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Thought's of a Mad Man

Thought's that pool, some spill over, some sink to the bottom. These are just my thoughts, they are what they are.
1 year ago. January 27, 2023 at 6:01 PM

Let's face the truth... admitting to others in a public forum that your human is the dumbest, worst, most moronic thing a person could do. I mean, let's be real. You're on a dating website to attract others and your pouring the worst parts about yourself to anyone that will listen in hopes that you can make someone notice you? Well, if that person does notice you, how are they supposed to think about you after you said all that in public?

So that leaves the question, then why am I doing it? If I think it's... scratch that. If I know it's such a stupid thing to do, then why am I putting all this personal, private, what's truely best left to myself and not telling others, things... out there onto public forums?

A couple reasons actually. 1) I have found that if I write about it and put it out there, it helps me to move on. Really, If I write about it in full and leave nothing unsaid, I won't write about it again. This helps me to move on and think of new things as I don't want to repeat myself. 2) And this ties a little bit into 1, if you just think about something and you don't get it out of your system, it just builds up and it never goes away. I've spent nearly my entire life holding in and suppressing things and refusing to truly open up to others and all it's done is driven me deeper into the abyss rather than letting myself heal, express it, and move on. 

So this being said, what stupid, idiotic, moronic and imbecilic thing am I going to do to myself today? Well, I’m going to admit to all of you my biggest weakness. Because today, as I was taking a shower, it popped into my head and I thought, “Yeah! That sounds like a good idea!”

 I am the type of guy that needs someone else in his life. Now, before you say that’s not a bad thing, just wait. I’m the type of guy who’s so much better when I’m with someone than I am without someone. And I absolutely hate that about myself. Because it was only a short while ago that I would say to myself that I need someone else in order to be happy. And though I no longer would say that about myself, the whole needing someone else in order to be happy thing, I am still the kind of man that is only whole when I am with someone special to me.

Why is this bad. Well because recently I have discovered that being alone has allowed me to start healing, to start being able to fix within myself all the many things that have done me such extreme damage for so long. It is also bad because it is the very reason I had made some really bad choices in my life. Such as I used to chase after women in order to make myself happy. Not in a typical men are pigs sort of way, but in a more pathetic and even worse way.

I chased after one woman for nearly 20 years. I was with the mother of my three boys for nearly 20 years, and the whole time I was with her I chased after her so hard, that I completely disregarded my own emotional and mental health just to be with her. And after 19 years, I finally got sick and tired of catching her cheating on me and lying to me non stop.

Because I was so desperate to feel whole and complete as a person, I lied to myself, I tortured myself, I changed myself and I denied every important part of who I am as a man and as a person in order to be with her.

A few years later, I am still the kind of man who is far better with someone than I am on my own. And I utterly, from a place deep in my gut, on a visceral level, hate that about myself. Because it makes being alone so much more harder and difficult than I can bare. Yet being alone has helped me to become stronger, more confident. It has forced to me deal with myself rather than run from myself. It has taught me to embrace who I am rather than feel I must change it to be with someone. Being alone has give me more than 20 years of chasing the wrong woman ever has.

And I wish I could say that I don’t want to be with anyone any more and really mean it. But I can’t. It’s a lie. And the one thing I cannot afford to do anymore is lie to myself. Me being with someone is like a care with more horsepower. I’m like a sailboat with wind in my sails, or a flower in the sun. I’m simply better with than I am without.

But it’s being alone that has taught me that to be healthy, I must not change what kind of car I am, I just need to understand I’m better with the other half of me working properly. I’m not incomplete without wind in my sails, but I’m moving forward and with such joy when my sails are full and pushing me along. I don’t need someone in order to be happy, I just am happy and more fulfilled when I am with someone. And none of this understanding or growth inside myself would have happened if I were with someone. Because I would still be chasing after people rather hoping to be loved, rather than being patient and letting someone special find me.

I wish I could really and truly be happy being alone. It’s healthier for me. Or at least it has been. But I cannot change this about myself. It’s like trying to remove the foundation from under a house. The house does not last without it’s foundation. But I can renovate it. And I can understand it. And I can accept it with new insights and new knowledge and I can do it better.

GiannaRay​(sub female) - I’m not truly happy when I’m not with someone, because I don’t feel whole. I can and have done it, be alone. I won’t just be with someone just to not be alone.. I won’t settle. That for me would be worse than being alone.
1 year ago
MrMarlley - I whole heartedly hear you. Even when I felt so desperate to fill the voids and I wanted to cry out for mercy because I felt utterly alone, I never reached out to anyone because I made a promise to myself that I was going to do it right this time. I would never settle for anything less than what is healthy, what is wonderful and what is proven to be reciprocal. Yeah, I have a lot of trust issues. I haven't written about those yet, but I'll get to them too. But I'll never chase after an empty or a bad relationship ever again.
I say good for you for not settling. Being alone is never worse than being in a bad relationship. That I know for a hard fact. But don't shut out opportunities either. Use everything you've learned to spy the traps, see the red flags and to avoid the holes, but don't shut yourself off from little moments of simplicity that can build into something as grand as an unbreakable castle.
1 year ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - I do try to remain open but Once you learn to recognize red flags or what’s not going to work, it’s hard to ignore that. Not that I want to.
1 year ago
MrMarlley - I completely agree. I very recently change my own way of thinking. For the longest time I used to say to myself that I don't want to be alone, to I want to be left alone, to now me saying I want to be with someone else. Which doesn't make it easy by any means as you may well know. But this had caused me to try and reach out to people. And being a person who has worked so very hard to heal from so many different traumas in his life, I see red flags all around me.
But here's the difficult part. Every person takes the many experiences they've had over thier life, and they develop armor based upon not wanting to make mistakes again. One of my pieces of armor is someone who doesn't communicate back when I try to talk to her. It's a major red flag for me. But being on this website, I have come across many many women who responded to one of my emails which is a fucking novel to read, with only four words. And that would infuriate me. I would go crazy and it would hit every alarm I had. Slam ever trigger I had and it would cause me to say I cannot even give this person a chance becasue too many red flags. She doesn't have the ability to truly communicate to me. And so I would end the conversation and I would walk away.
Later I began to ask myself, am I really doing myself and this other person justice by being so easily and ready to walk away? Here is a person who maybe isn't able to write like I am, and I'm judging her harshly for it. When in actuality, all I'm doing is blaming someone else for the pain I feel when I don't get the deep conversation I'm looking for.
The point of all of this is... Are you and I really seeing red flags in others? Or are we cutting people off becasue we are unwilling to accept their differences from our selves becasue of fear? Fear of being hurt again, of repeating past mistakes and such. This of course being seperate from real red flags. Which as you say, once you know what those are, are impossible to ignore. And in my opinion, should never be ignored. One serious red flag and I'm gone! I've seen many people who are afraid of their own shaddow who blame others for the things they see. I have met a lof of these kinds of people. And I think I used to be one of them. So I'm just curious as to if you have seen this yourself and have you been able to seperate this out in your own life?
1 year ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - Well I also value the ability to communicate. I do give people a chance. I won’t shoe them away after one encounter, I give them a chance. But if I have to be the one looking for deeper conversation, if I’m the one who always has to try to keep up the conversation then I know they’re not for me. I have been in relationships where this has happened, I’m the one communicating and not getting communication back, so I won’t repeat that. I’m looking for a best friend also. So if we do t fit that way then we won’t fit period.
1 year ago
MrMarlley - One of the things I struggled with yestrerday, is this very issue. I talked to someone who's answers were very short. I felt so frustrated and I felt like I had to really work in order to keep the conversation going. And thought I was not interested in having a relationship with this person, I did want to see if I could develop a friendship. I struggled to keep going. To keep writing becasue I felt like I was chasing after her just to get her to talk to me. And of course my conscious was screaming at me to stop, knock it off and walk away. I shouldn't have to try so hard in order to simply be able to talk to someone. But a small quiet voice in me said if I don't try, I'll never make friends. I often give up too easily these days and find too many reasons to walk away. And everything in me was saying this is wrong, you're repeating past mistakes. But I wanted to try, I wanted to be social and I wanted to come out of the dark hole I've been in for the past couple of years. And I couldn't do any of that if I didn't try.
I was arguing with myself over something I knew would never work out. Not even on a friendship level because I wasn't able to recieve the kinds of communication I knew I needed to even be friends with someone. So I questioned myself, was I really trying to avoid past mistakes with this person, or was I just finding judgemental reasons to walk away becasue it wasn't easy? Was I really actually trying to break out of my shell? Or was I actually chasing after someone becasue I was making the same kinds of mistakes I always do... which is to chase after them in order to have thier attention?
I'm in the middle of a transitional period in my life where I am beginning to admit certain truthes to myself. Such as I wish to try and be with someone and I would like this time to be healthy and right. But to do so takes patience, courage and most of all time. And I really really suck at being patient and allowing time to work it's magic. So I know I'm bound to make some mistakes here and there. But like I said, this was exactly one of the things I was struggling with yesterday and I really appreciate being able to have someone else in a similar mind set be able to shed some light on it for me.
1 year ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - I’m not patient either but thank god my urge to not settle is greater right now. I have made mistakes, which is why I’m motte careful now in choosing who I spend my time and energy on. It took me a very long time to realize that not everyone treats people as they are treated. And I’m the type of person that invests a lot in other people off the bat. And when it’s not returned it hurts. But whose fault is that? Some is my own, investing and prioritizing people who don’t want to or can’t do the same back. So now I try to be very cognizant of that. So I do try to match peoples efforts, try……lol. Family, friends, relationships, co-workers, everyone. I’ll usually still over extend myself but when I realize that they don’t prioritize me or aren’t investing in me like I am in them, I may end it (if it’s a new friendship/relationship) or reel myself back in. The thing about that is a lot of people don’t like it when you do that. I’ll get the “oh I was so busy” as if no one else’s life is ALSO busy. I’ll usually answer with what the truth is——people make time for what’s important in their life, period, so then it wasn’t a priority. I just want to find a good match who prioritizes me as I prioritize them, a best friend and lover. Tall order lol.
1 year ago
MrMarlley - You are absolutely right. Both about people makeing time if it's in thier interest to do so (so thier actions speak volumes when they choose not to act), and about finding someone who reciprocates the same level of attention and actions and things as you do. I mean that is one thing I tell myself everyday - wait for someone who will love you the same way would love them. I use the word love, but what I really mean is what we said, attention, actions, conversations and the whole scope of things I enjoy giving to others and have missed receiving in return.
My impatience and scars tell me that I wish for too much, and that I will never find someone who is able to give all that I choose to give to someone. But I've been trying not to let that little voice color my world. It isn't easy at times, it's a strong voice. But to see you say things that I have also felt myself does bring a smile to my face and make me feel good that I'm not the only one.
1 year ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - No you are not the only one. Actually a couple of other doms tend to right about their search for their other half. So you’re not the only man/dom either lol.
When I was younger I just knew my soulmate was out there, knew it. Maybe it was naive, like a little girls dream of her knight in shining armor. Now as I’m older I just hope he’s out there. Just recently a dom posted how there is not a perfect relationship/dynamic, everyone has flaws. It’s about how two people balance each other out. And I agree with that. So I’ll just hope my balance is out there and that I’ll find him one day. Until then I’ll keep working on me and TRY to be patient lol
1 year ago
MrMarlley - I have to say that for me, hope is a very disappointing and hated thing. But I do understand and agree with what you are saying. Myself, I have decided what I would like the most is to meet someone, become a friend with them, feel a little bit of a spark grow, a desire that is shared between me and someone else, and then let that spark become so big and so strong that the two of us can't ignore it. And like the other guy said, it doesn't have to be perfection seen at first sight, or a perfect person, it's just something good and healthy and wonderful that grows out of two people being themselves. And for me, I think I would have to be friends with someone first anyway because I have so many trust issues that a foundation of friendship would have to be there for me to allow the possibility something bigger to grow.
1 year ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - May we both find what we’re looking for
1 year ago

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