So, this is going to be a very revealing couple of blogs. Long story short my Dom ended our dynamic. Sad right? Actually, it’s more than sad but we will get into those emotions in a bit.
On my profile I mentioned something I learned while studying psychology. So, with that in mind, I remembered there was a module that was covered about grief and what happens to the brain with the nervous system and all it goes through during the grieving process which I will try and give a brief explanation on. At the end of that, it was studied and proven by professors, therapist and psychologists that if a person going through grief took 30 days straight they would be able to 1 get back to day to day living faster and have a healthier coping mechanism.
So basically what happens when someone is grieving their nervous system shuts down. In simply terms the person that is grieving had a relationship with the diseased, they had things they did together or did for each other so on so forth. Now, with that person gone the nervous system shuts down because there was a routine formed in their brain associated with that specific person. They had programmed themselves to do all these things that formed a pattern in their brain. This person now has to unprogramm/unlearn and rewire all the things that they did, all the morning texts, the voice memos they would send and any materialistic things they had of them now need to be put away for the duration of the 30 days. This is because all those actions/items are attached to that person. But buy the end of the 30 days those things will be done for different reasons and the diseased will no longer be the only memory attached to that action thus making it easier for the person to go on with life. This also ties in with different attachment styles but that is an entirely different rabbit hole. This is just a scrapping the surface type of explanation.
So I am going to be my own guineapig and doing all that stuff for a person that is not dead but chose to leave my life. I am going to unlearn and rewire my nervous system to help me heal, accept and move on from my failed dynamic. And I will journal all of it here for everyone to see. As much as I would like to go through this behind closed doors, I thought of the subs that go through break-ups and don’t know how to move on, heal, forgive themselves and eventually try again. So if I can give them the tools that would help with all that why not especially if it something I am trying for myself.
So this is a break down of my take on 30 days no contact:
My rules
· No contact – I will not message/call him nor will I answer any of his messages/calls which i doubt he would do.
· No stalking – I will not being going to check any of his social media accounts or reading any new things he may post. In the even that i do stumble upon his pages i will scroll.
· No looking at pictures – I will not go and look at his pictures and I will change any wallpapers with his pictures
· Chat archived – I have archived his chat and I will not go into our chat to read our chats or play his voice notes
30 Day breakdown:
I have divided my 30 days into 4 weeks. Each week I will be focusing on a new aspect of the healing process. I will journal each day as I go, any challenges I had that day, how I was feeling or any thoughts I had that day will be journaled. At the end of the each week I might write a separate blog, it could be a writing piece or just thoughts I did not no include in my daily brief for whatever reason
Week 1: 8 days
Grieving – allowing myself to grieve. I am grieving for someone that is alive. My Dom chose to take himself out of my life and I must deal with that. I will give myself the grace to feel whatever emotions and I will not bottle them up. I will let myself cry, feel the pain, the rejection, the self-doubt, the anger all of it. Because it is by letting myself go through the rollercoaster of emotions that I can move on. I will also be coping with the withdrawal symptoms of not having a Dom anymore, no one to report to in the mornings when I wake up. all the little things i would do with my Dom in mind, or my favorite OOTD videos i would make for him etc.
Week 2: 7 days
Actions of self-acceptance and self-reflecting. Digging into why I am the way I am, where does everything stem from as well as things in the dynamic from my dynamic whether good or bad.
Week 3: 7 days
Pouring back into myself and the goggles of realization fall in place. I will rediscover my interest do things intentionally for myself. This is the week that I would use to reflect on things about my dynamic the good and bad as i am no out of the emotional hazzy faze and will see things for what they were.
Week 4: 8 days
This week I am picking up all the things I used to, those “Good morning Daddy xxx” text I would send every morning I will now send a message to my friend for example or say good morning to myself in the mirror or say it to the plant as i water it. Or those OOTD videos I would make for him I will now be making them for myself etc. I will also do an overall reflection of how far I have come from week 1 to week 4.
So come along with me as challenge myself to face my emotions and try my level best not to blame myself for the end of my