So my daughter was using my moms phone to watch letter and number songs on YT the other day…next thing you know I hear a woman doing a very obvious little voice- not just sounding high pitched but saying everything in an ultra innocent and playful voice👀I grab the phone and sure enough the subtitle screen at the beginning says “songs for littles”🤬nothing sexual being said but the woman was dressed like a little girl and holding baby dolls. I’m glad I caught it quick but still this is insane. this channel has 12.3 million subscribers and was being pushed by the algorithm in the KIDS part- wtf?!?! So YT most certainly knows and still has not age restricted it☠️
shit like this is just wrong. I love littles more than 99.9% of men on earth but that stuff needs to be here or in the bedroom, not in the middle of educational kids videos! It’s almost like somebody wants a healthy and consensual coping mechanism and lifestyle for grown women and their Doms associated with pedo BS so it will be further supressed and stigmatized🤡Fuck YT for many reasons (not just this- they censor many spiritual and political viewpoints) but this made me realize my kids shouldn’t use it at all. Just wanted to warn any parents on here.