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The Mages Garden

Whatever comes to mind. Poetry, rants, raves, delicious things...
2 weeks ago. April 30, 2024 at 9:24 PM

I think the bravest thing one can do as a human being in this current world setting is to be VULNERABLE. Open to the flow of life. Without attachments to outcomes. Without fear of rejection. Without worry. Without people pleasing. 


My idea of badassery in this stage of my life is in allowing myself to freely exist. Unburdened by societal norms. The manifestation of my heart is to have full acceptance from my significant other. I can remember attempting to date in the regular world. All these rules and regulations for decorum. Rules about when to call or text back. Men believing that showing too much interest and respect to a woman is off code somehow. Women settling for less than what they deserve because of that. Whole time many of those people are out of balance, don't know who they are and haven't attempted to understand the beauty of connection. 


I'm here transparent, boldly challenging my fears and speaking into existence what I truly desire for my life in love, success and everything in between. This is the beauty of the community. We who choose this lifestyle are brave. We are open to the very essence of life as we bare ourselves and challenge our minds and bodies for pleasure and purpose. And the commitment we have to the craft despite criticism is why it still exists. 


So, leave that closet door open and allow that monster to consume you. Believe in your worth and settle into people and places where this is celebrated.  If done correctly it can be heaven on earth. 


I seek my place in heaven with gratitude and an open heart. 


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