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End of innocence!

Taking you into the woods dressed up as little red riding whore I've been so obsessed with you for so long now this fucking uncontrollable rage that seeps through my veins, when lust and desire and the need to consume take over .you look so beautiful the way the moon light reflects your silleutte, enchanted eyes that pierce into the splendor of the night sky with flowing locks of soft auburn hair that glides and dances with the wind and eyes as deep as the ocean, a little red dress that shines so brightly, your innocence and purity my lust obsession desire and rage, I am your hope and despair ,this endless dream that haunts my every waking moment, I'm chasing you naked through the forest blind rage consumes me.
Your red dress getting caught on bushes ripping in tatters your skin cut and blistered from the tree branches, your feet are bloody and swollen, I'm chasing you naked in this cold empty place nothing is slowing me down the drive to get to you is like a beating drum driving me crazy, the closer I get the louder the drumming becomes in my head.
Until that moment of pure terror and defeaning silence the beating heart pounding out of my chest, when I finally catch up to you following the trail of torn clothing you leave behind, I can hear your sluggish steps, mud-soaked feet, you are tired exhausted, you just want to collapse but you keep running, rage takes over me and I start howling like a wolf, increasing my speed weaving through the thick shrubs my body bleeding cuts all over, adrenaline keeping my blood pumping coursing through me like ice my body morphing into a frozen wasteland and I scream out In the night sky I'm going to fucking rape you do you hear me!!! I'm going fucking rape you!!!!! I'm not going to stop until your crawling away my spent cock pressed into your cunt my cum leaking out of you I want to lick the fear off your face turning you into my broken little brain-dead doll eyes rolled back tongue out panting and heaving broken crumpled body trying to crawl away from me.
The end of innocence.
1 week ago. October 7, 2024 at 6:59 AM

Noha sat nervously on the edge of her chair, her heart pounding in her chest. The room was filled with the chatter of women, all engaged in their own conversations, oblivious to the turmoil brewing within her. She glanced at her phone, the screen displaying a series of missed messages from Talleb. Each one was more urgent than the last, each one a reminder of her disobedience.

She had promised him she would wake up early, complete her tasks, and submit to him before he left for work. But sleep had been too tempting, and now she was paying the price. The gathering was a family affair, a rare occasion where all the women of the extended family came together. It was supposed to be a time of bonding, but for Noha, it felt like a prison.

Her phone buzzed again, and she quickly glanced at the latest message: "Come to the back garden immediately." Her stomach churned as she stood up, excusing herself from the group. The walk to the back garden felt like an eternity, each step heavier than the last. She knew what was coming, and the anticipation made her knees weak.

The garden was secluded, hidden from view by tall hedges and a high wall. Talleb stood there, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression stern. He was dressed in his work attire, a crisp white shirt and dark trousers, his tie loosened at the collar. His eyes were cold, piercing through her like daggers.

"You overslept," he stated flatly, his voice devoid of emotion.

Noha nodded, unable to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry, Talleb. I... I just couldn't wake up."

He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. "You made a promise, Noha. Promises are not something you take lightly."

She swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his disappointment. "I know. I'll make it up to you, I swear."

Talleb's lips curled into a smirk, but there was no warmth in it. "Oh, you will. But first, you need to learn your lesson."

Before she could react, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards a small bench near the rose bushes. He forced her down onto it, her legs spread wide as he positioned himself between them. His hands moved to her hijab, pulling it off and tossing it aside. She shivered, feeling exposed despite the seclusion of the garden.

"Spread your legs wider," he commanded, his voice low and authoritative.

Noha obeyed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Talleb knelt down, his fingers deftly unzipping her jeans. He tugged them down, along with her underwear, leaving her completely bare. The cool air against her skin made her gasp, but Talleb's touch was even colder.

He ran his fingers along her inner thighs, teasing her with light strokes. "You disobeyed me, Noha. Now you will feel the consequences."

She bit her lip, trying to suppress a whimper. "Please, Talleb, not here..."

He ignored her plea, his fingers delving deeper. "You should have thought of that before you decided to lie to me."

His fingers found her clit, circling it slowly. Noha's breath hitched, her body betraying her as it responded to his touch. She tried to close her legs, but his grip on her thighs was firm, unyielding.

"No," he said softly, his tone brooking no argument. "You will stay still and take your punishment."

Her eyes squeezed shut, tears pricking at the corners. She hated how much she craved his touch, how easily he could bring her to the brink with just a few strokes. His fingers moved faster, pressing harder, and she could feel her climax building.

"That's it," he murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. "Feel it, Noha. Feel how good it is to obey."

Her hips bucked involuntarily, seeking release. Talleb's other hand moved to her breast, squeezing roughly through her blouse. The dual sensations were almost too much to bear, and she cried out, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave.

Talleb didn't stop, his fingers relentless as he milked every ounce of pleasure from her. When she finally collapsed against the bench, breathless and trembling, he stood up, wiping his fingers on her jeans.

"Get dressed," he ordered, his voice cold once more. "And remember this moment. Next time you decide to disobey, think about how it feels to be used like this."

Noha fumbled with her clothes, her hands shaking. She wanted to protest, to tell him how unfair it was, but the words died in her throat. She knew better than to argue with him when he was in this mood.

As she pulled her jeans back up, she felt a deep sense of shame. She had been reduced to nothing more than a toy for his pleasure, a tool to teach her a lesson. And yet, part of her couldn't deny the thrill of it, the rush of adrenaline that came with being so thoroughly dominated.

Talleb watched her intently, his eyes narrowing as he saw the mix of emotions playing across her face. "Good girl," he said finally, his tone softening slightly. "Now go back inside. And don't forget your tasks."

Noha nodded, her head bowed. She turned to leave, but Talleb's voice stopped her.

"One more thing," he added, his tone once again icy. "If you ever disobey me again, it won't be just my fingers you feel. Do you understand?"

She swallowed hard, her heart racing. "Yes, Talleb. I understand."

With that, she hurried back to the gathering, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. She knew she had to do better, had to prove to him that she could be trusted. But the memory of his touch lingered, a constant reminder of her submission.

As she rejoined the group, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Every glance, every whisper, felt like a judgment on her behavior. She kept her head down, focusing on the task at hand, determined to make amends.

But deep down, she knew that Talleb's control over her was only growing stronger. And she wasn't sure if she had the strength to resist it.

Noha tried to focus on the conversation around her, but her mind kept drifting back to the garden and Talleb's harsh words. She was talking to her sister, Layla, when something Layla said made her heart skip a beat.

"I saw Talleb earlier," Layla mentioned casually, "at the same place where you two were just now. But he wasn't with you. He was with Mom."

Noha's eyes widened in shock. "With Mom? Are you sure?"

Layla nodded, oblivious to Noha's inner turmoil. "Yeah, they looked pretty cozy. I thought it was weird since he usually only talks to Dad or us girls."

Noha felt a chill run down her spine. Was she being manipulated? Was this some twisted game Talleb was playing to train her, to assert his control not just over her, but over the entire family? The thought made her stomach churn.

She glanced around the room, noticing how everyone seemed to defer to Talleb's authority. Even her parents, who were usually the heads of the household, seemed to respect his decisions implicitly. What secret was he hiding that gave him such power? Why did everyone listen to him so unquestioningly?

As the questions swirled in her mind, Noha couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing something crucial. Talleb's control over her was undeniable, but it seemed to extend far beyond just their relationship. There was a web of influence he wielded, one that left her feeling trapped and powerless.

Determined to uncover the truth, Noha resolved to observe more closely, to see if there were any cracks in Talleb's facade. If he was manipulating the family, she needed to find out why and how. The stakes were too high for her to remain in the dark any longer.

But as she watched the interactions around her, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of dread. Talleb's power was pervasive, and she wasn't sure if she had the strength to resist it, let alone expose it

rainbowbrite​(sub female) - Okay, I'm hooked. Yee-haw.
1 week ago

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