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The secrets I can’t keep

A place of therapy …. Snippets of me x
3 days ago. October 12, 2024 at 12:55 PM

I agree to meet at a nearby hotel …. I will wait at the bar…. My common sense and nerves get the better of me and after having a drink and not actually calming, I decide not today, I just can’t do this….. I turn and walk from the bar fumbling in my purse as I walk looking for my keys desperately wanting to feel the cool metal of the key….


Not paying attention to where I am going. I stumble and walk straight into someone, I grab their arm to steady and start to say I’m sorry, when I hear a familiar voice apologising ….. I look up and I’m staring you straight in the eyes. You lean in and whisper into my ear…. It looked like you were trying to leave me…. That can’t be right can it Zee…. I literally can’t breathe to speak ….you guide my body so it turns and walks back the way I’ve just come.


You don’t ask what I’m drinking you just order for me. I realise you’ve been here all along watching me. You move the hair from my face and tuck it behind my ear…. The feeling of your hand on my skin makes me noticeably shiver.

You’re not talking, not a single spoken word…. You are just watching me as I pick my drink and take a sip….

Your eyes making me ever so conscious of every movement I make… the feel of the glass against my lips… the slight lick of my lips as I pull the glass away… the rise of my breasts as I inhale from the sting as the alcohol hits my throat… the light gasp escaping my lips…… your focus on me making me overly aware of everything I am doing and slowing time down frame by frame…..


It feels too much I drop my gaze to give myself a moment to try and break the connection …steady my heart and brain. I feel overwhelmed my heart racing; my breathing fast I try to labour it… slow it down, my inner voice screaming calm down, please calm down….


I feel your hand on my chin as you raise my gaze once again…. Good girl you say as my eyes meet your own … I can’t help the gentle moan that now escapes my mouth….


Sounds like you want to make me happy I hear you say as the blood starts to rush through my body at pace again…. My senses feeling overloaded …. The low tone of your voice the closeness of your body…. Your hand just grazing my skin….I nod it’s all I feel capable of….


Take your panties off and put them in my pocket Zee…. I feel like my brain freezes … you continue to look at me all the same and I think to myself did he really just say that…. And for a moment I think it’s just my brain playing tricks on me… and then I hear you say don’t keep me waiting Zee….. I’ve waited long enough for them don’t you think…

I whisper barely audible can I nip to the bathroom and remove them please Sir…. You shake your head a mischievous smirk appears as I realise you’re going to make me remove them right here at the bar for you…….


You watch as I bite my lip and look around nervously…. You lean into me and say I thought you were leaving me Zee…. Give me reason to know you’re mine … that you understand I own you…. You don’t get to leave you understand that right?….


I whimper yes I understand Sir, as I realise you are punishing me… that you are only slightly but still annoyed you’d caught me trying to leave you …

And you were now going to make me understand how wrong that decision would of been …


Zee XoX

Makto​(dom male) - Love the imagery and the inner monolog. It is, for me, the most exciting part of the dynamic. Not to mention it turned me on a bit. Well done, you.
3 days ago
Zebrapouts​(switch female){Owned} - Thank you, nice to know others appreciate the imagery in a scene ☺️
3 days ago

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