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In an age of relevity

Clog or blog? Have you ever had wants and desires, fantasies that you can't get out of your head, but been too afraid to vocalize them or share them with anyone, as you feel it may not be normal or you don’t want to feel shamed by those that may know you? Are you an incredibly sexual person that is very open minded and wants to explore and experience all of your sexy fantasies and a multitude of avenues of pleasure? via intense physical/mental stimulation and control. Thriving in an environment as you flourish in submitting and surrendering. To be able to, fully give yourself to One Who "understands" you.. listens.... To be read like you cannot read yourself and a catalyst on this journey to revelation of the releasing of power. Just words
11 months ago. May 13, 2023 at 3:28 PM

Spring is a time of new beginnings, of fresh starts and growth. It's a season that inspires us to take stock of our lives and make changes where necessary. In our world, this can mean examining our desires and behaviors to better understand how we can find and foster healthy power exchange dynamics.

For many, finding a power exchange relationship can be a struggle. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is assuming that there is only one "right" way to engage in power exchange. This rigid thinking can lead to missed opportunities and disappointment when a potential partner doesn't fit the narrow mold we have created.

Another common mistake is rushing into a power exchange dynamic without fully understanding ourselves and our desires. It's important to take the time to explore and communicate our needs and boundaries, both with ourselves and potential partners. Without this self-reflection and communication, we may end up in a dynamic that is unfulfilling or even harmful.

Stubbornness and ego can also be major obstacles in finding a healthy power exchange dynamic. These traits can lead us to ignore red flags and push past our own limits in order to prove something to ourselves or our partners. This can be a recipe for disaster and can prevent us from finding the fulfilling power exchange relationships we desire.

However, the beauty of spring is that it offers us a chance to shed old patterns and embrace new growth. We have the opportunity to let go of past mistakes and start fresh with a more open and flexible mindset. This means being willing to try new things and let go of preconceived notions about what a power exchange dynamic "should" look like.

Ultimately, finding a healthy power exchange dynamic requires self-awareness, communication, and an open mind. By shedding old behaviors and perspectives that no longer serve us, we can create space for new growth and opportunities. So embrace the spring season and all the potential it holds for new beginnings and personal growth

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