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The Grassy Knoll

roll around in my head with me
1 day ago. April 30, 2024 at 10:31 AM

Not that there's anything wrong with that. 

Solitude is where we find ourselves, 

or so the pensive like to say 

Being lonely offers you a distinct perspective


I'm not though




Slightly confused most of the time to be honest with you

Not really lonely though

Off put

by humanity as a whole 

would probably be more apt


Though I often find myself seeking connection

Life is much more comfortable without it 

Like missing your mom

when she never really acted like one 

in those universal moments where we all long for her 

the feeling doesn't prompt you to ring her up like some would never hesitate to do 


people tend to laugh a lot 

when I talk

or tell stories

but you would have to bind and drag me on stage to perform comedy

which is the same way I feel about dating now 

prospectives love to talk about effort 

"show me you care"

honey, I don't 

and it's going to take a lot to change that 


honestly the connection I long most for is community

knit bond together through sheer intimacy 

i find myself reaching out as much as possible to my people 

spread far and thin

because forging bonds out of desperation

is troped out for me 


There are humans out there 

I know 

Who could bond and relate 

But the exhaustion of socialization 

is something I'm reserving for game days and birthday parties at this point 

Reveling in briefness of expanding solitude 


1 week ago. April 18, 2024 at 4:21 PM

or the feelings? 

I've never really been able to determine 

the root cause 

though I am aware of some sort of dysfunction

as I like to say with music 

I don't have that great of an ear 

Definitely know when something is off 

Though not sure where to go from there


Maybe we try something new this time 

Grab ahold of the fear and discordant chaos 


Maybe we don't 

Peace and a chance to breathe


Delved into myself 

No one else 



Exerting their power 

However subtle and soft 


Constant distaste and dissatisfaction 

Through no flaws or faults 

Except my own? 

I am a good person

Who deserves love 

But does that mean I must accept all the love I am offered?

How spoiled a thought 

To have love enough to turn away 


As I think so little of myself to take whatever could be offered 

Because there will be nothing else 

that softens my gaze 

curls the corners of my mouth slowly into a reluctant 



but the need to evoke the romantic. On sight. 

Tripping over myself to worship them as one would god

Not the consolation of trust and attention





2 months ago. February 18, 2024 at 5:45 AM

inscrutable sweetness 


are the calm in the eye of the storm

sturdy and withstanding 

through the whiplash and misery 


second guesses 

coming around for fourths and fifths 

as I realize myself 

I want to guard against you


feels foolish



to trust that tremendous 


slip slide 

into safety


2 months ago. February 2, 2024 at 5:15 AM

I thought I had felt lost before 

flitting like a leaf in the wind 

aimless and void of life 

mere existence 


when your only comfort is that the past can be meaningless, if you need it to be 

it sets you adrift

over and over and over and over and over again

with no roots 

in soil or in mind 

how can you keep from



losing your way 


allowing space to feel

to heal

is foreign

and feels benign 

but here we are 

"doing the work"

trying new things 

hoping for new outcomes 

3 months ago. January 31, 2024 at 6:52 PM

there's no accounting for taste i guess 

there's nothing really keeping me from releasing everything that I've held back for so many years

out of loyalty



in an instant it all left me 

i almost don't even feel betrayed because if he wasn't ever who i thought he was 

then he was never the true object of my adoration 

i saw in him 


the crown he dared to wear 

brazenly in front of me 

preening and parading himself around as if I wasn't even there 

robbing me blind and getting me to thank him for it 


little does he know 

oh how little does he really truly know 

in all his vast knowledge of the reaches of reality 

the boundless void of his subconscious is formidable

the golden goddess is immune to blasphemy 

her existence, a rejection of perception

that which you cannot perceive 

you cannot blaspheme 


how quickly tenderness can be revoked 

what was once caring, and soft 

now lies hardened, flint-like

ready to spark

grit uniformed 

and controlled 


where grace once surrounded his name there is 

a well of hope 

that it's possible we never truly met 

but simply walked past each other 

on our way somewhere else 

3 months ago. January 29, 2024 at 6:04 AM

All we're all looking for 

is someone who's looking for us 

in all of our specificities 


and sadnesses 

and when they see us 

they know us 

and finally we can understand ourselves


Other people don't know shit 

Be alone 

and discover yourself 

so that you may gain understanding 

beyond the moment 

and carry it with you for the rest of your life 

3 months ago. January 23, 2024 at 7:03 AM

Desires are so indefinable. What I want from one person does not mirror what I want from another, or at all in some cases. So many people, in this community specifically it seems as well, know exactly what it is that they want. Unwavering. Staunch and confident, defined. 

It's not enviable, but curious. Not sure how observing those so far removed from my own process of existence benefits me but it's a good feeling, to see people be so sure of themselves and how they operate. I don't understand it, and I'm not sure that the same actions twice will ever result in continuity. The deep longing that draws me back over and over again is for intimacy and safety. 


The last relationship that I found myself in had an abundance of intimacy, but no safety. The one time actually became vulnerable, I was told it was "scary" and he didn't realize "things were really that bad for [me]". Not that he didn't believe me. 

I'm happy being alone until I find a medium. 

3 months ago. January 17, 2024 at 3:08 AM

of my goddamn time and energy 

it's really pretty pathetic that I thought you would be any different 

just because you said you would be

how inconvenient of me 

to believe you

actually give you the chance to be what you said you were 

how silly of me 

how absolutely delusional 


3 months ago. January 6, 2024 at 3:41 PM


intent on my own misery

and the full weight of desire 

no one really cares what you want

their interest is derived from their own self service 

how what you want

affects them 

and their effective collective 

differential is meaningless

when I can't understand any of you anyway 


wallowing around in the filth of feelings 


but I want to understand 

for once 

dissolve into knowing 

where no self is left 

and we can be open



and free 


4 months ago. December 30, 2023 at 4:53 PM

fuck off 

honestly, I would be honored if you would take offense 

to my salacious farewell

to your tedious and dysfunctional tendencies. 


I no longer have the patience 

to be kind 

and understanding 

when the situation warrants 

white hot 

righteous rage 


My resolution

a toast 

or a promise 

to this new year

and new life 

is to be a menace 

to all disruption of our peace