The way he spoke was so gentle and yet demanded respect. His words where kind and soothing. I made sure to reply to his messages with the upmost respect and in a timely manner. A friendly conversation that he never once tried to turn sexual. This man had real dominance within himself and everything that he did.
I was fascinated with his blogs. The words he used, the real rawness of them all. I wasn't the only woman to have taken notice of him. Multiple likes on every post, multiple comments by admirers and fans.
Im embarrassed to say but yes I have read them all. Over 10 pages of kink, happiness, pleaser, anger, confusion, mystery and bliss. By the end I knew I had to talk to him and nothing was to stand in my way of this.
The messages where real and friendly as if I was talking to a friend that I've known for years. Talking, laughing, joking and teasing one another. 2 weeks pass by and he still hasn't said a single sexual remark. No random dick pics, no begging for nudes. Nothing but a growing friendship.
I'd sit and wait anxiously for his next reply day after day. My mind slipped away in every conversation till remembering why I messaged him to begin with.
I want to learn from this man. I want to experience what he has done and be under him. I had a strong urge to serve him the respect that a woman should give to a man like him. I wanted to submit under him and to be deserving of his knowledge and experiences. I asked politely if I may learn from him and if he may take me on as his subordinate. To my surprise he told me yes!.
He never called me his property. He never made me show him my body. He never made me address him with a title. But I would find myself having urges to do these things without him uttering them to me. This was the power from real dominance compelling my submissive side to show herself. This was the type of dominance that I strive to have within myself.