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Grossed out gagging?

MasterKnowsBestTO​(dom male)
1 month ago • Dec 22, 2024
Both the taste and texture of cum is significantly affected by what one eats prior to cumming (about a 12 hour period beforehand).

I would suggest trying different foods/beverages to ascertain what makes your cum/sperm more palatable to your sub. This may prove to be a long trial and error period but it may prove to be highly beneficial in the long run for your sub.

I will - however - give you one fact with certainty. The absolute worst thing to eat before ejaculation is ASPARAGUS. Asparagus will make your cum smell and taste like battery acid mixed with bleach and sprinkled with a dab of nuclear waste. It is incredibly pungent. You are welcome. icon_wink.gif
trixietrixster​(sub female)
1 month ago • Dec 25, 2024
Swallowing is a HARD LIMIT ... several past traumatic experiences. If my mental state of mind isn't IMPORTANT to my partner ... that would be - uuummm - his problem ...
Arancia Mizzinmi​(sub male)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
Cello Trance wrote:
Through hypnosis… Not only have I stopped gagging, but they crave it as something That's the most delicious thing they've ever tasted

In other words, a lot of it is in the mind

I will second Cello Trance... hypnotism can help.

I tried this canned hypno piece and it helped me, albeit a different kind of gagging... throat.

I've been looking for a hypnotist for some time with little success (hence using the recorded pieces).

I'm trying to do some serious behavior modification, and not just kinky stuff. I had thought that among various professionals, like psychologists, athletic trainers, hypnotists... there would be at least a few interested in combining bdsm/power exchange with their professional capabilities, if only just out of interest to see if it can help, like MMDA for couples counselors.

Not so much.

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