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Musings of a party worm

I write because I must. I create because I have to. I need this, I need to create something, I'm crawling inside myself.
2 months ago. August 9, 2024 at 12:33 AM

I found myself pondering the intricacies of human interaction as I sat at my desk, the soft glow of the monitor a stark contrast to the setting sun outside my window.


the delicate dance of anticipation and reaction, seemed to mirror the early moments of new connections attempted at the start of a multiplayer game. How do we choose when to advance, when to retreat? How do we approach; display the right level and kind of confidence to hopefully attract positive reaction? The ebb and flow of positioning, the subtle tells of an opponent's intention - are they not like the first tentative steps of getting to know someone?

I've often wondered about the nature of trust in these digital realms. It's a fragile thing, easily shattered by a misplaced word or an ill-timed and poorly though out action. Yet when it forms, when a team clicks into perfect synchronicity, it's a thing of beauty. Like watching a flock of birds wheeling in the sky, each individual moving in harmony with the whole. for me it always brings the importance of patience and carefully considering your motives as much as the possible or likely motivations of others.

The act of "feeding", intentional or unintentional, in games has always fascinated me. How easily we fall into patterns, repeating the same mistakes despite our best intentions, or how our worst impulses can devolve us for a moment in time. It's not unlike the habits I find I've formed in my personal life. emblematic of the ruts we dig for ourselves without even realizing. Breaking free requires a conscious effort, a willingness to examine our actions with clear eyes.

Communication in team games is its own art form. Sometimes it flows like a mountain stream, clear and purposeful. Other times it's a torrent of frustration, all sound and fury. I've found myself marveling at those rare individuals who can calm a team's frayed nerves with a few well-chosen words. How do they know what to say, when to speak and when to stay silent? How much practice will it take for me to become skilled enough to smile and speak calmly in the face of conflict, or to stand my ground and take my lumps when I find myself momentarily humiliated for being exposed as in the wrong?

The dance of power dynamics in these virtual worlds is surprisingly complex. Roles shift and change, leaders rise and fall based on skill, knowledge, and the ability to inspire others. It's not unlike the delicate balance we strike in our personal relationships, each person bringing their own strengths and weaknesses to the table.

As the night deepens and my thoughts wander, I find myself drawn to the idea of empathy in gaming. It's easy to forget that behind each avatar is a real person, with their own hopes, fears, and struggles. I like to see each teammate and opponent not as pixels on a screen, but as fellow travelers on this strange journey we call life? If someone is rude, perhaps the best thing I can do to improve their day is refuse to engage. Or maybe I should offer a mote of kindness and hope it brings them out of their defensive shell.

As I prepare to log off for the night, these thoughts swirl in my mind like leaves caught in an autumn breeze. There's something profound here, I think, in the way these games mirror our real-world interactions. Something worth exploring further, perhaps, the next time I have a mind to write and ramble and relearn to express the inner workings of my wild mind.


But for now, the night calls, and with it, the promise of new connections to be made, new lessons to be learned in the digital realms.

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