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Semi Sapient Sapiosexual

What does it mean to be human? Do you understand the root of your desires? The history of your kinks? The dark heart of your discontent? Man, monster, beast, god... which are youI?
1 year ago. October 6, 2022 at 1:49 AM

Enter me

And give forth

Your voice

From the source of your power

Speak into me

The language of creation

The book of life

My womb is calling



All that I can offer

My fields and springs 

The bounty of my breast

The jewels of my caves

The mysteries of ancients

In the gleam of my eye

The twist of my lip

The rhythm of my hips 

Have drawn water from stone

Life from fire and dust

Mountains have sprung up

Beneath my slightest touch

Come into me

King, God, Master

My riches to plunder

My bounty to reap

Only speak my name

And all will be yours