As an online partner to a few for years, meeting first online I always became high off the feeling of meeting them after they earned my trust. the nervous system turns into guitar strings or a harp the last few steps onto a roller coaster ride that could break while your upideown and you're or world is out of your control. Mmmm taste that? There is in this moment no need for alcohol. The body has plenty of drugs all its own. Savor the flavor of trust of a partner who walks away without sex for that first weekend sending you back satisfied with sensation of skin touching skin senses shared similtaniously
Treasure the thought as I of the touch of knowing a partner years denying them touch, taste, smell of your skin and vice versa. Connect on a sensual level as a treat via smell similtaniously. Eat the same meal half a country away and fall asleep connecting on a conscious level waking to their call or taste. Something sweet they send you in the mail. Oh lovelies it can be done. Oh lovelies it can be fun.