So if you've read my blogs before, you probably understand by now how much bdsm and the overall lifestyle has impacted and continues to mean to me.
Now with that being said, I was looking at collars; like actual heavy duty collars and just fantasizing right but the comments caught my eye. "Cute necklace", "it doesn't come off easy, weird", and "I love this choker" are some examples.
Im not sure if im the only one who thinks like this or maybe even cares. However life has taught me we are rarely alone in our feelings. So as im scrolling these comments on a vanilla site. My heart sinks at every person who is complaining, using it as fashion, or even simply just saying its weird.
How I was taught to think about collaring in the bdsm lifestyle, is its essentially equal to marriage in the vanilla world. These two share the biggest thing, which to my understanding is a commitment that is made after proving, showing, expressing, working hard, etc that you wanna fully commit and tell the world that person is mine and i am theres.
Maybe im dramatic... however I don't see people wearing wedding rings for sport. In fact in alot of places they actually look down on people who put rings on their ring finger without being married. I guess i just wish it was the same for bdsm. However if feels like no matter how amazing this lifestyle is, vanilla people will always target, misunderstand, or just blantly judge while stealing customs from the lifestyle...
Thank you for reading, again not to sure if ill find someone who feels the same. I just always feel protective of the lifestyle as its saved my life multiple times and its sad to see people mock it and nothing happens. However when other cultures/lifestyles are mocked theres an uproar. When will it be our turn to just come out of the shadows and be seen and heard without fearing death,abuse,judgement, etc...