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Travels and trials in my journey

A collection of memories and of future endeavors
3 days ago. July 23, 2024 at 9:37 AM

Good morning, fellow kinksters,

    It’s VERY early for me to be up this morning. Between a restless body and an even more so mind, sleep is evading me this morning. 
   Distant memories and close hopes keep my brain churning when it should be resting. This sends my thoughts down the path that it wants to go down.

   I’m awake. Would she be? Would she know that I wasn’t feeling right and come to check on me? Would she offer to cuddle and let me hold her, trying to calm my racing mind?

   I’m awake. 


1 week ago. July 15, 2024 at 11:04 AM

It’s Monday. It’s raining. I’m actually glad that it is. Work will be a bit slower. Maybe more time to contemplate things. I wonder about how it could be. What would be happening instead of the never ending treadmill of work/ eat/ sleep that is my existence now.

    Would I be still in my chair with a warm cup of coffee pondering things better left unsaid? Would it instead have me still in my chair but with a warm and loving body next to me? Perhaps her head in my lap as she dozes peacefully. Her lithe form curled up beside me. Her hand gently resting on my leg. Her hair soft and silky against my skin.

    Or would she be kneeling before me, eyes begging the unasked question…’Sir, please may I lie beside you?’ Of course I would have her there, but she loves to ask questions silently and awaits my patting the upholstery beckoning her to join me.

   Ahhh…Monday…..if only



1 week ago. July 14, 2024 at 3:42 PM

Good morning, fellow kinksters!

     This morning finds me in a very unusual mood. After playing with the band at a private party last night, I got home and immediately crashed out. I woke feeling rested and somewhat sorted out. 
  I’ve spent a fair portion of this morning roasting coffee and have really no other plans for the day. 
   It’s amazing to me the feeling of calm and peace after having played so hard last night and being so tired. A leisurely cup of coffee, me left to my own thoughts and a non rushed kind of day. I don’t know how many of you deal with anxiety like I do, but I can say this is the most at peace I have felt in a long time.

     I highly recommend that we all, at some point, take a break for just ourselves. Life is hectic enough right now….be good to yourself. And, as an added bonus, be good to everyone else. I think you’ll be amazed what a conscious decision to be nice to you will do.




1 week ago. July 13, 2024 at 12:47 PM

Good morning, fellow kinksters!

      It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and I hope that this finds you all well and happy. 
   I had intended to post every day and perhaps I should get off my backside and make sure I do that. I hope it will keep my addled mind distracted by good thoughts and great conversations.

    I’m excited today because my band is playing a private function tonight and I’m here in my garage reviewing songs. Music is what keeps me sane and motivated. 
    I do hope that you all have a wonderful day today and send an old guy some positive vibes for tonight!



3 weeks ago. July 2, 2024 at 1:45 AM

Good evening, fellow kinksters!

     I have spent a lot of time in my own head recently. As truly terrifying as that might sound, I’ve made some discoveries that I can’t explain but accept as a part of me, nonetheless.

    How did I come to know I was a Dom? Or, at least, being able to function as one to an extent? Looking way back in my somewhat addled memory, I found my self the day I discovered the Gor series by John Norman. Yes. I’m sure that was it. Reading the well thought out words of his led me to imagining pretty young damsels shackled at my feet. 
   Reading that series unlocked something in my mind that has lain dormant for quite a long time and has been awakened again most recently . Those images dance behind my eyes while the world muddles by out in front of me. People cannot see what’s going through my mind (at least I hope not!) and the flashing images. Most people would not understand what I see there, but I know most of you do. 
    Its freedom. From myself. From the world. I am who I am
and you are all who you are. We are, to my way of thinking, outcasts from mainstream society. We all like something different, and differently, than many people in the mainstream world today.

    How do you know? It’s a feeling, for me. Knowing that I am different from most of the people around me. Knowing that some on this site might feel the same as me. That’s how I know.




1 month ago. June 20, 2024 at 2:58 AM

   The smothering heat made her sweat run down into her eyes, making them burn most uncomfortably. Her hands were tied wide, much too far away for her to brush the burning drops out of her eyes, much less the strands of hair that clung to her damp skin on her head and torso.

   She whimpered slightly and shivered involuntarily at the thought of what she was undergoing. It was her choice, she realized, but still she wondered if she had bitten off a bit more than she could chew.

     The butterfly clamps bit deeply into her nipples, aided by the weight of a few small padlocks that hung on the glittering chains attached to each one. As she breathed and moved ever so slightly, she could feel the shifting weight pulling her poor sore nipples back and forth.

    She sighed and tried for what seemed like the millionth time to pull her arms and legs close together only to be denied by the ropes that bit into her soft flesh and gave so precious little. Between the heat, the ropes and the lush he had secured in her pussy, she felt like she looked like a ragged urchin absolutely incapable of being considered anywhere near pretty.

    He stepped into her view and she understood that he, above everyone else, considered her the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He smiled at her wryly and leaned forward to whisper to her. She felt the lush kick up another notch which made her body jump again and elicited another moan when her nipples pulled against the extra weight.

    She knew that he would keep her here and engaged and frustrated and sated all at the same time for quite a while to come yet. The clock showed barely 15 minutes had passed but the heat and humidity made feel like hours.

   She turned her pleading eyes to him and felt the uncertainty of her predicament when he smiled and answered her with one word.













1 month ago. June 18, 2024 at 5:10 PM

Good afternoon, fellow kinksters!

     In the spirit of being more optimistic, I’m thrilled for the end of this week. My band is playing live for the first time since December! And it’s fairly close to me to boot.

     If anyone is close to me in Michigan, please do come out and hear us! I’ll be happy to give details to anyone that wants them!

   Rock on!!🤘 🎸

EDIT:::: if there is anyone near Flint it’s the Corunna Rd Bar…9pm


1 month ago. June 17, 2024 at 10:31 AM

Good morning, fellow kinksters!

    Just a random string of thought here. I feel like I have to get it out before it fades away.

   Does her pulse quicken when she sees his name pop up? It does    
    Does his mind snap into a sharp focus when he speaks with her? It does

    Does her body ache and clench when she thinks of his touch? It does

    Does his voice gain that measure of strength and tone when he speaks to her? It does

    Does her hectic mind cease and let her float along the river of pleasure? It does

    Does his mind give him the same fluid calm that he gives her? It does

    Does their dance give them both the release from the daily cares and angst? It does

    It is what all of us seek and what some have already found. That gentle balance of what we desire and what the other side craves. 
    Does it give you hope? It does


1 month ago. June 17, 2024 at 2:44 AM

Good evening, fellow kinksters!

    With all of the turmoil lately and this being the crazy season at work, I feel like I’ve lost track of me. Who I am and what I am. All of my friends on both sides of the slash have mentioned that I’m not like my old self. 
    It’s true. I’ve lost the enjoyment of many things I used to love to do. Writing. Reading. Staying in close touch with friends. Studying. Learning. All of these have been pushed to the side with all of the other insanity that is my daily life. 
    I see friends, old and new, that I used to chat with nearly incessantly that I haven’t heard from in forever. It’s me. I know it is. In my own little self imposed exile, I’ve lost track of what and who I am.

    I long to be who I was. I miss the certainty of direction and clarity of thought. A quick breath and then back to rediscovering me.



1 month ago. June 13, 2024 at 2:37 AM

Hello fellow kinksters,

   I’m back from a brief hiatus to go and bury a friend of mine. It’s been a tough couple of weeks mentally and emotionally, but I’m back.

    I hope this finds everyone well and happy!

