7 years ago. October 30, 2017 at 6:31 AM
impatient people go dry your laundry outside. save the quarters for a better place.
impatient people do the dishes by hand, the way your grandparents did it
Impatient people learn how to cook food from scratch and sit down to eat
impatient people go plant a garden so you can spend your money doing something else
YOU and YOUR potential partner may like.
impatient people even in an apartment, or in a tent in the woods you can still plant something indoors you can eat. learn how.
Impatient people. stop being imps. maybe stop being people.
be a humman bean in this here garden party.
Impatient people, learn how to value your your partners life, feelings,and time.
there are good reasons to take things slow to watch plants and animals grow.
you know.