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Tasks and Tidbits

A place for submissives to find ways to entertain and explore themselves.

Want to play along with the Sin Rating Challenge? Start a blog and keep up with your Sin Rating on your profile. As you complete tasks, you will gain points.
3 years ago. May 8, 2020 at 12:48 PM

You still have time to join if you join today. Be sure to read my blog for more info on this challenge. You are welcome to copy this challenge and these tasks as long as you give me credit.


A simple task to get things started. Pick a spot that can be covered by clothing you normally wear.

Now mark it using a marker with the letters SC, for Sadistic Challenge. For 30 says your body is devoted to the Challenge.

For those who wish to go above and beyond, keep this mark for the duration of the 30 days. This isn’t a “requirement” as I know it may interfere with life for some of you. 

After you mark yourself, give the spot 30 good slaps, one for each day off this Challenge.

Edge yourself, but don't cum.


You have 24 hours from the time of this posting to report in. Reply here or message me. If you made a blog post you still need to reply here so I know to check for it.

3 years ago. May 7, 2020 at 2:22 PM

Here is the list of our volunteers. The tasks begin tomorrow so there is still time to join. I will be updating this post daily and will be announcing scores in each task post to keep you up to date with who is in the lead.


masterdutch - 3

Abyssful - 7

Anon wildfire - 9

subbabyforlife - 6


Anon Dutusa - 7

Canadianslaveboy - 2

BreadRedBeard - 

Shortie - 8

Iwillserveu - 8.5

Bondagemalesub - 1


Anon Desiree - 2

3 years ago. May 7, 2020 at 1:16 AM

So far we have 10 participants.

I am excited to see how you all take the tasks I have lined up.

Friday is inching closer. There is still time for more people to sign up. Remember you can message me and join the challenge anonymously. Pictures will not be required.

3 years ago. May 6, 2020 at 1:08 PM

Two days left to sign up. We have a nice group of 6 so far, lovely volunteers.

A reminder: pictures are not required. They are welcome but this challenge is all inclusive. 

If you do not wish to be named in my blog while competing, you can message me and remain anonymous under a codename of your choosing.

To sign up: please read the original post. 

All questions are welcome.

4 years ago. May 5, 2020 at 7:17 PM

I am just going to go over a few questions I received that will help others that will participate.

How do we report in when we have completed a task?

You may respond to the blog post. I prefer a detailed report but will settle for less. If you like, you can respond to the blog post by saying you made your own post about it.

Those who are playing anonymously will just message me with their codename in their subject.

What is the prize for winning?

I really do not have a prize. This is to prevent people from just saying they did the task. Remember, this is for you to explore, grow from, and enjoy. You get bragging rites.

What if something is against my limits?

You will not be forced to do it. You will not get credit but we do not think any less of you. I will give anyone 1/2 credit if they report it is against their limits and offers something else instead.

4 years ago. May 5, 2020 at 1:21 PM

I have only one volunteer. Please view my blog and sign up if you want to participate. I will be starting the tasks Friday.

4 years ago. May 4, 2020 at 7:05 PM

A Month of Sadism was an idea spawned from a question I was asked some time ago. 
I will post a task each day for 30 days.

Several volunteers will complete these tasks. While participating, you are not allowed to play with yourself or orgasm unless a task calls for, or allows it.

If a volunteer cannot complete a task for any reason then that is a stroke against them. Whoever finishes with the most tasks completed wins... Bragging rights. Now of course anyone can follow along, and the volunteers are welcome to blog their task pictures if they wish and are welcome to reference my blog and my name. I give you permission to do so.

Anyone may volunteer of their own choice by replying here or sending me a message if they wish to remain anonymous. I will be keeping track of the score.

I will be keeping these tasks relatively simple so that most anyone can participate.

Volunteers will need to gather a few items in preparation. 
-Black Sharpie
-Rubber Bands
-At least one colored candle
-Access to ice
The tasks will range in difficulty and include teasing, pain, humiliation, and orgasms. They will start quite easily and then ramp up in difficulty. 

Now, who wants to play? Reply here with "I volunteer" or message me with "I Volunteer" as the subject.

4 years ago. May 4, 2020 at 1:32 PM

Today you are going to write about 3 kinks you have never heard of before. Tell us about what it is, what the safety concerns are, what tools are required, and lastly how you feel about it.

If you can't find any on your own, message me and I will help you find some.


2 points for this task

4 years ago. May 3, 2020 at 3:54 PM

I create scrap book style d&d notebooks for people's characters. I use washi tape, stencils, and more.


4 years ago. May 2, 2020 at 7:23 PM