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Drinfear's Ravings

The ravings of the lunatic known here as Drinfear.. Various antics, advice and incidents that have happened over My 30 years living the Lifestyle..
1 month ago. April 1, 2024 at 7:53 AM

 YES, I 'consider' Myself a 'DOM'.. I have over 30 years now living the Lifestyle daily.. AM I? That is not for ME to say, it is what it is.. I have experience, but MY 'style' may not be E/everyone's 'cup of tea,' so to speak..  I accept this. AGAIN, it IS what it IS.. I have a plethora of experiences in My life.. Some good.. Some.. meh.. Not so much.. But I am evolving.. WITH the help of those in My life that push Me to be the 'best ME I CAN be'.. (My thanks to the PrincessFlitterP and the flitterfly for pushing ever harder..) 



 My ULTIMATE goal, and I write this as thunder is crashing in the locality W/we live in, is to be to be a leader in the Lifestyle I have dedicated My life to..









4 weeks ago. March 31, 2024 at 8:59 PM

 Sometimes in life people enter Y/your life, some that are HERE for the duration, some that come and go.. SOME for the better.. Some.. Meh.. Not so much.. No MATTER the emotional connection O/one might feel to another, NOBODY is perfect.. No RELATIONSHIP is perfect.. Y/you might love the individual in Y/your life with every fiber of Y/you SOUL.. But T/they will NEVER be the 'perfect' person.. NOBODY is perfect. PERIOD. Some may be perfect for Y/you, but that is STILL not absolutely perfect..  I am fortunate enough to have one that had an established History of acceptance, trust, and belief in Me. She has proven herself over the years together, and despite the times she had offers which I TOLD her she'd be absolutely CRAZY not to accept, I wake up to her smiling face because (DESPITE My original prejudice to her AGE, which I felt might be too immature to accept someone so much older than she was) she KNOWS the value of Loyalty, Respect, and Trust.. I am the luckiest Man alive to have this woman in My life, and I am forever grateful.. 



1 month ago. March 31, 2024 at 6:41 AM

 My Friend is, apparently, as Dyslexic as *I* am, HeyLittleOne, your film is actually SEVEN.. 


But just in case He was being ironic, My Friend, YOUR movie was The Secretary.. (LOVE James Spader)



 'The Universe can't handle ONE of Me..'


Thanks for the challenge, TKP.

1 month ago. March 30, 2024 at 7:35 PM

Music is My heartbeat.. Music always has the possibility of lifting Me up, or bringing Me crashing down, depending on the song, and I DO even have examples of songs that leave Me a blubbering mess (available upon request) This is the music that got ME ( a nobody with no direction.. I dressed like a Preppy, hung out with the 'hoods' and dated the rednecks.. [in My day, there were no Goths or Emo's, per se])


THIS song holds a special significance to ME..





Another song that made the dreary days almost tolerable..



(please forgive, I cannot seem to find the official video.. Though I DISTINCTLY remember it's debut on MTV..?)


Lastly there is THIS gem.. A Tribute to one of the GREATEST Guitarists of all time..






What do YOU have in the repertoire..?






1 month ago. March 29, 2024 at 6:57 PM

 Sometimes in life, people make an appearance.. Sometimes in life they bow out. Who's to say whether either is for better or for worse? Some come for moments, and vanish in the blink of an eye never to return.. Some hold on longer, until Y/you have learned the lesson(s) Life sent them into Y/your gravity to learn, for good or ill.. OR sometimes they are there to learn a lesson from YOU.. A new perspective on a problem that Y/you might mention in passing during the conversation, sometimes just as simple as a smile or kind word..  They entered Y/your life for a reason, regardless. Be it to kick Y/you in the ass about Y/your health.. To shake Y/you out of the rut of complacency Y/you might have found Y/yourself in, perhaps just to inspire Y/you to dare to dream again. 

  I recently had one of these angels enter My life.. She took the snow globe I was living in and shook the living HELL out of it, laying Me exposed, bringing to life realizations I didn't even know I needed to have. But it was a symbiotic lesson, she taught and helped, as did I with her, I hope. I can only hope the lessons she learned while here lifted her as much as her lessons lifted Me.. 


 I have returned to the Cage to continue to write and offer advice, on rare occasions, when I am able to do so.. 


Thanks for the lessons, Bam-Bam, you're always in Me and PrincessFlitterP's hearts..



1 month ago. March 24, 2024 at 5:31 AM

 I have realized here of late that some people do not know what has happened within the dynamic between PrincessFlitterP, FlitterFly and I. I'm here to say, nothing bad has happened between U/us, quite the opposite in fact .. Sometimes friends enter Y/your life, and Y/you hope it will lead to more, but it does not 'pop' in person, so friends is what Y/you decide to remain.. No hard feelings, and love GAINED from the experience, not to mention the personal growth, is incalculable.. FlitterFly IS Family for U/us and will ALWAYS have a place she can return to, SHOULD it ever be needed again.. 



1 month ago. March 23, 2024 at 12:30 AM

 Tonight, as a special treat, I made Sloppy Joes for dinner.. (pan seared buns with half a slice of extra sharp cheddar on top and bottom..) It was a BIG hit.. (Even one of the neighbors came over and refused to leave until she ate TWO sammiches..) 

 I DO confess it was NOWHERE near as messy as Taco Thursday where the same neighbor was SWIMMING in the grease I had not strained properly.. But STILL.. It hit the spot and was raved over by E/everyone.. 


Sloppy Joes from scratch (for those calling for recipes in blogs)

1 pound of ground beef, browned.. Season with several shakes of worcestershire sause, add garlic powder and onion powder then flip the ground beef and season it again before breaking it up.. Drain the fat as best Y/you can (Tilt the pan to the side and scrape the meat to the top, then use a spatula to soak the grease up works far better than it sounds..)

1/3 green bell pepper

1/3 onion (BOTH diced) 

squirt or two of mustard (YELLOW, not dijon, or it throws the flavor profiles off)

2/3 cup of ketchup for a base

3 or 4 pinches of brown sugar

2 tsp minced garlic (I disregard, this since I add garlic powder to the meat as it cooks)

(Tonight I added a small circle around the outside of the drained meat after it was drained of A-1 Steak Sauce, but this is optional)


After draining the grease, add beef back to the pan, add the onions and green peppers for a few minutes.. Let them absorb excess grease not drained or still present in the meat.. add ketchup mustard and brown sugar to taste.. stir to mix, over medium heat then serve. As I stated.. I browned the buns (mini hoagie rolls) and as they came off the stove, put half a slice of extra sharp cheddar on top and bottom to melt into the bread.. add sloppy joe and eat.. (BEST with a dill pickle spear.. the contrast is amazing and makes the entire flavor profile POP..)

1 month ago. March 22, 2024 at 4:46 AM

  Just a word of warning for those following.. I am taking a break from the Cage for a bit.. Dealing with real life issues sometimes does that.. I WILL be back.. I won't guarantee I'll be the same carefree and happy (??) individual I have been here thus far..


 Wish Me luck..



1 month ago. March 18, 2024 at 8:13 AM

 I've been in a somewhat reminiscent mood of late.. Somewhat, as PrincessFlitterP would call 'mushball' type of reminiscence.. I can't, and usually WON'T argue.. (what's the point any more, right?) But have a multitude of songs on My playlist (MOST of which were recorded before she was even BORN..) Here goes.. (I'm only allowed to list 4 at a time, and subsequent videos in the comments do not pop up, since I'm not a premium member)








For those like Me out there..




1 month ago. March 18, 2024 at 6:06 AM

 I'll admit, I originally posted this blog on another site.. A vanilla site designed for networking on cell phones, not meant for dating.. But the same intention applies to My life today as it did back in 2009 when I posted it originally..




 Once in a very great while, one comes into Y/your life. Rough around the edges, but still, giving that spark, hinting at the treasure buried within.. Some may dismiss such a treasure for lower hanging fruit, dismiss such a catch out of hand, and who could blame them for doing so? For those that do, who would regret such a decision, even for a moment? Who would ever wonder, what IF..? I have taken many such chances over the years. SOME have bitten Me in unforeseen ways, others have succeeded beyond My wildest dreams.. Again, this time, I have won at the mostly losing game, and beaten the House yet again.. From the jewel I saw when first W/we began talking until now, the changes are absolutely phenomenal.. Ask those that knew her before.. They'll tell Y/you, the changes are nearly miraculous..


 But all changes aside, all it took was honesty and someone willing to put forth the effort to show her, that something real was not just imagined.. It actually existed. Yes, she might still have moments that take her to the edge of her ability to reign in, and truth be told, sometimes she goes to the limits of where *I* can rein her in, but E/everyone has such moments.. After time to center up and cool off, though, W/we ALWAYS come back together, meeting in the middle, and facing the entire world stronger for reaching out to come back together in such a way..


 I have not been blessed by just ONE such gem, but by TWO of them.  I am SUCH a lucky and blessed Man..


 I GUESS the point I am getting at herein is simple. YES, it may take some work on the Dom's part to polish this one that happens across Your path into that glittering jewel that ANY Dom worthy of the title would be proud to have at His side? Is that reward not worth the miniscule effort in time and energy to bring out? Is the challenge, in and of itself, not enough to get You salivating to find..? NAY, to hunt DOWN such hidden gems Yourself? How boring must life be for those seeking and finding only those putting forth the obligatory 'yes sir' types? 


 This original post, in it's entire three parts are available on request, and were written 06/26/09 pn another site, but again, fit as much NOW as they did back then..

