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This is my blog dedicated to posting one proverb weekly. No I'm not very religious. I just like writing
2 months ago. March 10, 2024 at 12:30 AM

I really hope you didn't run outside to look. But if you did does it. LOL I love life.


Well, here's something I read quite a while ago. There's an article in the Harvard Business review. It explained how the colors red and yellow are key to successful advertising.

They performed a 2-year study on this. And with outstanding results. Prove the fact that red and yellow and advertising would definitely gain you more business attention.

How they conducted this test was they put people in rooms with computers and ran ads by them. Ones that were blue and white, black and white red and white green and white.

But the ones people most looked at were the ones that were red and yellow. People opened those links and looked at that website. More than any other colors in an advertising ad.

So they wanted to know why people would look at something that's red and yellow versus any other color.

Then they came to this astonishing conclusion. It was all based on a traffic light. That's right. I said a traffic light. Red, yellow and green.


We all know what those collars mean on the traffic light. Green is to go. Yellow is caution. Red is to stop.

So they figured after their testing that people responded to the red and yellow solely because the fact that they see it everyday is a traffic light. Where yellow is cautioned. So your brain automatically alerts you that yellow is a cautionary color. And red means stop in the traffic light. Your brain recognizes red as stop. So now your cautionary color yellow and your red color stop have cautioned you to the attention of the ad and red has made you stop to look at it.

Pretty awesome shit and then when you really think about it it's true. It's totally true.

Go online and Google iconic red and yellow business logos.

You will find is all the images you're going to see are very seriously successful mega businesses all with red and yellow logos. And red and yellows and all their advertising. And these are some of the most well-known worldwide companies that are majorly successful. I just found extremely interesting in the article.

That's all I have to say about that now. Go make yourself a red and yellow profile page and you'll get more looks. Lol that was funny. Have a great weekend!.

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