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Isquion Wings

Heart and Soul battle constantly against mundanity...
2 years ago. December 17, 2021 at 5:05 AM

Hi guys, any video or article i can read on self flogging? Thanks in advance 

2 years ago. November 10, 2021 at 12:12 PM

In the last few weeks, I've been re watching Dragon Ball series from scratch.  I find Goku's character impressive, ignorant of every social convention, his life purpose is one and only one: to become stronger, but not stronger than anyone else but himself, he ignores his kids, wife, friends everytime that a new challenge appears. I find it interesting that at some point, once the group discovers that they can resuscitate using the Dragon Balls, Goku loses all respect for his own life... Pushes himself to fight till he dies BECAUSE HE KNOWS, he will be brought to life. It makes me wonder, would us, as humans, do the same if we knew that being alive is disposable status and that death can be reverted? Would it be chaos? Would pple just have self destructive behavior just because they will be back later?


Anyway, that's my rambling for today while i wait for my patients at my office...


Be kind, see you soon

2 years ago. November 5, 2021 at 5:22 AM

If for one minute we could see or feel the struggles in each other's hearts, we would treat each other with more respect, compassion and empathy...


2 years ago. November 4, 2021 at 1:47 AM



“The question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I, or the others crazy?”



2 years ago. November 2, 2021 at 1:31 AM

"Evil is always unspectacular and always human. And shares our bed…and eats at our table." 


W. H. Auden

2 years ago. October 28, 2021 at 6:04 AM

"A monster comes to see me:

To celebrate a birthday is to get old... Growing up is another thing. It's to acknowledge that life isn't always what you expected. It's to confirm that sometimes you are going to lose, and sometimes you are going to win; and above all, that sometimes you can lose and win at the same time.

Growing up is to accept uncertainty. "


Patrick Ness

2 years ago. October 24, 2021 at 11:25 PM

One isn't where one's body is... But where one's body is missed the most... 

2 years ago. October 22, 2021 at 11:26 AM

Sometimes i feel

like poor hill

and others like mountain

of repeated summits


sometimes i feel

like a cliff

and in others like a sky

blue but far away


sometimes one is

spring between rocks

and other times a tree

with the last leaves


but today I hardly feel

like insomniac lagoon

with a jetty

no longer boats


a green lagoon

immobile and patient

satisfied with its algae

its mosses and its fish


serene in my confidence

confident that one afternoon

come closer and look at yourself

you look at yourself when you look at me.


Mario Benedetti 

2 years ago. October 21, 2021 at 12:39 PM


I mess up, love, I mess up ...


I mess up, love, I mess up

when I go in your mouth, delayed;

and almost without why, almost for nothing,

I touch you with the tip of my breast.


I touch you with the tip of my breast

and with my helpless loneliness;

and perhaps without being in love;

I get messed up, love, I get messed up.


And my respected fruit luck 

burns in your lubricious and troubled hand

like a bad promise of poison;


and although I want to kiss you kneeling,

when I go in your mouth, delayed,

I mess up, love, I mess up.


Carilda Oliver 

2 years ago. October 19, 2021 at 8:49 PM

“The Physics of Love”

by Kim In-yook


The size of a mass is not proportional to its volume

That little girl as small as a violet

That little girl that flutters like a flower petal

Pulls me with a mass greater than the Earth

In a moment, I

Like Newton’s apple

Mercilessly rolled and fell on her

With a thud, with a thud thud

My heart

From the sky to the ground

Continued to swing dizzyingly like a pendulum

It was first love