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Luces et Umbrae Ars

A trial to find explanations to all sides of human experiences within the lights and darknesses spectrum.
2 years ago. February 27, 2022 at 2:15 AM

With this first approximation there are some features that can be pointed at analogs among the diferent groups. Predatory behavior is at the beginning of all zoological species and hunting/gathering are its instinctive manifestations. Development of these activities makes changes in the brains that aren’t the same in different specimens.  Mind starts with memory which is the ability to repeat behaviors and learn from the repetition 

2 years ago. February 26, 2022 at 9:23 PM

From the aforementioned can be deduced one first idea and it is that either humans arose from primates or reptiles or insects it is within all those enormous sets of behaviors that some explanations can be found for the extraordinary and wide variety of mating and forming groups humans exhibit. When these complex vectorial biological kinematics mutate to start developing   what would become the memory complexes of algorithms and paragraphs towards what Jung called the collective subconscious and the beginnings of humanization temporarily set betwixt ten million years and five million years ago 

2 years ago. November 21, 2021 at 1:12 AM

Then, the longest period of primates existence, since their apparition on the Cretaceous Period; in geologic time, the last of the three periods of the Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous began 145.0 million years ago and ended 66 million years ago; it followed the Jurassic Period and was succeeded by the Paleogene Period (the first of the two periods into which the Tertiary Period was divided). The Cretaceous is the longest period of the Phanerozoic Eon. Spanning 79 million years, it represents more time than has elapsed since the extinction of the dinosaurs, which occurred at the end of the period.

But how can be understood that always the sapiens assume that all the human antecessors were mammals; what if there were reptilians or insects and so on through the zoo taxonomy ?

2 years ago. November 19, 2021 at 3:45 AM

Unbelievable how time moves, sometimes slow, sometimes faster; that makes a necessity the use of different types of meters, or clocks.

Behaviors of long gone primates predating humans are the longest period or span of time within two points could be outlined, the first the apparition of one or more species of protohumanoid primates then among these the rising of several human antecesors. 

paleoantropologia i paleoprimatologia

La Dra. Amélie Beaudet és una paleoantropòloga que treballa en paleobiologia de primats del Plio-Pleistocè, amb un interès especial en els contextos evolutius i adaptatius a partir dels quals va sorgir el gènere Homo. Va començar la seva recerca sobre el registre fòssil de primats africans en el marc del seu doctorat a la Université de Toulouse (França) l'any 2012, que es va centrar en l’estudi de simis fòssils que van coexistir amb els hominins durant la transició del Plio-Pleistocè a l’Àfrica. Durant el seu contracte postdoctoral a la University of Pretoria (Sud-àfrica) l'any 2016, finançat pel programa Erasmus AESOP +, va desenvolupar un interès particular per la història evolutiva del cervell hominí. Posteriorment, va rebre el finançament de la Claude Leon Foundation i el Center of Excellence in Palaeosciences per estudiar el conjunt d’hominins fòssils del jaciment d'Sterkfontein com a investigadora postdoctoral a la University of the Witwatersrand (Sud-àfrica) del 2017 al 2020. Es va incorporar a la University of Cambdrigecom a professora sobre els Origens de la Humanitat.

3 years ago. September 2, 2020 at 8:57 AM

Action in living, is said that, was performed by these creatures hunting and by gathering, hardly mentioning predating that is as old and simultaneously a main way of relationship with all other creatures and the environment, violence in capturing of prey for food; violence 
in the acts of robbing, victimizing, or exploiting others. Better said by the use of forces. All this by instincts. It can be said this is the basic apparatus, the primary animal station. Behaviors that with modern study tools would be described as complex sets stochasticaly dynamic through increasing entropic subsets adapting these behaviors of the animals to different homeostasis in response to changing environments. Involving several scientific disciplines, including physical anthropology, primatology, archaeology, paleontology, neurobiology, ethology, linguistics, law, evolutionary psychology, embryology and genetics. Such arduous thematics are what we find expressed by acronyms like LGBTQ+, BDSM, SSC, RACK, PRICK, CCC, 4C,  ... ,   and terms as straight, families, sexuality, eroticism  ... which in a statistical graphic would adopt an elliptical shape.



3 years ago. August 31, 2020 at 10:28 AM

One of the far, far, far, ...sources of many of our coeval great evil ills is the guy who said that man is a zoon politikon (γιος πολιτικόν), a fallacy of the worst kind, instead of the natural zoon erotikos (ζουμ Ἐρωτικός). And returning to the dark, cloudy archeotimes some of the taxonomy wizards have been trying to establish a name for even older findings in ancestry calling primates the creatures within is highly probable the vein of humans appeared, moving this way the time limit to aproxi eighty five to fifty five million years.

This primates species are sexually dimorphic; differences may include muscle mass, fat distribution, pelvic width, canine tooth size, hair distribution, and coloration. Primates have slow rates of development , reach maturity later, and have longer lifespans. Depending on the species, adults may live in solitude, in mated pairs, or in groups of up to hundreds of members. Some primates, including gorillas, humans, and baboons, are primarily terrestrial rather than arboreal, but all species have adaptations for climbing trees.
This beings were in a warm, tropical, hostile environment. Two are the challenges they would had to solve: to live and reproduce.  ...

3 years ago. August 30, 2020 at 12:03 PM

Thankful to all and specially to the staff for such  a warm and stylish welcoming. I’ll try my best to be up to par.

Humans have been around, including all or most of the past, between 28 to 30 million years (m.y.) as said by the archeologuys working in these errands. It is a really wide set of beings betwixt such an extensive latitude of behaviors that even now the subjects are so complex and problematic that they are within the mainstream challenges we have to face. 
Why go so far in the past? It’s my feeling that we are on these themes so backwards that those well deserve an extense and intense gaze upon and into for as wide as we can.