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The Grassy Knoll

roll around in my head with me
2 days ago. October 22, 2024 at 5:22 PM

nothing really explains 

that first intimacy 

with no hold barred 

and complete explosure between two souls 


we shared a phone 





there was no clear distinction between one diety or the other 


but the worship we held for 

each other 

was tangible 

sour sticky sweet

 and oh so real


nothing really explains 

why nothing gold can stay 

but we are held fast and tight 

to the human ideals that surround us 

and influnce our biology on a traumatizing level 

whether our hearts 

ebb and flow with the moon and sun we are 


here on earth

by the soil and salt 

until we are reclaimed

and made whole 

1 month ago. September 24, 2024 at 11:26 AM

so vibrant and alive 

maybe I'm smitten 

but maybe I'd never survive 

if you looked at me like that 


As if 

a sick and ridiculous dream

there is nothing

within me that could evoke 

such tenderness 

from someone like you 


how she can't see whats right in front of her 

should be a capital offense 


though you put on a good show 

there is no pretending 

as words on a page 

as soon as the literate eye is met 

deciphers and devoured 

deeply felt and wholly understood 

nevertheless we persist

fodder for my broken ego

and i'm sure yours too 


meanwhile, the slow seep of surrender is my ultimate betrayal 

it's always safer to place losing bets

1 month ago. September 18, 2024 at 2:41 PM

through the eons of existence 

the consistency of fate 

rebounds consciousness 


why can't that be what it is this time? 

total nonsense 




i'll hate you the moment you walk into the room 

my most ardent hope

that it will

melt away in an instant 

and i can hug you tight and warm

without puking 

or burping! 


anxious indigestion 


truly, i am the bravest girl in the world 

to allow the indulgence of human emotion

unprecendent and uncalled for 

But we forge ahead and through uncharted territory grasping for significant beyond the individual 



The Man 


A prime specimen of one, at that 

we aren't allowed to think about that! 

not anymore 

one thing at a time 



home and 

wealth care 


love only fits in where it falls 

into each other and ourselves and 


not through the cracks 

and back into the past 


if only a heart could break all at once 

rather than wilting slowly as a well tended flower 

each petal falls and another shattered panel of good memories has tumbled along with it 


where i had found peace and joy

for the first time 

was mirage 

illuysionary and 


if only people could leave well enough alone 

is it that impossible to depart with good intentions?


maybe something inside of me has been so fouled along the way 

this is as i am

1 month ago. September 7, 2024 at 3:50 AM

compounded down into a small enough piece

of mind 

that you carry with you always 

fulfillment in service 

of you


1 month ago. August 29, 2024 at 12:30 AM

there is something disheartening in knowing 

ignorance may be bliss 

after all 


cradled in strong arms 

father time has whisked us awake 

and far beyond the comprehension of mortals


there is a boundless nothing that 


the limited mind 



and packaged for return 

there is nothing worse 

than not being allowed back



where your heart knows that you belong 

is a place that doesn't 


on this plane 

no matter how far you 

might want to


grounding can keep 

eyes on the horizon 

and traction


propulsion can be 


while interaction

is beyond calculation


without form and 



a residual tone 

as it echos 

out to no one 



2 months ago. July 26, 2024 at 7:07 PM

allow me for a moment 

to yearn

for the slightest brush of your fingertips 

the remiscent odor of you having just left the room 

I need to replace all of these 



careful whispers 

with something new 


not recreate 

but pave over 

the painful bits 

under the guiding hands 

of someone who actually knows what the fuck they are doing 


someone I actually respect,

I guess 

3 months ago. July 23, 2024 at 1:10 AM

is it my heart 

or the compressions 

because as you bring me back to life 

you're killing me inside 

the dull ache that i'm so familiar with

creeps around the edges of your smile 

when you see it's me 

and it's teasing my tender heart 


my own fault 

for diving in

and knowing 

the depth was never there 


3 months ago. July 18, 2024 at 3:28 PM

they really aren't helping anything 

but there they are 

taunting me with our compatbility 


a day in the life 

of waking up to you

around you

and begging for the taste of you

to break my fast 

and sustain my morning 

hands around my skull

whispering husky nothings 

and allowing me to melt into your skin


as we go our seperate ways

throughout our responsible days 

the tease and taunt 

of appreciation 

for our respective roles


structuring time around your movements 


stretching the fabric of reality to align us entirely

while time maybe be a construct 

you are a monument 

to everything a man should be 


aware and alert

compassionate and flawed 

every inch of your soliloquoy has entranced me entirely

maybe it's just that I know what I want now 


and we're both a specific brand of desire 


and set to flow in full force by the end of the day

washing over us like a sigh of relief and we lay back and let the smoke encircle the room

blowing you out like a candle 

has got to be the best way to end the day

that I'll likely never know 

3 months ago. June 27, 2024 at 2:05 PM


maybe it's genetic

a long line of 





self important 

righteous and appointed 

maybe we've earned it 

though I am left 

rejoicing in solitude

while forlorn at the echos of my heartstrings


through the sorrows i've forgotten to keep track of 

washing over me 

when I least expect 

to need a break


yeah yeah

everything is fine 

dont think 

too much about it all

it'll happen regardless

and if I just do it

it would be done already

but if I'm doing everything 

including myself

then what use do I have 

for anyone else 

4 months ago. June 24, 2024 at 4:15 PM

is that I want to be the fetish


unstatiable desire

just me 

whoever that is