with cum down my throat. If it's just taste thing diet can help. I had a partner who drank 4 cups of coffee a day and I swear I was highly caffeinated after that. And it did have an effect on the taste. That's an easier fix, but texture you'd have to see a specialist.

Also, an odd question but does this person have tongue tie? I've noticed a lot of people who have tongue ties have this issue. But it could just be a random thing Ive come across.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Dec 17, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 17, 2024
An acquired "taste" to be sure. Took me a while but I got to liking pre cum and man-naise.

As for gagging, the reference is to an aversion for the taste. The only gagging I dealt with in the early days was in learning to D. T., and that took a bit, but I eventually stopped having the gag reflex much to the happiness of partners inclined to face fuck me.... I'd want to think that maybe the gagging over an awful taste might eventually go away as one becomes less surprised by it. Alternately swallow fast and have a glass of something to chase that crap with nearby.

Oh and what the dude eats.. Tell him if he wants a BJ he would be well-advised to stay the hell away from asparagus, brussels sprouts and related dark greens. Those things make baby batter taste vile and disgusting.

Conversely, although I never had a research participant to be sure, sweet fruit juice like Pineapple, pear, etc. ... tends to make the "special sauce" sweeter or at least less revolting.

Again, I haven't done the homework: Attempt at one's own risk.
    The most loved post in topic
1 month ago • Dec 17, 2024
I'mME • Dec 17, 2024

Water, being properly hydrated will affect jism.

They did the monster mashhh.

The Monster Mash. ...
Cello Trance​{for You}Verified Account
Cello Trance​{for You}Verified Account
1 month ago • Dec 19, 2024
Cello Trance​{for You}Verified Account • Dec 19, 2024
Through hypnosis… Not only have I stopped gagging, but they crave it as something That's the most delicious thing they've ever tasted

In other words, a lot of it is in the mind
Island girl​(sub female)​{Yes owned.}
1 month ago • Dec 19, 2024
I'm still working on it and getting closer. Luckily I love the taste of precum. I always hated cum though. Often it makes my mouth go numb. Isn't that weird?

My Master wants me to love it and crave it, so that's what I'm working on. I found this odd shaped spoon a wuile back that I decided would be my cum spoon where I could spoon it off my body, take it in my mouth, savor it, and swallow it. I've had cum that tasted okay and some from one guy that was just completely vile. Bad Dragon sells this cum liquid you can squirt through a dildo. The texture is similar. I made myself take a spoonful of that for a while just to get used to the texture. for me, it was about changing my mind. Yes, I still gag sometimes. The whole process is still somewhat new to me and I need more practice. "wink"

The good news is, deepthroating is a huge turn on for me and that helps tremendously.

That and the fact that my Master makes me hold his cum in my mouth until he directs me to swallow. I savor it, knowing that I pleased Him and that it is a part of Him.

There's a website called badgirlsbible that has all sorts of good tips on how to get better at everything. I learned a lot from that site.
intenseoldman​(dom male)
1 month ago • Dec 20, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Dec 20, 2024
Okay, I don't care anymore what I say here as long as it's not a lie and I'm not hurting anyone

I had prostate cancer when I was 49 and instead of having it removed I had proton beam therapy. As a result, all I shoot, or I should say, dribble, is teaspoon or two of what looks like precum, but maybe with a little less viscosity than precum.

It still feels like I'm shooting long, gooey ropes, but alas, it's all in my head (pun intended)

It's always a big deal to tell someone considering having sex with me that she's not going to get a cream pie, a mouthful, or shot in the eye.. that if she's a cum loving slut, I'm not her guy.

To my surprise, it's never been an issue. Beginning with who I was with at the time, blow jobs increased, as did job performance along with TOJ (time spent on the job).

It made me feel inadequate at first, but, now, I guess it doesn't at all. I just told the whole world I'm shooting real blanks. I mean, real blanks, nothing coming out of this gun but smoke and residue. I still enjoy shooting as much as I ever did... just can't hit a target.. unless... it's in my target. Then I never miss, so, win-win.
intenseoldman​(dom male)
1 month ago • Dec 20, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Dec 20, 2024
Shit I said that to say this. What I learned was most women really don't like cum. God bless those who do, but if a woman will drink you down it's more than likely all for you not her... and you ought to appreciate her all the more... I didn’t know until it happened the one I was with at the time really did it just for me.. it wasn't her thing but she knew I did.. so appreciate what you got... it's probably coming with sacrifice...