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CreationPro- Where the Sexual & Spiritual Meet

Just some stories, reflections, & poetry written by a young Dominant man who has been on a breathtaking journey to find & walk in the Truth for several years now.
3 weeks ago. May 23, 2024 at 7:18 PM

So today I remembered how a fellow Dom here mentioned "taken in hand" as a type of Christian and my wife met through prayer and have had a TPE marriage since a month after meeting so it sparked my interest at the time but I never researched further due to how busy being a Dad and working is. I found a site called "domestic discipline society" and I was like "ohhh shoot other people get this too" lol. Sadly upon clicking on several blogs featured there, many if not most has been deleted by various blogging sites😐☠️


Really makes you wonder, doesn't it?! Mainstream porn sites allow all types of rape fantasy porn and don't get canceled by their ISPs (not that they should, that was my fav when I still watched porn and the girls agreed to do it), yet real-life consensual power exchange marriages are "too controversial"??? I guess corporations know that women submitting to their man, having children and caring for the home instead of entering the corporate rat race would be gave over for modern capitalism😵


I guess I'm ranting but that BS is lame to me. With that said, does anybody know more active/current sites pertaining to this type of dynamic? I've met a few subs here that like this kind of relationship but the false dichotomy of "spirituality vs pleasure" seems to keep many ashamed to be open about what they want. I'd love to learn anything from fellow Cage users, and want to encourage women who chose to be obedient to never feel ashamed because of the bullshit narratives aimed at them by the lamestream media. Much love to everyone who sees sex, discipline and spirituality as complimentary not opposites💪🏻🔥


Edited for spelling

7 months ago. November 13, 2023 at 7:31 PM

Just a young & anxious girl

When she received the call

Busy and idle all at once

But her idol was to fall

Her idol was a vague ideal

She never could describe

”Independence” was expected

Her parents they did bribe

”Go off to school, or you're a fool

We’ll even pay your way”

She felt confined to their design

Pretending she’s ok


But before her youth was stolen,

A force did interfere

”You won’t be owned by clowns or clones

But one who holds you dear!”

The end was near for fear & shame

And devils in her mind

Up came a Man with different plans,

For Him she was designed!


He listened to her passion,

He listened to her pain

He listened then he spoke so strong

With love that would sustain

”I know you don’t know what to do

For once neither did I

Rebel against this rotten world

But for me you shall comply”!


She saw her dim world start to die

& a wondrous one be born

She knew the sheep would not approve

Yet she no longer felt torn

She saw she can’t please everyone

The flock they must get fleeced

But she escaped that pen of sin

In His grasp she felt released!

Through pure control He healed her soul

From all its cuts and holes

”You’ve received your mission dear

With joy we’ll fill our roles”


And just a few months later

Her belly it did show

He held her tight, eyes full of light

“I knew our love would grow”!

Despite the pain, her peaceful brain

Was finally in alignment

An obedient wife and maker of life

THIS is her assignment!





7 months ago. November 12, 2023 at 5:34 AM

originally by the Cure of course but I love the energy of this Dinosaur Jr version. The beginning lyrics are reminiscent of the ecstasy of one’s first sexual experience, but then despite getting darker at the end it still puts me in a trippy but energized headspace…especially before it’s time to go hard in bed😜OR of course on the floor, up against the wall or wherever lol.

7 months ago. November 12, 2023 at 5:18 AM

Even before I had IRL experience with anything kinky, I knew from porn that pissing on a submissive girls body or especially in her mouth really turns me on. The taboo feeling of it mixed with the submission needed to do something most people would call gross was exciting…now that I’ve got an amazing sub I have done some water sports on her in the shower, and I love it of course…BUT I discovered a new way to have water sports fun recently, that I wonder if other Doms have considered or tried. 


We were showering together and we’re about to get frisky after- and I suddenly wanted to drink HER piss!😳not as an act of submission to her- neither she nor I would be turned on by “switching”….but as a kinky act of ownership over her body. As a way to taste and feel a body function that nobody else can or will experience with her. Also I just wanted to do something a little “crazy” that doesn’t involve sadism or pain towards her as she is pregnant.  And DAMN I loved it- didn’t even taste as strong as I though it would😂😜she was very willing but not overly excited about it at first, but after we got in bed following that, she orgasmed harder than normal even though it was fairly simple late-night sex! And by simple I mean no bondage or impact play, just me getting on top and stimulating her nipples (which gets her sweet breast milk flowing, and of course we both love that😍) so overall it was good for us both! I hope anybody who hasn’t tried this and has a willing partner gets to experiment with this😎

1 year ago. June 13, 2023 at 5:32 AM

I just wanted to see if anybody else enjoyed the CNC article posted yesterday a lot…I’ve already learned a good bit about this style of play but it’ll be great to share with new subs who haven’t tried it🔥💪🏻Tbh the part about (AGREEING IN ADVANCE TO DO SO, AND SAFELY AS POSSIBLE OF COURSE) getting your sub drunk or otherwise impaired to make it feel like you just kidnapped her from the bar or party was hot as hell for me😂should go without saying, but I’d NEVER violate SSC in real life but as somebody who used to get insanely wasted, I can see that being fun AND a surreal experience for the sub😜but also intense enough to make it a special-occasion thing lol. Has anyone here tried the intoxicated CNC before? 

1 year ago. June 13, 2023 at 12:05 AM

Over the last few days I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and talking to some really sweet and unique subs on here…when the subject of punishments comes up (and I’m talking real punishments right now not funishments), there is one that SCARES THE LIVING SHIT out of them😂👀☠️And no this is nothing related to physical pain…shit that just encourages a masochistic sub sometimes it seems like. Here is what they all were scared of, but my wife actually learned to appreciate this method-



“give me your phone babygirl…you’re not gonna be using it for a while” 🔥🔥🔥👀☠️

now THAT is what every one of them said things like “oh nooooooo I’d rather be whipped or anally punished” etc…here’s the thing- I’m only 27 so I’ve had a smartphone from age 14 on. I use it to do many things, including coming on the Cage (no pun intended..or maybe so😎)However, I realized that for a sub the constant addiction of being “plugged in” can cause MAJOR issues with obedience, productivity, respect, and many things. Taking it away from a naughty sub anywhere from a few hours to a week plus can hugely help re-center them, improve their mood after the initial “withdrawal” has passed and she gets super productive, and also lead to amazing sex when she realizes that she BADLY needed a break & wants to thank her Daddy🔥😍


Last point- to address any SSC concerns I’ll add this- when I leave for work I keep her phone on the table so that if her or our daughter had an emergency she can reach me. I’d also discuss this method with a new sub to make sure she consents before using of course- me & wifey are TPE and she knows she can always express any real concerns to me and/or use safeword so we can discuss calmly- which is NOT a general license to get out of punishments of course. 

with that said, has anyone used/had this method of discipline used on them? As many subs reactions attest, this one is an actual deterrent when it’s threatened, not an invitation for physical pain that she doesn’t mind! Hope everyone has a great night!

1 year ago. June 10, 2023 at 9:27 PM

the tsunami of submission

that she never could avoid

came crashing down upon her soul

leaving all darkness destroyed

wet and rocking back and forth

from methods He employed

the sands of time may wash away

but His strong hand fills the void


1 year ago. October 15, 2022 at 5:42 PM

A creature that she could not see

Was clinging to control

Forging feelings labeled “free”

That failed to make her whole


This creature said a peaceful soul

Was one big choice away

“To scream & bitch & whine is fine

But don’t use that voice to pray”


But praying hard is what she did

& Heaven did reply

“These burdens will be banished, dear

Just don’t look to the sky!”


Her comfort comes in flesh & blood

A human just like her

He’ll conquer every monster

That had made her life a blur


He claims her quickly, no more sickly

Demons in her head

The creature cried out as he died 

“With grief I must be fed!!!”


”For love is like a bomb for me

Submission like a sword

I can’t be her prince ever since

She kneeled before her Lord”🔥🙏💪🏻



1 year ago. October 12, 2022 at 3:29 PM

In the soft light of daybreak

They wake side by side


Her eyes still half shut

But she’s ready to ride


Each morning’s mission

To practice their craft


Milk flows from her nipples

& seed from His shaft


It’s never to early

For a day’s sexy start


Her mouth’s filled with cum now

Like joy fills her heart😍🤪


1 year ago. October 12, 2022 at 2:41 AM

Sticky seed across her face,

Occupies tears former place,

Daddy’s heat a warm embrace,

Numbness shall take no more space…


Holes are filled, souls are filled,

All goes as it should-


Princess picking up her crown

Her throne is the Kings wood!