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Maeve's Armory

A place for me to remove the armor and weapons I wield during the day and just be.
2 years ago. April 2, 2022 at 7:10 PM

Mister is a master of many things, but one of the most endearing and impressive (imho) is that he loves to and is able to cook, like really well. Not only that but he has learned to cook and bake all over again as I developed food allergies. While cooking is done by feel, I truly believe that baking is like chemistry in the exactness needed in order to not have things go HORRIBLY wrong. I developed a gluten sensitivity. Mister learned how to bake with GF flour. I lost the ability to eat chicken eggs. Mister not only has mastered egg substitutes but has also located a source of duck eggs and made eggy dishes that were DIVINE. 

As a result I am going to post (possibly occasionally, possible more) dishes that Mister makes with a description. 


Today's is breakfast he made this morning:

Its a "everything" skillet. Tots, English style scrambled duck eggs, diced ham, peppers, tomatoes, hollandaise sauce, and some green onion. It was fantastic. 

2 years ago. March 29, 2022 at 12:02 PM

I know Mister


I know that you aren't who others think you are


I know that you are a pretender


I know what they say about you






But I know better


I know you feel each and every thing that you do each day


I know you yearn to remove the mask


I know that I have seen that persona you wear for the outside world shatter on more than one occasion


I know what that look really means


You pretend to meet their created image of you, because its what is expected and what is required


But you're a pretender Mister






You are all these things, and more


This is the true you


This is my Mister and I am your warrior princess. I am your maeve.

2 years ago. March 26, 2022 at 11:21 PM

A look

A touch

A gesture

Or two


The world is so complicated Mister, so the simplicity of your claiming me as Yours is like fresh air. After drowning and struggling to keep my head above water, to "maintain", to take back "control" of my life from everything in my past both before and during our time together.

A kneel



2 years ago. March 21, 2022 at 3:29 PM

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good"

I have a Mister who is 13 inches taller than my 5'4", his arms are long, legs too. He has me by about 100 pounds, but its not a flab but rather a toned but not ripped weight. When the weight of the world is crashing down on me and I need to escape, he will sit on the floor with me and allow me to push back into him. Like magic as soon as I wrap his arms and legs around me I feel like the world itself disappears and the only ones who know I exist are him and I. Sometimes I ramble to myself about my day. Others I sit and ruminate. And others I turn around and lay my head on his heart, the one that I know beats only for me, and I just am. 

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." God bless this Mister of mine for making me use that as the password to don my Dominant of Invisibility. Even in the midst of feeling beaten up, drained, and more I always have to smile at least a little when I am forced to utter those words. He knows my little Potter fangirl heart and he also knows that he can use those words against my rear in a scene soon, but for now he knows I know what I need and I can be trusted to confide and disclose as I am ready. 

But for now, I must don the Dominant of Invisibility. 

I solemnly swear I am up to no good. :-)

2 years ago. March 20, 2022 at 11:17 AM

If you came expecting an entry about a plague of biblical size, this isn't it.

Frog is my safeword. It stems from when I thought He was joking about needing one, because I didn't understand He was serious about all of this. 

Anyway, last night I had it all figured out. I was gonna totally throw him off his game. I got into a cute baby blue one piece lace number and came out of the bathroom. I got him excited then laid down and insisted he seduce me. 

What he did next was *imitates mind exploding* I had to frog from pleasure twice before he even took off his pants. And when we finished, I don't know how many frogs later, he said that was phase 1. If he commences phase two send help because I will not be ok. 

*Sits and shakes head then hums its raining frogs to the tune of its raining men*