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King Freak's mindless mumbles and rambles

Chaos and darkness at the end of the rainbow
3 years ago. November 30, 2020 at 3:00 PM

My mind/mood has been swimming in the deep, dark waters lately. I tend to find solace in music when I'm feeling down. Music really is everything. It's the catalyst to so many emotions. You know exactly what I'm talking about. How many times have you sat and cried your eyes out while you listen to that song/album/performer? Or played that one album that everyone sings along to (Journey?) when you're on a roadtrip? Or cranked the volume up maybe just a little bit too loud while engaging in whatever activity it is that gets your blood pumping? 

Yes, music covers the whole gambit of emotions. I've got something playing throughout the majority of the day and I'm often surprised when I catch the connection between what I'm listening to and whatever emotion I'm feeling. 

This song that I just had to share with you, my Cage family, has special meaning to me. It popped into my mind this morning as I was drinking my coffee. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.