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Chaotic and twisted thoughts of my mind

Hello all
I'm unsure if I should create a blog, my thoughts not all will understand, they may seem dark to some yet I find peace in who I am.
This journey is so very new to me and yet I am unsure if I will ever understand my self, yet I am finding peace and comfort in excepting myself.
I find myself writing down my thoughts that are constantly in my mind it helps calm the chaos.
I thought a blog may help me to better understand them.
1 week ago. January 17, 2025 at 3:02 AM

In darkness she walks alone
Her wolf reminds her she
Must let go
His wise eyes know the
Pain she holds
Sometimes quite yet
Sometimes grips her soul
She pauses and brushes
Her hand against his
Soft coat
It always grounds her soul
He is the only one she has
Know that has never let
Her go
He has forgiveness in his soul
He knows she does not
Mean to mislead
Or hurt any soul
Her soul old
Seen so many life times
So many stories unknown
She takes a deep breath
And allows her self
To remember she knows
Who she really is
Scars remind her of sadness
Of not being enough
Her black wolf nudges
Her and reminds her
Time to get up
Stand tall and strong
Pure and raw
Brush the dirt from
Your kness
Walk with me
Words whisper through
Carried through the breeze
Scars remind but the do
Not define 

2 weeks ago. January 10, 2025 at 5:20 AM

When a dynamic ends... 

Thoughts of a submissive 


Lifestyle dynamics run so much deeper than any vanilla relationship can.

We vet each other for months, we learn each other as much as we can.

We discuss our kink sides our needs, wants, limits ect. And through all this we gain trust and grow fonder of each other, our walls drop and we allow ourselves to be seen. We also learn each other's vanilla worlds, family, work, health ect.

Then in time when trust is earned by both, vetting has happend, how the dynamic will look we may take the next step together on this amazing journey.. As a sub you become our world, our main focus is to please you that's really all a true submissive wants is to be adored for who they are, respected and heard, but we thrive to make sure our Dominants are happy. So I guess I'll get to the point of what happens when a dynamic ends? How does it effect the mind of a submissive?

As subs we follow rules we have routines and structure that we find hard to give ourselves, it becomes part of who we are and how our day runs.. 

It could be they are the first one you speak to in the morning, they could have a journal they give to you each day, they may have a bed time, or they may have check in times, they may have poses they do each night.

There Dominant becomes there safe place, there grounding, there quiet amongst chaos.

When all that suddenly ends they are lost, they may wake up in the morning and go to do something and suddenly realise that world is no longer there.. And that to a submissive can be crushing, they allowed you to be there world and suddenly it is all gone and they are alone to deal with it.. The submissive who used to go to her Dominant with all her troubles, her tears when she was lost or overwhelmed is no longer there. She has to re program her mind to a whole new world, with constant reminders of what she once had.

I think my point to this writting is please remember Dominants that when you dynamic ends don't leave that Sub all alone to try to pick up the peices, her mind overthinks everything, she is probably going through so much self doubt about what she did wrong, or what she could have done better, she may not want to reach about because she feels she may burden you and she is no longer wanted.

Please even though the dynamic is over take care of that submissive, make sure she knows you are still there, help her through the process, allow her to cry on your shoulder, you where her world. Listen to her rant on and on.

In this lifestyle dynamics run so much deeper. And although we may act really tuff and unbreakable, the truth is we can shatter like glass.


Please note this is not a dig at Dominants by any means it is a submissives view and I agree that Dominants can need it just as much.


10 months ago. February 26, 2024 at 7:12 AM

She watches you
She craves more
Than he knows
She craves the beast
To take hold
She sits legs
Spread wide
She knows not to touch
Yet urges take hold .
She is hungry to please
She wishes to crawl
To you and bring him
To his knees
Oh she so wishes to please
To watch his eyes roll
As she pleases
Her body quivers
At the simple thought
She places her hands
On the floor
She glances his way
She starts to crawl
Her eyes never leave
His sight
She is prey crawling
Towards her Hunter
Her hunger grows
Each stride
She reaches his knees
And sits to please
She sees a smirk
He knows what his girl needs
He knows she wants to please
His hand placed on her throat
Bringing her to her knees 

11 months ago. February 25, 2024 at 12:35 PM

She is pure
She is darkness
Yet she is light
Her eyes bright
Her hart heavy
She walks
Under the moon
Lit sky
Wolf's follow her
Every stride
They growl
Nash there teeth
Her guardian's
They hold her
Broken peices
Out of sight
She is brave
She fears no soul
The darkness her home
Where beautiful lost
Souls call home
She walks among
The pure darkness
Of all lost souls 

11 months ago. February 19, 2024 at 5:20 AM

She kneels bound in chains
She wipes the the dirt
Stains from her knees
She opens her eyes
Wipes away the tears
And allows herself
To see the beauty that
Makes the darkness
Around her beautiful
Chains fall beneath
Her feet
No longer we weight
Holding her down
She moves forward
With a brightness
Once again in her eyes
First steps uneasy
She knows she
May stumble and fall
But she knows the
Girl inside is strong
If she falls she
Will rise again
One step forward
Three steps back
Stumble and rise
The journey holds
Many a beautiful
Thing once again 

11 months ago. February 19, 2024 at 3:54 AM


Challenge Accepted ... give me your best shot 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️

11 months ago. February 16, 2024 at 4:35 AM

Once a pure soul
She walked alone
The girl in white lace
With mud apon her face 
The darkness her home
The black wolf her
Only true guide
She left his side
To follow his stride
His movement mesmerising
Her bright eyes
They shine with intrege
She compelled to follow
His Lead
His every movment leaves
Her intreged
The world around intensifies
As she follows she finds chains
Her feet stop as
If stuck in solid sand
As she travels she stops
And collects the chains
His lead slowly distancing
Her feet can no longer
Keep in Pace
She is bound down
By the weight of
Chains she watches him
Fade away
Her eyes no longer 
Burn bright
Only to find
Chains that are weighted
And bound tight    

1 year ago. January 20, 2024 at 3:33 AM

When trust is broken
Words softly spoken
Lies whispered
Through deceitful lips
Every second spoken
Tears though the soul
And shatters it into
Tiny bits
Shards that shimmer
Now fallen on the ground
I watch the breeze
Slowly carry them away
Once I would have scrambled
To gather every peice
Now I beacon the
Storm to blow
Not wanting to re build
Allow the peices to flow
For what can not be whole
Can not be shattered
Once more
Into the darkness
She walks
It's her home
She hides behind
The shadows
To once again
Become unknown 

1 year ago. January 3, 2024 at 12:38 PM

Are there refelection true
Two sided mirrors
Where lies the truth
Or are they both
Distorted lies 
Do they blur
Or do the speak the truth
Do they change in time
Does the fog clear
Does one choose
What side of the mirror
Holds the true you 
Are the cracks
A reflection of you
Can u hold the broken
Peices together
Will they show the truth
Do others see the
Same reflection that
We seek to
If you flip that mirror
Will you find another you
Do the sides speak
The truth of the real you
Is what you thought
Just the distorted truth
Do the sides show you
The real truth
If cracked will you
See all the sides of you
When looking for answers
Will the reflections
Ever reavel the truth
Even if it is not
What one wants
To see 


1 year ago. December 29, 2023 at 7:17 PM

Seconds seem like hours
Minutes like days
She waits
The days toll
Lays on her mind
She wishes to leave
Her troubles behind
She waits
She waits for the Moment
He walks through the door
Where all of her troubles
Will fall to the floor
She waits
Watching the minutes tick by
She waits to again
Kneel at his feet
Not because she has to
But there She feels complete
She waits
She waits for his presence
To set her mind into release
She craves the quiet
That comes from
Kneeling at his feet
She waits just to
Simply knee at his feet
She craves the realise
She receives at his feet
She is never below him
She is never less
Yet She waits
To kneel at his feet