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Journal Entrees of the Chaste

Detailing the solo experience of my journey with chastity included with all the trials and tribulations haha
2 months ago. February 5, 2024 at 2:34 PM

Hello all distant readers. 👋 This morning I decided to start a blog to journal my experience through my solo chastity experience. I am nowhere near an expert at this kink of life, but only a curious and ambitious participant. 


It's currently 8 in the morning and I feel so energetic. I don't know if that was because I unexpectedly passed out last night or my internal reward for denying my sexual pleasure. The past two days I've been easing myself back into chastity. This was my first introduction to this site

The Cage -"6 Weeks From Chastity Device Beginner To 24/7 Chastity Slave",82.html

and have honestly found it really helpful navigate getting used to the cages I wear. Furthest I have gone I believe is 7 days which I think isn't too shabby for a first attempt. 

This has really helped me discover a New Found Energy within myself. My main cage is a cobra from Oxy and a Holy Trainer V2 should be arriving in the mail today. It's short but I don't think I'll have any trouble with wearing it (hopefully!)

Most of my cages have also been translucent or vented as this new one is a opaque white which is exciting to not being able to see myself anymore. 

Today will be day three of my reattempt at this kink. Admittedly I have failed but it always pulls me back in so surely I can be good at it someday. Anyways I hope you've enjoyed this brief blog and feel free to ask questions and reach out and I'll do my best to respond! 

Until Next Time...