i have been shackled to much in this life. A career, a home, a family of origin, a church, a circle of social contacts- all “necessary” parts of any person’s journey, but a slave’s existence nonetheless. The iron bonds of approval seeking wore raw the tender skin of my wrists and ankles. The chains grew heavier and more onerous as the years passed by until i was utterly weary from the sheer effort required to take just one more step.
i sought relief by distractions, lesser gods bidding for the lot of me on the slave block of any particular day. “Here she is, folks! Anyone’s for the taking! Oh, she lacks esteem, but you can bend that to your choosing! Anything goes!”
And so i drifted as well as one can with the ever-increasing weight of ties that bound me to the highest bidder, but nothing and no one could remove them.
Until He pushed His way through the insatiable mob.
Little one, you are mine now. I shall bind you to Me with chains of submission, pleasure, and surprising new ways to hold you still and safe. You will no longer be burdened, but you will certainly not be free to roam, for that is its own prison.
Instead, I will keep you secured to the post of My will, where you were always meant to be.
Rule 21: i shall wear the chains my Master gives me as a symbol of my position in life – that of bondage to Him. i shall wear them, as required, around my neck, my wrists, my ankles or around my waist.