3 months ago. September 20, 2024 at 2:00 PM
Do to the conversation in this thread I decided to text her about it and ask why we can't hang out as much anymore.
Her reply is - "I'm around. Silent cheerleader in the background!!"
That wasn't an answer clearly and when pressed further she refused to address it.
Note we used to have lunch together like once a week and go to the gym together for almost two years she was my best female friend now she won't even have the decency to explain why she won't see me in real life anymore.
This is how I know it's her insecure cop consiverative roided up husband. She has hinted back before he put his foot down many times how he doesn't like queer stuff and that if I met him it's best not to mention it.
Now you might wonder ok so a friend cut you off over your husband why does that bother you so much people lose friends all the time for all sorts of reasons.
She actually helped me at one of my lowest moments. Being intersex my body hasn't always had the best medical care for a time a new primary took me off progesterone which lead my bones to become weak and start to break easily.
When a bone metabolic specialist got involved she ended up being furious change my levels to right the ship. The issue is when everything was in a healthy level I started to have periods again for the first time in almost 5 years.
I have some serious gender dysphoria at times because I am not the most comfortable being in a female body so this was difficult for me not only to accept and process but adapt to.
The worst event was I once went to the gym with a friend and while I was working out it started outta no where and I was wearing my white martial arts uniform.
To say I almost died of embarrassment is to put it mildly when I got home I was crying in a near fetal position when jen got off work she came over and tried to comfort me and shared how it's a universal thing all women have an embarrassing moment don't feel so bad about it.
I genuinely don't know how I would have coped at that moment if she wasn't there helping me not just feel like total crap.
You think this doesn't have layers read other blogs if mine. I have XY chromosomes but in short my Y chromosomes didn't work properly so my body formed off the instructions off the X thus I have a cis women's body.
You know how rare this is estimated about 1 in 270,000 you know how many times I just wished I was male or had to deal with idiots say shit like XX is female and XY is male that's science totally ignoring the fact there are over 40 intersex conditions that don't care about what typically happens.
So when I had a friend that literally is one of the few people I could totally open up to and be vulnerable with just up and leave because her husband doesn't like the fact I'm attracted to women has been brutal.