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Life in poly as told by me

Welcome to my blog please enjoy and interact. Im a 38 year old poly open non monogamist.
5 months ago. April 10, 2024 at 11:42 PM

She finds an address on your window after work she knows its him by the writing. Curiosity takes over an she goes to the address heart racing and body pulsing. When she arrives she would find a blind fold and cuffs along with a comfortable spot to lay if she so choose or there is the other devices for her to settle into or on. No matter what she choose she would be there waiting in silence for a few. When he walked in he slide something cold across her breast and quickly lube her and as he prepare you for insertion. After a while she'd notice something would feel like alot of pressure and something large and cold slowly coming in and out of her soft kitty..a voice whispers too her that friends are coming soon and she should expect to be full and would be filled and busy for the next few hours in the mean time he would use her and see just how much can be taken before cumming all over making a mess. She'd moan as he says we're just getting started.....

7 months ago. February 8, 2024 at 3:37 PM

For some unknown reason the first thing we all try is three ways right? Its not lost on me all the posts i see or adds are for kinks involving more and more people. I my self am not kink shaming at all im simply stating what i did and noticed. Long before i was ploy lets call it 19 years old me and my friend would share girls no clue why and where this came from but it happened often and wed even lie for each other. My first experience with this was in my buddy's basement. She liked it so much she showed up to my moms house a week later and blew me a few times. Later on during my first marriage my best friend and i again had a close encounter. Didn't go the way i thought it should. See my first wife was supposed ti bang me and my best friend and maybe this random girl (who i was secretly with and later became my second wife and yes im aware im a train wreck) so its new years eve were all drinking like 5 or 6 ot us. Me my two life long friends his wife my wife and gf. My best friends wife goes to bed she always hated us for good reason honestly. The night stumbled on and my other best friend and gf go out to smoke. Leave me my wife and other buddy at his kitchen table shooting the shit. Eventually we all realize what gives? Sure enough they was in the garage fuckingNow only me him and the girl whos riding him even knew i was dating her....i felt really turned on but had to pretend to be mad cause what gives? I wanted to play too my wife at the time was super turned on but thought i was disappointed. Later that week me and my wife and soon to be wife fucked and hung out for a month until my first marriage ended of course...So in my second marriage we played with another girl once and my second wife was too jealous. Eventually i caught her cheating a bunch and had a solution...lets have another three way with dudes? Smh bating a 1000 i dialed up Craigslist and found a Puerto Rican friend it went really well I went to the bathroom after we've been drinking and talking for about an hour and when I came out she was blowing him so we tagged in my life and he left and I've been daydreaming of that incident ever since first time I've ever openly talked about it but it was probably the hottest thing I've ever done. Couple months later on St Patrick's day we met my friend Robert who I eventually would have all kinds of fun with and he fucked her at the bar in his truck in my bed on top of me it was an interesting time. And unfortunately this all started leading to a downward spiral we broke up about a year later as we were making up my idea was why not? So I eventually took her to my best friend's house who is now divorced and me him and my other two friends tag teamed her which didn't help our relationship sadly but it was a good time and a really good way to wrap that whole relationship up. Me and the guys used his house as a bachelor pad had 4 more three ways and 4 ways until eventually he found his wife whom was our last 3 way. (Still married to her today and having a blast he is) my 3rd marriage in the dating stages started with a three way my current platonic wife at the time was all kinds of fun and game. We met a friend and they could both squirt and well we left that hotel very very wet and dirty. Couple years later wed jump into ploy and had alot of three ways in the ploy life and a few more couples and gangbangs. And two large ones that stand out the one on Mother's Day was very interesting when we had about four people show up it was snowing was a really good time I'm glad it went as well as it did but it's always interesting to see who's willing to go to them. The very last one was the first all black one and only one and when we learned that no matter how well you clean something over 8 in is going to reach the bottom and you might still have a mess. Oh i miss these days even though they were hetic

7 months ago. January 28, 2024 at 8:43 PM

This story jumps our time lines around a lot it goes from 2014 to 2019 and back and forth. 

My first was a young lady in phoenix who only interest in men was overpowering them. We met on fet life she would send me gifts an tell me to leave my family. This relationship seemed to be doomed from the start. Im no sub not even at my best attempts this never went far since im super dedicated to my family as it is. Eventually i called this one a loss. 2014 ish 

My second was mistress kim on fetlife. In retrospective i miss kim she cared for me and honestly wanted the best for me. She was one of the most beautiful an pained persons id ever have met. She got me to be more subby then id ever been part of me wishes she wouldn't have left. She taught me so much about how to use your empathetic nature and love others. 2016

My Wisconsin shaman i met on pof she was the most understanding of my poly life. She completely understood me and what i was. She knew i was not a long term solution to her needs but she was willing to take me for a ride either way. She moved to Colorado in her travels for peace. We was just one of many stops on her route to finding peace and exploring the world. She did me a great service just by being my equal and friend. I owe this wolf so much in the present she is still to this day a close friend and i adore her. 2017

Well this was what o had on my mind idk what else to say im struggling in my life right now i hope you all enjoyed hopefully in chapter six we can pick back up on track




7 months ago. January 22, 2024 at 2:29 PM

Our first break up was a giant cliff for sure. My wife and i saw it coming the couple she had attached too was starting to have some very sad Fights. It seemed the doms wife was upset he liked there new sub more. Im not 100 percent sure how this conclusion was made but i did learn in life people get jealous of the thing you'd never expect. Time attention and words always get you in a bad spot. Your primary should always feel that love from you and in this case she felt like a secondary. He broke it off with my wife and then they proceeded to hang out one last time. This experience taught us a lot about poly and how it works we learned a lot about the functional and non functional parts of our own rules vs how to get others to combine. At the end though this staind my wife she was heartbroken and upset but was torn cause she felt like how can you be married and miss someone else. It became more obvious with passing years of how this is corrected but early on it was a struggle. I never took it too personally cause i understood we was growing and with growth will be pain and bumping into each other. 

8 months ago. January 19, 2024 at 3:49 PM

As i left off life in poly had some growing pains and some trials. I found out early my wife really loved a dom she had met. Wasn't 100 percent sure how id react but she was happy and i had met a women she was a dom women and i was 1000 percent clueless to what that even meant. Looking back at the time i truly had no grasp on what i was thinking. She lived in pho my wifes lived here not far from us. It was quiet the spot to be in. Was i able to just leave and go to pho? Would i want too she had all kinds of exciting ideas and i was stuck in park. My wifes new dom friend also had a wife and them three mixed well it appeared. What was i to do next? Of course being the forever hedonist i tried to add to my party if 2 was good four would be great right? Except the two new people in question was married and had normal lives it blew up in my face and i scared the pho girl away in anger she wanted to be my main and was not poly which struck me odd. Thought everyone in kink was poly? That thought quickly changed for sure. I soon realized boy i am way over my head. So did i go to munches? Or meet and greets? Nah we will stay home and just keep trying always works that way right? It for sure does not sadly. My wife had great success with her new friends though. She even asked me to help in a four way....i totally took one for the team. The dom she had fallen for his wife was not my type but who was i to stand in the way of a good time? It was a fun experiment being my Wifes wing man for sure. I still look at this fondly and wonder if it was the right way about it. Next we experience our first break up in poly....

8 months ago. January 8, 2024 at 3:32 PM

10 years of poly and bdsm i thought id post about it here. Im not sure about other people and there experience but mine have been real mixed and its something i intend to vent about and maybe process some of the things as well. My sweet angel i found in 2011 is a saint and in no certain terms has saved me but also introduced me to this life. When i was lying and cheating before 2014 when we went poly i had more the five people at any time willing to fool around some wanting to keep me and change me. So far this life has been weird i was so happy and proud to tell everyone hey listen my wife knows and we can do whatever you want! I lost 50 friends all female over this they did not want her to know they had convinced them selfs they could steal me and change me. How strange was that? So we started our journey to find others found fetlife which opened a different can of worms all together. We branched out to several dating sites she had the best of luck right not so much. Tbc

8 months ago. January 8, 2024 at 12:07 PM

I left off at the very beginning of our encounters. The early days of poly was interesting to say the least. I knew no one in this life style so i made the worst mistake i tried to con non poly people into being in it with me and my awesome wife. She was having an amazing run at it all, for an anti social person she was doing pretty amazing at networking. She had 3 or 4 dom meetings in the first 6 months and in that time met another couple. I had struck out terribly i ruined a friendship in the name of converting someone and had made 4 others very weird in the process. Just kept thinking man what did i do? Honestly i found out 2 things people no matter where you find people they are judgmental and poly has a dirty name even in kink circles and it makes women super uncomfortable not all but a lot. What was a perv newly freed to a world to do? Every reply i got was less then flattering and men not wrote me like i had the secret to life hidden in mu joke shorts in an attempt to sleep with my wife....weird times in deed they are for me. The animal in my head thought this could really be fun and the repressed person i had been was scared it was all a trap a plan to catch me cheating or doing something my Christian upbringing would shun and ridicule. Had to try and make it all make sense which in it self was an interesting problem to have. It was like a kid who had stolen candy then being gifted a candy shop......