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daily life apart from bdsm

daily life
1 day ago. March 21, 2025 at 10:34 PM

my son went with his nana this weekend finally following through one of her promises I am glad he gets this time with her because she is dying she has brain cancer and with us moving he is going to be sad when it is time to say goodbye to her 


I just wish she took time like this time before her diagnosis to spend more time with him after she had her own kids


I don't think of her as a mom  besides her being my dad's wife 

I think I resent her and my dad because they both cheated on each other after being with each other after so many years 


I don't talk to my dad anymore because I don't want to be the only putting effort into this daughter-dad relationship 

I have always felt he didn't want me and now that I am an adult I still feel that I guess he just doesn't that relationship 


but I am glad that my step mom is putting an effort into seeing my son  

I have almost all the money for 2 tickets to leave 


my son is getting more irritated with his cousin 


he is doing better in school 

I only have to get my son his tablet for the trip 

I packed more stuff in vacuum sealed and put up and out of the way 


I have 2 book bag full of toys for my son 


I have to pay for 3 extra bags so I can take every thing 


my son keeps asking when we are going to be leaving 


I did an online job interview but haven't heard anything yet 

slowly taking time for myself so I feel better 


got my son off to the bus he seems excited for today 

packed away 3 vacuum seal bags of clothes 

going through all my things and throwing stuff away that I don't need 

I have 2 book bags full of my sons toys so he has some toys 


i'm feeling a little irritated with this whole process 

but I am bidding my time to leave 



I am slowly building up money to leave it is just hell waiting to have enough money to leave 


I have 65 saved up so far the bus tickets together is 168 dollars for 2 tickets 


I am also slowly packing away our clothes and my son's toys 


I plan on leaving as soon as the school year is over or as soon as I have the money 


I can honestly say I am scared and excited to be moving 


I have many plans in place just in case something goes wrong 


for the past 5 weeks my son has been telling me he wants to leave and go stay with grandma and grumpy 


I am honestly doing my best to leave but I also have to get both of our birth certificates and daily stuff we need month to month   

so my name is Angela and I live with my sister with my son and my sisters kids 

I have lived at my sisters house for a year I have watched my niece for a year without being paid I also pay $300 dollars in rent 


for the past 4 weeks my son has been saying he wants to leave but not able to leave until June bc need to make sure he has to finish the school year 


the last 6 months I have been talking to my mom about moving near her and it seems like my sister is trying everything to stay in this state and I am miserable so I am saving money besides what I need and what my son needs so I have been slowly saving money to leave state 

my hobby is doing diamond art paintings and my niece has ruined 8 paintings and my sister has said I should of put it up better but It was in my space and where her daughter has been told time and time again not to touch but only touches it when her mother is home 


I am sick of my stuff getting touched and her mom not paying me back 


the 7 paintings she ruined cost $89 dollars I am re getting them but putting them all away until I leave 


what would you guys do if you were in my position 

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